

                         INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE  

     A strong proof against the man made Julian/Gregorian/Roman Calendar is that it’s starting point does not begin in the heavens but begins with a man made imaginary line existing partly between Russian and Alaska known as the International Date Line (IDL). 

It is possible and even proven beyond any shadow of doubt that you will have Friday on one side of this line and Saturday on the other side of the same line, while both sides of the line are under the exact same evening and morning.  This is nothing but pure, adulterated confusion.

     You could have preparation day as the evening arrives on one side of the line, and the sabbath on the other side, a whole day apart.  Thus, when one side is keeping the sabbath holy the other side is keeping preparation day.  The following day these people will keep sabbath and the one’s already keeping sabbath previously will go to work on the 1st day of the week.  That’s enough to make your head spin. 

 Ask yourself; can the day be holy on one side of the street and not holy on the other side?

Only with man’s calendar does this happen.  You do not have this problem with the heavenly calendar of YHWH because the starting point exists in heaven. 

For example, if both sides of the IDL are looking at the moon and count six workdays and rest on the seventh, then as it gets dark, both sides will be keeping the same day, and both sides will be holy unto YHWH.  Just imagine the IDL running through the land of Canaan in Scripture, inhabited by   

YHWH’s people, the Israelites.  You would have Israelites camping on either side of the line.  On one side it is the sabbath and on the other it is preparation as with the aforementioned scenario.  YHWH does not work like that, because he is not the author of confusion.  The sabbath is the sabbath for all His people.



 Now, let us examine the currently accepted seven-day cycle.  People assume the weeks are strictly solar when in fact they have a deeply rooted lunar aspect to them.  The Scripture never mentions a seven-day cycle.  It is more akin to a pattern of rest after six workdays, and the new moon is not one of the workdays. 

You can prove this by picturing two people on a merry-go-round, which would represent the earth spinning and someone counting each time they came around.  This person represents the sun.  If one person is sitting on the merry-go-round and the other walks toward the way they are spinning, the one walking will see and eventually pass the person watching and counting before the one sitting.  The one walking sees the counter sooner and sooner, and when the one walking gets back to where the one is sitting; the one walking will have been counted once more as they pased the counter.

“A second objection to a fixed week Sabbath is the problem of the International Date Line.  In Tonga, the Seventh-day Adventist church worships on Sunday, because when a change was made to the line (evidently by the King of Tonga), Saturday became Sunday.  This makes plain the ridiculousness of drawing an arbitrary line of demarcation between our days.  History gives us several examples of this problem:

1)  In 1844 Narciso Claveria, the governor general of the Philippines, issued a proclamation announcing that Monday, 30 December 1844, was to be immediately followed by Wednesday, 1 January 1845.

2)  In 1867 Alaska was sold to the United States for what by many was then considered to be the absurd large sum of $7,200,000. The change to the American mode of time reckoning was put into effect by decreeing that Friday, 6 October, of the same year would be followed by Friday (sic), 18 October – a shift of 12 days due to the change to the Gregorian calendar, plus one day on account of the day change and minus one day for the relocation of the date line to the waters of the Bering Strait.

3)  A similar adjustment of the date line occurred in 1892 when king Malietoa Laupepa of Samoa was persuaded by a major American business house trading in that region to adopt the American day reckoning instead of the Australian (or Asian) day reckoning. In a fine stroke of diplomatic flattery this was put into effect by ordaining that the 4th of July in that year would be celebrated twice.

4)  The Kiribati adjustment of 1994/95 - The most recent major adjustment of the International Date Line was announced in 1994 by the government of Kiribati. This extended group of islands (comprising the Gilbert, Phoenix and Line Islands) forms an independent republic within the British Commonwealth since 1979. Spread across an ocean area of no less than five million square kilometres, it consists of some 33 small atolls with a total surface area of only 717 square kilometres. About twenty of these atolls are inhabitable, totalling about 85 thousand inhabitants.


For many years the International Date Line, that for historic reasons bisected the island republic into two halves, had been viewed as an annoying economic nuisance. The western part of the republic was always 24 hours ahead of its eastern part, and there were only four days in each week when official business could be conducted between both parts.

To put an end to this situation, Teburoro Tito, the president of Kiribati, announced that on 1 January 1995 the International Date Line would henceforth run along the many-cornered eastern boundary of the republic. It was only realized afterwards that the Kiribati’s most easterly islands would become serious contenders in the race of which place in the Pacific would be the first to greet the rays of the rising sun at the begin of the new millennium.

For more info see: 

Any map or globe that has the International Date line on it shows us the shortcomings of our modern way of calculating days.  In essence it tells us that man can determine when a day begins and ends.  If this is so, then really man can establish or set apart which day Sabbath is, and when it begins and ends. 

