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2 seventh days in creation!
There Were two
seventh days in Genesis 2:2, one he finished his work on and one he rested on.
I can conclusively prove, to an unbiased mind, there was a new moon day BEFORE the first work day in Genesis
In order to prove there was a day before the first workday, we must understand what a day is in the Hebrew language.
The Scripture and the Hebrew definition teaches the Hebrew word for "DAY", IS A SPACE OF TIME.
It can be a year, Exodus 13:10, Leviticus 25:29, numbers 9:22, etc. it can be a month, Deuteronomy 21:13, and it can be a
week, Daniel 10:2 and of course it can be a day, or even 12 hours etc. If this is true, and it is, then there WAS A SPACE
OF TIME, which is understood as a day in Hebrew, when heaven and earth was created and it was BEFORE he worked
on his creation for six days. This proves there was a day/space of time before the first workday, i.e. space of time equals
day in Hebrew.
If there was a space of time/day before the first
work day in creation, this would explain Genesis 2:2 which teaches he was working or winding up his work
on the seventh day. It says that he ENDED/finished his work “ON” the seventh day or the seventh
space of time and we know he would not have finished up or ended his work on the WEEKLY seventh day, therefore the seventh
day, or seventh space of time that he finished on, was counting from the very first space of time or the new moon day and
then he RESTED/CEASED on the weekly seventh day after working on his creation for six days. He did not finish working on the
SAME seventh day that he rested in! He finished working on the day
before he rested, NOT ON THE DAY HE RESTED!
Genesis 2:2 does not say that he finished or ended his work BEFORE
the seventh day but ON the seventh day. There is a huge difference. There are TWO 7th days
in Genesis 2:2. One 7th day He finished his work in and one he rested on. The Septuagint says that he finished his work on
the sixth day and rested the seventh and I say there is no contradictory between the two. I will explain
this later. The reason I say it was a new moon day or first day of the month
in the beginning is because the first day of creation was the first day of the year and the first day of the month because
the first day of everything could not have been in the middle of the month or year because there was no year or month before
this and therefore the first day had to be the first day of the month and year in creation.
Now someone could
argue that it was the first day of the year but not the first day of the month because of the fourth day in creation but if
you will notice Gen-1:14 teaches that BOTH the Sun and Moon were placed or positioned in the heavens for seasons/appointments
on day four and you cannot intelligently say that it was the fourth day of the year and the first day of the month when the
Scripture teaches that both of them were set in their positions on day four for a calendar. I will prove
this later in this article but first I will show how it is possible for him to FINISH His work ON a seventh day without breaking
the weekly seventh day Sabbath!
The new moon worship day commemorates
the creation and the weekly Sabbath commemorates his rest after working on his creation for six days. I cannot think of anything
else that the new moon worship day could commemorate and all of his other worship days commemorate something, why not the
new moon worship day? And if the new moon day does commemorate creation of heaven and earth, it did not take place on day
four because heaven and earth existed before day four. Even the angels worshiped and shouted at creation when he stretched
forth the heavens. This was the FIRST day, or CHIEF day and all the other days FOLLOWED in session, i.e. there were eight
sequences of events in creation. The first work day of the week FOLLOWED the chief
day or new moon day, which I will also show later in this article.
The Sabbaths and new moon days are very important
worship days and at the time of Ezekiel the first work day still FOLLOWS the new moon or Sabbath according to Ezekiel 46:1
where it says that “the gates of YHWH’s House is to be shut THE SIX WORKING DAYS but opened on the Sabbath AND
day of the new moon, proving the new moon is not one of the six ordinary working days!”
month we have a replay of creation with the new moon worship day representing creation of heaven and earth and four Sabbaths
each month representing the rest after working on his creation for six days. This keeps us in memory of his great power and
mighty acts. He was proud of what he done and rightfully thinks we should be also. Hallelujah. Someone might ask the question, if there was a space of time or day when the heaven and earth was created,
before He worked on it for six days, and it was the FIRST day, why wasn’t it called the first day?
I believe it was called the first day when it says the evening and the morning WERE the first
day. The Hebrew word for were can mean FOLLOWED. In other words, the evening and morning FOLLOWED the first
day. I believe it was referring to the day heaven and Earth was created. In other words after the creation day/yom, there
were six more spaces of time before he rested the seventh day, which would be the eight space of time/yom/day. There was a space of times when He began working on his creation
by creating light and divided it from the darkness which caused the very first evening and morning and it was this space of
time that FOLLOWED the first day/creation day, or first-space of time.
