

           The Dead Sea Scrolls Proves Lunar Sabbaths.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered by scholars to be authored by the Essenes, a sect in first century Judaism. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are a number of extra-biblical scrolls which appear to shed light on what this sect believed and practiced. Understanding what they believed can be helpful in determining whether or not the Lunar Sabbath was being observed by mainstream Judaism of that time.

Lunar Sabbatarians believe that the authors of these scrolls keep a Lunar Sabbath BECAUSE these AUTHORS would say things like the new moon will fall on this date or that date of a particular month, even saying things like the new moon falls on the 25th etc. this is conclusive evidence that they had to have had a solar only calendar in front of them and were showing where the New Moon would hit on the Solar calendar because the true new moon can never be on the 25th but is is always on the first day of every month, so they were obviously showing where the new moon would fall on the solar only calendar and that because the new moon was not a part of the solar only calendar. The same is true with the full moon and the true weekly Sabbaths, they also would show where they would fall on Julius Caesar’s calendar because they also were not a part of it eather, as the following will show. Anyone who cannot accept the fact that there were TWO calendars, the Creation Calendar, and Julis Caear's Calendar, is in a state of denial. And if you can accept that fact, the evidence shows that "if" they were observing the traditional seventh day Sabbaths there would be no need to mention where the seventh day Sabbaths fall because on the traditional every seven-day Sabbath calendar, the Sabbath will be on every seventh day, but if the Sabbaths and new moon days were by the moon, then naturally they would have to show what date they fell on the solar only calendar. This is an absolute.

Below is still more evidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Lunar Sabbaths. Again, as I said, the scribes are showing where the true Sabbaths and new moons falls on the solar only calendar. If the true weekly Sabbath was a repetition seven-day pattern, the scribes would not have to tell you where the Sabbaths fall, because they would already be every seventh day. Same thing with the true new moon/month, if it were a part of that calendar, they would not have to tell you where it falls . We do the same thing today, we lay our solar only calendar out and circle the days on which the true new moons falls, true feast days, and the true creation Sabbaths Falls. If the new moons and Sabbaths were a part of that calendar, it would be no need to have to say they fall here or there. We have to do this because the creation calendar, with its new moons and Sabbaths is not a part of Caesars calendar, therefore we have to show where the full moon, new moon, feast days, and Sabbaths days fall, throughout the solar year. The scribes were in a transitional period from solar lunar calendar to a strictly solar only calendar and today we are in a transitional period back the other way. The Dead Sea Scrolls are very choppy to say the least, and hard to read, sometimes even guessing at what it is saying and what should go where, but the very fact that they are telling you where the Sabbath and new moons etc. falls, proves that the true Sabbaths and new moons were not a part of the solar only calendar that was in front of them and therefore it is conclusive proof that they were keeping lunar months and lunar weeks with a lunar Sabbath at the end of the lunar week.

Noticed the language that is used when showing where the Sabbath and new moons etc. falls.

4Qcalendrical Document (4Q327)
Frag. 1 col. I
3 The sixteenth 4falls on a Sabbath. 5 the twenty-third falls on the a Sabbath. The thirtieth

Frag. 1 col. II 1 falls on a Sabbath. 2 On the twenty-3second 4 falls on the feast of oil. 6 Af[ter the Sabbath 7 […] 8 the offering of(Note: the feast of oil which fell on the 22nd, would not be by the Roman calendar.)

Frag. 2 col. I the twenty-5third 6 falls on a Sabbath. 5 The thirtieth 8 falls on a Sabbath.

Frag. 2 col. II 2falls on a Sabbath. 3 On the twenty-4eight 5 a Sabbath falls 6 on it. After 7 the Sabbath 8 the [fe]stival of the […]

Frag 2 col. III 1falls [on a Sabbath.] 2 The eleven[th] 3 on a Sabbath. 4 The eight5eenth falls on a Sabbath. 6 The twenty-7fifth 8 falls only Sabbath. 4 The second 10 of the month

It is obvious that there are two calendars being compared and the authors are marking which days of the solar only calendar falls on the Sabbath, in order to plan their schedules. We go through the whole year’s calendar month by month circling which days falls on the creation Sabbath throughout the whole year so we can plan out our Roman commercial work weeks and not profane the true creation Sabbaths and new moons when they come around. You would not need to say the 16th falls on a Sabbath if the 16th was a Sabbath on the Roman calendar because it is every seventh day regardless. The Sabbath that the 16 falls on was obviously a lunar Sabbath by the moon and was not a part of the solar only calendar and that is why they tell where it falls. They also used the exact same method with the new moons because they do not belong on that calendar either. If they had said the 16th falls on a new moon instead of a Sabbath, what would you think they were talking about? (meditate on that awhile) I would think that the 16th of the solar only calendar falls on the true new moon day which is not a part of that calendar, just like the creation Sabbath is not a part of that Roman calendar either.

