Sacred Name Vowels

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 For the Sacred Name of YHWH sound, please cleak here before you read this 
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There is a reason that scholars cannot agree on the sound of the sacred name, which is really a sacred sound, even though they have been studying this very thing for hundreds of years, and are still not 100% sure of the sound/name, even though the scripture teaches we can know 100% for sure what the sound/name is.

The difference between the choices between the Yeh, the Yah, and the Yuh sound is that two of them has an uninspired e and a vowel added between the Y and H, by a group of uninspired men
called Masoretes which added them to the inspired Hebrew text.

This causes the reader to make a different sound than they would normally have made when reading the unadulterated inspired YH as written by the inspired prophet Moses and other holy men that were also moved by the Holy Spirit.

There is a reason why the scholars have not conclusively proven the sound of the sacred name, and therefore they have simply made their best guess from their studies, and when all is said and done, it is still just a GUESS.

The scholars have been studying and debating this for hundreds of years, and not one of them, that I know of, claims to know 100% for sure. How could they know, because ones GUESS is as good as another one’s. There is absolutely positively no way that they could know for sure, when using an uninspired vowel point system!   

One of the reason is because they are looking in the wrong place, and working from my false premise that the sacred four letters needed some outside help in how to pronounce the sacred name.

Remember, these same men that added these vowel points followed the tradition of not saying the sacred name and therefore they would add a vowel between the Y and H, and the W and H, to make you say or sound something different, thinking they are doing good by protecting the sound, which is actually  the sacred name, because the sacred name is a sacred sound!

They should be looking for the sound that the sacred four letter name YHWH makes without without adding more letters!

Noticed that I gave you two of the options, the Yeh, and the Yah, which has the uninspired vowels between the YH and between the WH, but what about the unadulterated YH or Yuh sound?

There is a super big (major) HUGE difference between the Yeh, and the Yah sound which you get when reading the man-made vowels into the text, and the Yuh sound that comes naturally when just reading the unadulterated YH, without any man made vowels!

You will automatically get an involuntary vowel sound when sounding the inspired YH (Yuh), like the sound of the Father’s name In Hallelujah, which is handed down to us from our ancestors. You DO NOT add the u sound or anything to the inspired word, it is built in with the YH, and it will come out when pronouncing or sounding the YH as it was written by Moses, and that without any outside vowels, and the sacred sound will be just as fresh and clear as the day Moses captured the sound of the sacred name (Exodus 3:15) with the four letters that equals our English YHWH letters and it is sounded (Yuh Wuh) when sound the inspired letters without adding to them, and when you put it in front  BABES that ay learning to read, they will say the same thing, and then you will hear for yourself.

Mathew 21:16 says, “Out of the mouth of BABES and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” And there’s another scripture that teaches that somethings are hid from the wise and prudent (Possibly scholars), and revealed unto BABES, Mathew 11:25.

The Hallelu means praise, and the Yuh is the sound of his Mighty name YH, Psalms 68:4!

In order to find the truth, we must find and accept the facts, and that in itself is a fact.

# 1. In order to change a name, you must change the sound, because a name is a sound, that is a fact.

It is also a fact that the same people who added the vowels points to the inspired word, are the same people who followed the tradition not to say the sacred name, therefore they would add vowel points in order to change the sound of the sacred name to make you say something else. And when you change the sound of a name, you change the name, no matter how slightly you change it. Remember a name is a sound!

These people’s tradition taught the sacred name was too Holly and too sacred for people to say, which is contrary to the scripture.

They for the most part were successful in this, but there was one thing they could not do, and that was change the sound that had already went into all the earth through the word hallelujah (Yuh) and through the sound of the Father’s name that he placed in his prophets.

Example: they added an “e” vowel into the original inspired YH sound of the Father’s name in the name YH hoo daw to make you sound something different, because of the tradition not to say the sacred name (why wouldn’t they?), but the original sound of the tribe of YH hoo daw, without this added vowel had already been established, same as the sound of hallelujah today, and many unto this day still pronounce YH (Yuh) hoo daw from the original sound/name YH (Yuh) as in HalleluYuh! The ones that don’t, add the man made vowels to a name that already consisted of four vowels, according to Josephus who lived back then.

I believe this is why the All Wise Father put the sound of his name in the prophets, and Hallelujah (Yuh) etc and handed it down to us from our ancestors, because a sound is much more reliable than changeable vowel pointed letters!

Vowels deceitful

How do we explain why some pronounce or sound the YH in YH hoo daw as Yuh, same as in Hallelu Yuh, and some sound the YH as Ye, Ye hoo daw as in Yehovah?

Remember it is very important to understand that whatever sound the YH makes, is the Father’s name. Is it Yeh, Yah, or Yuh?

I personally don’t believe his name is YEH, or Yah, but that’s the sound you have when you add these uninspired vowel points. But if you leave it alone, a babe will pronounce it Yuh as in hallelujah, the sound that was handed down to us from our ancestors, and is an international praise to YH/Yuh!

What is wrong with pronouncing it as written by the inspired prophet Moses and others?

I believe the reason for the two pronunciations is that some added to the scripture, the uninspired vowels when reading, and obviously some stayed with the sound of the tribe of YH hoo daw and Hallelujah that was handed down to them from their ancestors. Obviously the ones that stayed with the original sound, paid no attention to the man made vowels, because they knew it was wrong and they trusted and stayed with the sound of the the name of YH hoo daw that was handed down to them from the tribe of YH hoo daw.

I know of no other logical explanation, and any child learning to read will make the same exact sound today when seeing the YH, Yuh, in YH hoo daw if you do not add the e or any other letter, but it you add the e, it is a whole new ballgame, they will pronounce it also.

The inspired YH did not need a vowel added to make it say Yeh or an a to make it say Yah, which I believe to be a corruption of the Father’s name, his name is Yuh as in Hallelu Yuh which means praise YUH, which is the sound of his name YH.

I guess the bottom line is whether or not you believe that the added vowels should be applied to the four letter sacred name, which already consist of four vowels, according to a scholar named Josephus, who lived during the time that the temple was still standing. The War of the Jews, Book 5. 5. 7.) at 7:30 Pm est Sat and 7:00 Pm est Sun and click on arrow at bottom

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