This was the second space
of time but was the first work day/yom or space of time that he worked on his creation and this first day of the week was
the second day of the month in creation and this second day/space of time followed the FIRST or chief day.
It was not the first day but followed the first day. It was actually the second day, and then there was the
third day which followed the second day. This third day was not the second day but followed the second day. Then you had another
day that followed the third day, which was actually the fourth day. Then you had another evening and morning that followed
the fourth day which would be the fifth day. And then you had another evening and morning that followed the fifth day, which
would actually be the sixth day and then you had another evening and morning that followed the sixth day which would actually
be the seventh day, the day in which He finished his work, Gen-2:2.
Now notice carefully these two verses which
proves what I am saying. Genesis 1:31… and the evening and the morning WERE/FOLLOWED the sixth day. Ask yourself what day follows the sixth day? This is none other
than the “seventh” day from creation, NOT THE SEVENTH DAY OF THE WEEK. It was the day He finished on, Gen-2:2,
and the verse next verse proves it. It says, “thus
the heavens and the earth were FINISHED, and all the host of them. and ON the SEVENTH DAY He ENDED his work which he had made;”
(Gen- 2:2).
Now I ask you, what day did he end or finish his
work on? He finished or ended it ON the day that FOLLOWED the sixth day which is the seventh day. This shows the order or
the sequence of events in which they occurred. Heaven and Earth was created on the FIRST day/yom/space of time. Light was
created and divided on the SECOND day/yom/space of time, which is the day that followed the FIRST day. The firmament
was created on the THIRD day and it was the evening and morning that followed the SECOND day. The grass and
herbs was on the FORTH day, which was day that followed the THIRD day. The great lights were placed in the firmament on the
FIFTH day which is the day that followed the FORTH day. The SIXTH day the water brought forth and it was the day that followed
the FIFTH day. The SEVENTH day the animals and man was created and it was the evening and morning that followed the SIXTH
day. This was the seventh day of the month that he ended his work ON but it was the sixth day of the week because the new
moon worship day or creation day was not counted in the six working days that He worked on it.
Everything was in
sequence, one thing after the other. He then rested on the seventh day of the week which was the eighth day of the month,
or 8th yom/space of time in creation. Had the translators understood lunar Sabbaths, they
would have translated the Hebrew word for WERE as FOLLOWED as they did in… 1Ki 16:21 where it says, “ half of the people FOLLOWED Tibni the son of Ginath, to make him king; and half
followed Omri.”
Notice the first word “followed”
is the same Hebrew word as WERE in Genesis 1:5 which could have just as easily been translated followed and
then the verse would have read, the evening and morning FOLLOWED the FIRST day/Yom/space of time.
No one can intelligently argue that the Hebrew word for DAY is
not yom, which literally means a space of time. No one can intelligently argue that there was not a space of time before the
first evening and morning workday yom, i.e. heaven and earth was created in the beginning before it was worked on for six
days, this is a total of seven spaces of time or days, before He rested on the seventh day after six days of working on his
creation. He actually rested the seventh day of the week but it was the eighth day of the month.
He finished his
work on the 7th day of the month, Genesis 2:2, and rested the seventh day of the week which was the eighth day of the month.
The same thing happened during
the seven days of marching around Jericho, none of the seven days was the weekly seventh day. The seven-day march began on
the new moon day according to the book of Jasher. The seventh day of the Jericho March was on the six day of the week. They
were not making war and having a battle march on the weekly seventh day because the new moon worship days are not counted
when counting out the weeks, same as in creation.
Even the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges that the
weeks were originally by the phases of the moon and the new moon day/days are not counted when counting out the weeks. Look
under Sabbath and look under weeks. It says, “…… each lunar month was divided into four parts, corresponding to the four phases of the moon.
The first week of each month began with the new moon, so that, as the lunar month was one or two days more than four
periods of seven days, these additional days were not reckoned at all. ....... With the development of
the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and emphasis laid upon the significant number seven, the WEEK
became more and more DIVORCED FROM ITS LUNAR CONNECTION, …..it was merely a period
of seven days and no longer depended on the new moon.” 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia volume
10 page 482 edited by Isaac Landman under the article “WEEK”, written by Simon Cohen, The Director
of Research.
In the same encyclopedia volume
5 page 410 under the article “ HOLIDAYS”, written by a well respected Rabbi, Max Joseph, it says, “1. Sabbath
and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. THE
upon the LUNAR CYCLE. Both date back to the nomadic period of Israel. ORIGINALLY
the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath; gradually it became less important, while the Sabbath
became more and more a day of religion and humanity, of religious meditation and instruction, of peace and delight of the
soul, and produced powerful and beneficent effects outside of Judaism.”