When we were planning a vacation or perhaps we get a speeding ticket and have to go to court on the 20th and my wife says the 20th fall’s on a Sabbaths, that don’t mean that the 20th is on the traditional Saturday that comes every seventh day on that calendar because we are lunar Sabbath observers and were speaking of the Sabbath that is not part of the traditional world calendar that the court uses.

When we read in the Dead Sea Scrolls how that the writers were making calendars showing how that certain days of the lunar month such as the full moon or new moon will fall on the 25th etc, we know from deductive reasoning that there are two calendars in view because the full moon or new moon cannot fall on the 25th of the month.

I could see how someone might sit down in front of a Roman calendar and say that the New moon will fall here or their BECAUSE the New moon is OUTSIDE of that calendar and is not a part of it and therefore one might say the New moon will fall on this date or that date, or they might say this date or that date falls on the new moon because it is not part of that calendar, but I CANNOT see how someone would sit down in front of the traditional calendar and say the Sabbath falls on this day or that day UNLESS it to IS NOT a part of that calendar. They would be no need to say the Saturday/Sabbath fall here or there because every SEVENTH day is a Saturday/Sabbath, UNLESS, like I said these Sabbaths and new moons that they were speaking of, were OUTSIDE the Roman calendar, same as the full moon, and other feast days and it had to be made known where they would fall, it makes no sense any other way. I.e. The New moon will fall on this date of the month and why say the 16 falls on the Sabbath if the 16th is a Sabbath???? The New Moon is always on the first day of the month, you do not have to say it is going to fall here or there if it were a part of that calendar and the same logic applies to the weekly Sabbath, which falls on the quarters of the moon.

If the calendar they were sitting before was a 1 through 7 Solar ONLY calendar, which seems to be the case here, why say anything concerning where the Sabbath Falls? Why even talk about it? Wouldn’t It be common knowledge that it fell every seventh day? Surely everyone can understands why they would say the true New moon falls here or there, because it was not a part of that calendar that they were sitting before and when they said the Sabbath falls here or there, is because it was not part of that calendar ether.

We also see in the Dead Sea Scrolls where they were showing where other feast days fell on the solar only calendar, such as Tabernacles, Day of Atonement, Passover, Wave Sheaf, etc. fell on days not consistent with scripture and we know all of these are by the Moon also, same as the weekly Sabbath and New Moon and had to be shown where they fall.

The Sabbaths were by the phases of the Moon same as the New moon and the other Holy Feast days were, and not common knowledge therefore they could intelligently say the New moon or Sabbath Falls here or their but it would not make sense to say anything at all unless the Sabbath that they would speaking of did not normally belong on that solar only calendar, same as the New moon and the other feast days does not belong on it. It seems evident that they were sitting before the Roman calendar and pinpointing when the TRUE New moons and the LUNAR seventh day Sabbath Falls.

No one would sit down with the Roman calendar and plan out their Sabbaths and new moons throughout the year, saying, the Sabbaths fall here or their unless the Sabbath does not normally belong their.

It would make PERFECT sense to EXPLAIN that the New moon falls on such and such a date of the Roman calendar but it would not make ANY sense to explain where the weekly Sabbaths falls on the Roman calendar if they are already a part of the Roman calendar EVERY SEVEN DAYS. This alone proves that the Sabbath and New moon/month that they referred to as falling on certain days is referring to the Creation Sabbath and New moon appointments spoken of in Genesis 1:14.the

Examples, In scroll 4Q320 fragment 4 col. V1 says the Day of Atonement falls on the 6th, and the feast of tents on the 4th, Passover on the 3rd, waving of the sheaf on the 1st, second Passover on the 3rd, day of remembrance on the 4th, and so on. We know that these dates are not consistent with Scripture and the only explanation is that these were dates on the creation calendar and the calendar makers were showing where these day would fall on the man-made solar only calendar, possibly for commercial reasons.
I can show in the scrolls, if anyone is interested, where the full moon falls on days like the 25th and new moon the same way and we all know there can neither be a new moon or full moon on the 25th etc, no more than the Day of Atonement on the sixth. These men were in a transitional period, much like today, people will ask us when the Sabbaths and new moon are going fall this month etc. because the true Sabbaths and true new moons are not a part of these traditional Roman calendars.