 In essence, man places himself in the place of YHWH as the one who sets apart, or sanctifies a day. Even if man did have such authority, the place we have chosen to place the line is inconsistent with the habitation of the globe.  Since the West met the East on the shores of the Atlantic, as the Native American's came over the Bering Strait long before Spanish Americans colonized the Pacific, a line to set apart the days ought really to be down the Atlantic.  The whole problem is solved, however, with a lunar calendar. 


By keeping this cycle and this calendar it is possible for three people to keep three different days as the sabbath, and all be right according to the Roman calendar “cycle”.  This is not so with the moon and the true, natural patterns of YHWH.  Consider the information taken from one particular article concerning the IDL as it relates to time keeping, including the sabbath day.



To prove the man made  cycle is in error just simply stop, think, and ponder.  The earth is said to spin on its axis every 24 hours causing a cycle.  If someone were to walk east toward the sun while someone else stayed still, then the one walking would meet the sun earlier and earlier each day than the one sitting still, gradually gaining time until they get 10 hours… 15 hours… and eventually 24 hours ahead of the ones sitting still; a full day ahead.

     Now if the one walking travels around the earth back to where the one standing still is, he will have gained one whole day, because he made an extra cycle around the earth while the other sat still waiting each day for the sunrise.  The traveler actually gained a sunrise at the end of the journey around the earth, even if it took twenty years to complete. This is a fact that cannot be denied, and given this fact, people keeping the man-made calendar cycle have serious problems.  If half of a group of people decide to go into the world evangelizing the good news, and they migrate around the world keeping the “seven day cycle” guess what happens. 

When they meet up with the other half of the tribe twenty years later, or their descendants 2,000 years later, they would be one day apart in their sabbath keeping, even though they have the same calendar and neither missed a beat on the “seven-day cycle”.

     Would you expect the travelers to go back around the world to get on the same day as the others?  Would you rather expect them to deny the cycle of six workdays counting the new moon in with the workdays, and just get back with the other half by losing a day and change the cycle they kept the last twenty years, or their ancestors did for the last 2,000 years? 

If someone left Israel and traveled east around the world and came again from the west, they would be keeping the sabbath a day ahead of those that stayed.  This would not have been noticed if everyone in Israel had migrated around the world and came back because they were keeping the “seven-day cycle” and no one could tell them they were in another day, and both days could not be the day YHWH rested on in the beginning.

Here is a good question

If there were two tribes that migrated east and west from Jerusalem using the seven-day uninterrupted cycle, their descendents would be keeping the weekly Sabbath on Two Different Days when they meet on the other side of the earth, even if it is two or three hundred years later when their descendents meet.

I don’t believe anyone believes that when the 12 tribes of Israel were scattered abroad they all went in the same direction and the ones that travel the East, they and their descendents would gradually gain time as they migrated around the globe and when they got halfway around the globe, they would have gained half a-day and the ones that migrated West, they and their descendents would gradually lose time because they are going away from the sun this is an absolute that cannot be intentionally denied.

If both tribes faithfully kept up with the seven-day cycle, when they or their ancestors meet on the other side of the earth, one will be keeping the day one full day apart under the SAME sunrise and sunset. YHWH is not the author of confusion and neither tribe would be willing to break their cycle because of their traditional count that was handed down to them from their ancestors. Technically they would both be right according to the cycle but both could not be right on the seventh day. This is an absolute.

When the two tribes have only traveled one quarter ways around the earth, this will put them 12 hours apart because one tribe will have lost six hours and the other will have gained six hours and they will be standing on opposite sides of the earth 12 hours apart, in essence the one traveling East will see the sun 12 hours before the one traveling west sees it. Then when they both continue migrating and their descendents meet on the other side of the earth, the ones that traveled East toward the sun, will be 24 hours ahead of the ones that traveled west and this puts them into two different daily cycles or days, under the SAME sun.

I don’t want to cloud the issue too much but if they were three tribes, one tribe traveling East and one traveling west and the other stays put, then when two tribes that were traveling East and West passed one another and their descendents met back to where they started from, they would actually be keeping three different days for a week Sabbath and everyone of them would be 100% right on their count but there’s no way they could all be keeping the right Sabbath day. 

This problem goes away with lunar Sabbaths because when they meet on the other side they are still watching the great lights and when the moon rises on both of them it will be in the same day.

The above holds true with people in the United States today, some of our ancestors came here from the East and others came in from the West and with the traditional cycle Sabbath, there's no way their descendents can keep the same day cycle.
to ask someone that believes in the continuous uninterrupted cycle, it takes a little concentration and a little common sense but is conclusive.
       Brother Arnold