All this and much more is explained in our free booklet, Proof That the True Weekly Sabbath
Are Determined by the Moon. Genesis 2:2 disproves the traditional seventh day
Sabbath because it has YHWH working on the seventh day. This problem goes away with lunar Sabbaths. There were TWO 7th days in creation, one 7th day from the beginning/creation of heaven and earth and one
7th day after working on it for six days.
Genesis 2:2 teaches that He ENDED/finished his work ON the seventh
day, NOT before the seventh day and he RESTED or ceased on the weekly seventh day after six working days. There are two
different Hebrew words for ENDED and RESTED, and BOTH did not take place on the same seventh day.
He ENDED or finished his work ON THE SEVENTH DAY from creation and then RESTED the seventh day of the week after six days
of working on his creation. I believe the FIRST space of time when heaven and earth was
created in Genesis 1 could very well be understood as the CHIEF day or space of time before the first workday of the week.
Almost everyone agrees there was a space of time in the beginning before the six workdays, some even think it was 1000 years.
Some think it was another Earth age etc, but at any rate there was a space of time which is called yom/day in Hebrew, BEFORE
the first evening and morning work day. And as I said, the first day of creation was the very first day of the year AND OF THE MONTH, i.e. the very
first day of the year AND month when heaven and earth was created, was call the FIRST day or in the beginning and everything
was dark because there was no light on this day but heaven and earth still existed BEFORE it was worked on for six days and
is referred to as FIRST day because after he created Heaven and Earth he began working on it for six days and when he said
let there be light and divided it from the darkness, it was then that evening and morning FOLLOWED the first day, i.e. it
followed the first yom/ space of time/day when heaven and earth was created.
The day that FOLLOWED the FIRST day
(or new moon day) was the first work day of the week when he worked on his creation but it was the second day of the month.
This is why Genesis 2:2 can correctly say that he ended or finished his work on the seventh day and it not be the weekly Seventh
day, causing him to break his own Law.
None of us finish or end our work on the 7th day, we end
it on the sixth day. If you count the evening and morning as being the first day instead of following
the first day, you have the Almighty breaking his own Law by finishing his work on the seventh day, Genesis 2:2.
In Exodus chapter 20:11 Moses tells them that in six days the Almighty
MADE heaven and Earth, and we know from the above that heaven and Earth was created in the beginning AND
IT DID NOT take six days to create heaven and earth according to Genesis 1:1. Heaven and Earth was created before he worked
on it for six days. Moses is referring to how the Almighty worked or
advanced upon His creation for six days and then rested or ceased the seventh day, which
would actually be the eighth day of the month, to the Hebrew mind back then.
There are two entirely different Hebrew
words for CREATE and MADE. The Hebrew word MADE can be understood as advanced upon, i.e. Moses is telling them that the reason
they should rest the seventh day is because the Almighty rested the seventh day after working on his creation for six days.
He is not telling them that it took six days to create heaven and earth because that was created in the beginning before he
moved on the face of the waters, that were already here, before he began working on his creation and said let there be light
and divided it from the darkness because the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, on
the chief day when heaven and earth was created and then he began working on his creation for six days. Again, in studying this subject we must understand that a SPACE OF TIME is called yom/DAY in Hebrew. A day/space of time
can be a year, a month, a week, or a part of a 24-hour day, it does not have to be 24 hours and there are plenty of Scripture
where a year, month, and week, are ALL called yom/day in Hebrew and this proves that a day is a space of time. If there was a space of time in the beginning, BEFORE he worked on his creation for
six days, then there was a scriptural DAY/yom/space of time when he created heaven and earth before he worked on it for six
days and rested the 7th. Therefore He would have finished up or completed his working ON THE SEVENTH DAY/YOM or the seventh
space of time but it would have been the seventh day/space of time from the beginning which is also the SIXTH WORKDAY of the
week. This seventh day or Seventh space of time is not the weekly Seventh day but it is the seventh day of the month. He finished
up or completed his work on the seventh day from creation and then He rested the seventh day of the week after working on
his creation for six days and this is why I say they are TWO seventh days in Genesis 2:2. The SIXTH
WORK DAY of the week at creation is actually called the SEVENTH day in the Hebrew text because they are one and the same depending
on how you look at it. Counting from the creation it is the seventh day and counting the day’s creation was work on,
it is the sixth day. Same as the 15th day of the first month is called the 7th day in Exodus 13:6 and the
22nd is referred to as the 7th day in Exodus 12, see my article on this at www.lunarsabbath.info. Philo, who lived during the time of our Savior, teach that they are two 7th days during the feast of unleavened
bread, the seventh day of the week that begins the feast and the seventh day of the feast. This shows he observed lunar Sabbaths.