Even many of the traditional Roman calendars of today show where the New moons and its 4 quarterly weekly phases will fall throughout the months of the year which the ancient calendar makers called Sabbaths, before the destruction of the Temple. We find in the Dead Sea Scrolls where this was being done, see above. Hardly anyone would ever wonders why the New moon and its seven-day phases appears on the calendar, after all WHO CARES? They mean nothing to us today, but should they? Why does the world care? Could it be that we still have the same type calendars today and they still show us where the new moon worship day falls and where the quarter worship days fall, but no one knows what they are for today our pays them no attention but when it was fresh the Jewish people would know what days their weekly Sabbaths and new moon fell on for commercial reasons etc.

After the destruction of the Temple and the religious Jewish people scattered, and the Roman solar only calendar had phased its way in, which no longer used the moon for months as proven by any good encyclopedia under calendar. The New commercial calendar just counted one through seven, over and over again and when they came to the new Moon worship day, they also counted it as an ordinary workday and continued the one through seven count and that’s what we have today because they’ve done away with the new moon day marker. People do not recognize the New moons and Creation Sabbaths/quarter moons that overlay on to the Roman calendar, should be kept, because of the traditions of men. The same type transitional calendars that these men worked on are still before us today but we don’t understand them because of the traditions of men.

Over time men realized that the moon affected many things including agricultural and assumed that this is why the ancient calendar makers were place their, showing where the New moons and Sabbaths fell but we believe it was originally for religious purposes because they also showed where the other Holy Feasts days fell on the calendar also. Those moon phases are still there on the calendar today but are not used for religious appointments as they were during the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls and as Genesis 1:14 where it teaches to let them be for appointments, was intended.


The scroll shows that they were NOT observing a recurring seven day weekly cycle, independent of the moon phases.

In the book of Philo and Josephus, speaks much about the Essenes. Josephus was a first century Jewish historian who wrote much about life in Judea during the first century. He goes into great detail as to how practices of the Essenes were different than others. He mentions everything from how the Essenes don't carry anything with them when they travel, to how they regard oil to be defilement. In Wars of the Jews 2:119-161, Josephus speaks of them in no less than 2000 words, describing over 100 characteristics of their way of life.

So did Josephus mention that they kept the Sabbath on a day that was different than the rest of Judaism?

Wars of the Jews 2:147 ... "Moreover, they are stricter than any other of the Jews in resting from their labors on the seventh day; for they not only get their food ready the day before, that they may not be obliged to kindle a fire on that day, but they will not move any vessel out of its place, nor go to stool thereon."


In this, Josephus even goes so far as to say that the Essenes are "stricter than any other of the Jews in resting from their labors on the seventh day." Does it sound like there was any disagreement as to when the Sabbath was? Wouldn't it seem strange that Josephus would mention that the Essenes were stricter in their resting from labors on the Sabbath but not bother to mention that the Essenes held the Sabbath on a totally different day than himself or the other Jews of that period?

The fact is, if the Essenes were keeping a different day than the rest of Judaism, Josephus wouldn't have been able to say that they were even resting on the seventh day to begin with. He would have to say they were typically resting on some other day and when I get to Philo, I will give the CONCLUSIVE PROOF that the Esseness OBSERVED LUNAR SABBATHS, same as the rest of the Jews and our Savior and His Apostles.

There is no record in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes disagreeing with other groups as to when the Sabbath was. In fact, there is no historical record of any Jewish sects disagreeing with each other on when the Sabbath was.

In another interesting note, Josephus speaks of one of the large towers that were built in Jerusalem:

Wars of the Jews 4:582

He writes "and the last was erected above the top of the Pastophoria, where one of the priests stood of course, and gave a signal beforehand with a trumpet, at the beginning of every seventh day, in the evening twilight, as also at the evening when that day was finished, as giving notice to the people when they were to stop work, and when they were to go to work again."

So his report is that a trumpet was blown at the beginning of every seventh day, to mark when the people should stop working, and begin working.

It’s quite evident from Josephus that the Essenes observe the same weekly Sabbath as did the Jews and after we see what Philo had to say, I will proceed to show that the weeks and seventh day of the weeks were Lunar, during the time of the Mesiah.