I believe they are TWO 7th days in creation week, the one where He completed
or finished up his work and the other one where He rested. Scholars have been trying to explain why the Hebrew text says that
he finished his work on the seventh day, when they know good and well that his work was finished on the six-day and he rested
or ceased on the seventh day of the week. Lunar Sabbaths has solved this mystery. The Scripture says
in Genesis 2:2 that He COMPLETED OR FINISHED HIS WORK “on” the SEVENTH day and none of us believe that he was
winding everything up or finishing up ON the weekly seventh day. He never worked on the weekly 7th day at all, so how is it
possible that he finished everything up on the seventh day as Scripture says? The answer is He DID
NOT complete his work on the Seventh day of the week and then rest on the SAME Seventh day. He finished his work on the seventh
day/yom/space of time from the beginning or creation of heaven and earth and then rested on the weekly Seventh day after working
on his creation for sixth days. No one who keeps a weekly lunar Sabbath finishes
his work on the seventh day and then rests on the same seventh day and neither did he. This can be harmonized if you
understand there was a day/space of time before the first workday of the week in creation. The Septuagint
bears out that the first seventh day in Genesis 2:2 is actually the SIXTH day of the week and it is even called the sixth
day in the Septuagint but the Hebrew calls it the seventh day and they BOTH are right if you understand the sequence of events.
He did not FINISH "and" rest on the SAME seventh day. He ended or
completed/finished his work on the seventh day of the month or from creation/beginning and then he rested or ceased from EVERYTHING
on the weekly seventh day which comes after six working days. Ge 2:2 "And on the SEVENTH day God
ENDED his work which he had made; and he RESTED on the SEVENTH day from all his work which
he had made." I challenge anyone to try ending or finishing your work on the weekly Seventh day
and then resting on the same seventh day, without breaking it! Try ending your work on the sixth-day, which is the seventh
day of the month, and then resting on the seventh day of the week which is the eighth day of the month, and you will not be
breaking the Sabbath. Everyone should agree that the
first day in creation was the first day of the month and the first day of the year and when he finished up on the seventh
day, it was preparation day to Lunar Sabbath observers. Every month we finish all of our work on the seventh day of the
month and then we rest the seventh day of the week. There is a difference in ending something on a day and
resting on a day, if you do both you are breaking the Sabbath. We do not end our work ON the weekly Seventh day. WE
END OUR WORK ON THE SIXTH DAY, not the seventh day and then we rest the Seventh day. Therefore the first seventh day in Genesis 2:2 has to be understood as counting from the space of time, known
as in the beginning, and this is in harmony with all the other first weekly Sabbath of the month throughout Scripture
which always falls on the eighth yom/day each month.
Each month is a rehearsal or reproduction of the creation
event. Again, the new moon yom/day/first space of time commemorates the creation of heaven and earth and the EIGHTH yom/day/space
of time commemorates the seventh day rest, after working on his creation for six days. It repeats this every month and that
is why you cannot find a weekly Sabbath in scripture on any other day than the eight, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. This is just the
way it is. Do we really believe that He ENDED his work "ON" the weekly seventh day
or BEFORE the weekly seventh day??? He ended his work before the weekly seventh day. Again, scholars have been baffled
with Genesis 2:2 for ages. The answer to everything is simple if you understand Lunar Sabbaths and
that the very first day of each month, or new moon day, used to be considered sacred and commemorates the creation Day and
is NOT counted as one of the six ordinary work days of the week, see Ezekiel 46:1. The seventh day
that he COMPLETED his work on is different from the seventh day that he rested on. The first seventh day in Genesis 2:2 had
to be referring to the SIXTH WORK DAY OF THE WEEK on which he COMPLETED his work, BUT counting the first yom day/space of
time/new moon or creation Day/beginning when everything was dark, it is the seventh day. The other SEVENTH day has to be referring
to the day he rested on after working on his creation for six days and therefore you have TWO seventh days,
one he finished up on and one he rested on. Again, I don't believe the Septuagint and the Hebrew text contradict
each other. Notice the Septuagint teaches THERE WERE TWO THINGS that was done. It says that He FINISHED on the sixth day and
he CEASED on the Seventh day. This does not contradict the Hebrew text if you understand that he FINISHED
on the seventh day/yom from the creation and then CEASED on the weekly Seventh day.
I believe
he ended his work ON the seventh day/yom and it was BEFORE the weekly seventh day arrived. How was this possible? He ended
his work on the seventh day of the month which is always the sixth day of the lunar week and he rested on the seventh day
of the lunar week which is the eighth day of the lunar month. There is no other explanation that I know of. The solar only
month and the solar week will not work. Again, if you don’t believe there was a day before the first workday of
the week, you have the Almighty working on the weekly seventh day instead of the seventh day of the month! With Lunar Sabbaths we have TWO seventh days at the beginning of every month, same as it was in the beginning or creation
week and the Jericho March. We have the new moon worship day which is not counted when counting out the weeks but is still
the FIRST day of the MONTH and then we have six work days of the week, and the sixth day of the week will also be the seventh
day of the month and that is the seventh day from the new moon worship day that we FINISH our work, same as in Genesis 2:2.
AFTER the new moon worship day, we have the six working days of the week and the sixth work day will always be the seventh
day of the month and this is the seventh day when he finished all his work at creation, which we call preparation day. Then
we rest the SEVENTH day AFTER working six days and this will always be on the EIGHTH day/yom of the month/moon. i.e. we have
the seventh day from the new moon/creation which is preparation day and it is followed by the seventh day of the week which
is the rest day but it is also the EIGHTH/yom day of the month, just like it was at creation. You
might ask how can you have TWO seventh days in one week??? Philo, a Levite, who lived at the time of the Messiah, says there
are TWO seventh days during the two seven-day feasts , Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles. he teaches that the weekly Seventh
day begins the feast/15th and you have a seventh day that ends the feast. Even those who observed the traditional seventh
day that floats back and forth during the days of unleavened bread have two seventh days in the feast, counting the one that
ends the feast. The seventh day of the feast is not the seventh day of the week, same as the seventh day that he finished
on is not the seventh day of the week. Compare the Hebrew text and the Greek text. Ge
2:2 And "ON" the SEVENTH day God ENDED his work which he had made; and he RESTED on the SEVENTH day from all his
work which he had made. The Septuagint text says, "and YHWH finished "ON"
the SIXTH day his works which he made, and He CEASED on the SEVENTH day from all his works which He made.” Notice in the Hebrew text, His work was ended ON the seventh day of the month, NOT the seventh day of the week,
and he rested on the eighth/yom day of the month which is the Seventh day of the week. Again, this harmonizes with all the
pinpointed weekly Sabbaths found in Scripture and this is no coincidence. It is worthy
of notice that not only the Septuagint, but the Syriac, and the Samaritan, also read the sixth day instead of the seventh; Again, I challenge anyone to try ending your work on the weekly Seventh day and then resting on the same seventh
day without breaking the Sabbath day. I admonish everyone to end your work on the sixth-day, which is the seventh day of the
month, and then rest on the seventh day of the week which is the eighth day of the month, as was the case in creation. Again, Genesis 1, the Hebrew word for WAS or WERE could have been translated FOLLOWED making the first evening
and morning the evening and the morning the second day or space of time that FOLLOWED the first day/yom, NOT the English understanding
that it was the first day, but followed the first day, making it the second day/yom of the month. Also the word for DAY in Hebrew is YOM and simply means a space of time and there was a space of time when
he created heaven and earth BEFORE he worked on it for six days. This means there was a creation day/space of time before
the six days he worked on his creation. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the first day when he created heaven
and earth was the CHIEF day and that it was the first day of the month/new Moon day. Remember 1 Kings
16:21- the people FOLLOWED (were) Tibni. Notice the same word “were” as found in
Gen- is translated FOLLOWED in 1 Kings 16:21. The people FOLLOWED Tibni but was NOT Tibni therefore the Hebrew word for were
could have also been translated FOLLOWED instead of “were”, in Gen-:1. (the evening and morning followed the first/chief
day, it was not the first day but followed it). It was up to the translators and what they thought Genesis 1:1 was saying
and not knowing about the true Sabbath they done the best they could. First Kings- 16:21 has another word that also can be
translated followed. Brother Arnold www.lunarsabbath.info PS,
if it turns out that I am wrong in my assessment, and the evening and the morning was the first day instead of followed the
first day, it does not disprove lunar Sabbaths for several reasons. if anyone is interested please feel free to contact me
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