First I will give you some of what Philo had to say about the ESSENES and then I will show you what Philo had to say about the SEVENTH DAY and how It was by the phases of the moon and I will give conclusive proof that Philo also observed LUNAR Sabbaths, as did the Essenes and the rest of the Jews of that day. Philo wrote, speaking of the Essenes,


(91) “and yet no one, not even of those immoderately cruel tyrants, nor of the more treacherous and hypocritical oppressors was ever able to bring any real accusation against the multitude of those called Essenes or Holy. But everyone being subdued by the virtue of these men, looked up to them ….”

Note that Philo could not have said this if the Essenes observed a different Sabbath, they would not have looked up to them if they were Sabbath breakers.

Philo also sayds, EVERY GOOD MAN IS FREE X11 (81)

(81) “Now these laws they are taught at other times, indeed, but most ESPECIALLY ON THE SEVENTH DAY, for the seventh day is accounted sacred, on which they abstain from all other employments, and frequent the sacred places which are called synagogues, and there they sit according to their age in classes, the younger sitting under the elder, and listening with eager attention in becoming order.

Note it is obvious that Josephus Philo, and the Essenes observed the same Sabbat day and of course our Savior kept the same. Philo writes,


I. (1) Having mentioned the Essenes, who in all respects selected for their admiration and for their especial adoption the practical course of life, and who excel in all, ….

III (30) Therefore, during six days, each of these individuals, retiring into solitude by himself, philosophises by himself in one of the places called monasteries, never going outside the threshold of the outer court, and indeed never even looking out. But on the seventh day they all come together as if to meet in a sacred assembly, and they sit down in order according to their ages"

Philo Judaeus, The Works of Philo, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems) 1997.

We have presented enough conclusive evidence to show that the ESSENES observed the same weekly Sabbath as did Philo and the Jews of his day, including our Savior and His Apostles. Now I will show conclusive proof that Philo observed Lunar WEEKS and Seventh Day Sabbaths at the END of the Lunar weeks. See BrotherArnold's Philo article at


"… the sacrifices which have been preserved in the soul, which is illuminated in two portions out of the three, until it is entirely changed in every part, and becomes a heavenly brilliancy like a “FULL MOON”, at the height of its increase at the “END OF THE SECOND “WEEK”…

Please notice what Philo said in the highlighted. His readers and fellow Jews of that era or in those days connected the WEEK with the phases of the moon and understood that the “WEEKS WERE BY THE MOON”, and that at the end of the “SECOND WEEK” they would be a full moon/Sabbath. This statement needs no interpretation. The people in Philo's audience understood through common knowledge that the WEEKS were by the moon, same as in the Scriptures. If this is so then the sacred seventh day of the week, which comes at the end of the second week, must be a “FULL MOON” /15th Sabbath (See Psalms 81:3-6). Why? Because in many places Philo speaks of the weekly seventh day, and we all know that the seventh day comes at the end of the week. People would like for us to believe that the months were originally by the moon but the weeks were not.

Philo was making an observation of how a person can be spiritually illuminated to a full brilliance just like a full moon at the height of its increase at the end of the second week.

Philo did not count the new moon when counting out the weeks as the calendars do today. This statement is very easily proven from the writings of Philo because he states in other places throughout his book, that the full moon is on the 15th each month, and he also separates the new moon from the weeks as a separate feast day therefore they did not count the new moon when counting out the weeks. Writers today would instead count the new moon day in counting their weeks, but it is obvious from Philo that he did not count the new moon day when counting out the weeks. The reason we know this is because if the new moon day was counted, you would not have a full moon at the end of the second week because that would be the 14th instead of the 15th and Philo plainly declares many times that the full moon is on the 15th.

I have so much proof from Philo that it would make my post so long that people might not read it so go to for more proofs from Philo and if you need more you can e-mail me and I will send you all my notes on it.

Bottom-line is that it does not take a Sherlock Holmes to look at the Historical documents and prove that the Essenes and Jews observed the same seventh day Sabbath and that Philo the Jew observed lunar Sabbaths and our Saviour and the Jews observed the same seventh day Sabbath and then when we used deductive reasoning we conclude that in the Messiah and His disciples observed lunar Sabbaths. It is elementary when using deductive reasoning.

Brother Arnold

COMEING soon, many other proofs of lunar Sabbaths and much more.

See Moon Phases at to show moon phases past and future.