8 Days in Creation!

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Here are the facts. 

Fact #1. The very first 7 day evening and morning week in creation came after heaven and Earth was created, Genesis 1:1 – 5.


There was a space of time, [yom in Hebrew], (called day in English), in which heaven and Earth was created, and it was BEFORE the first work week, in which the Almighty worked on his creation and then rested the seventh day of this week.  These seven days of the week did not include the creation day, which is called “in the beginning” in English and ray-sheeth” in Hebrew. The word literally means FIRST or CHIEF Day, which I will deal with later.


 The creation day or chief day, in which heaven and Earth was created, was the first day of the month and was not counted when counting out the days of the work week, in which he worked on his creation. This is consistent throughout Scripture, see Ezekiel 46:1. 


 The new moon day is still the chief day each month! It is a worship day and commemorates creation when the sons of Elohim shouted as the Almighty stretched forth the heavens by himself according to scripture.

Fact #2. Yom/day in Hebrew is a space of time, and it is evident there was a space of time, in which heaven and Earth was created, BEFORE the very first week in creation. Therefore, in creation, there was a chief day [in the beginning] BEFORE the first day of the week!

 Fact #3. You cannot lump the creation day, in which heaven and Earth was created, in with the first day of the work week. The reason you cannot is because Scripture teaches that the first evening and morning consisted of 24 hours and these 24 hours did not exist until after the light came and the light did not come until after heaven and Earth was created and therefore heaven and Earth was created BEFORE the first work day of the week and cannot be lumped together with the first 24-hour workday of the week! 


Again, Yom/day is a space of time and there was a space of time when heaven and Earth was created. This space of time was separate from the 24-hour space of time that came about after the Creator made light and divided it. The very first 24-hour workday of the week consisted of evening and morning which had to come after the creation day/yom,


After the division of light from the original darkness in which heaven and earth was created, it produced a different darkness call “night”, or twisting away of the light in Hebrew. The reason the creation darkness was different is because there was absolutely no light in the stars or moon, as there is in the darkness of today.


Darkness is mentioned hundreds of times in Scripture but the spelling of the darkness in Genesis, before he said that there be light, is a little different than all the other places in Scripture except one, Job 38:19 – 21, and then it is talking about the creation darkness when Job was asked, where is that darkness? And do you know because you were born then, and the number of your days are so great, and that’s how you know?


The above was obviously a rhetorical question and my point is the creation day darkness was different than the darkness today which has a 24-hour evening and morning day. The Strong’s concordance will not help you discover this, you need a Hebrew interlinear dictionary to see the spelling difference.


This article will also show that when we look up the Hebrew word BEGINNING in Genesis 1:1, it actually means FIRST, or CHIEF and that the very first 24-hour evening and morning FOLLOWED this first or chief day, Genesis 1:5, and it WAS NOT the first day, but followed it!  

When you combine this information with the fact that there was a space of time/yom/day before the light came and was divided, producing the very first evening and morning 24 hour day, the evidence is overwhelming that the Almighty created heaven and earth in the beginning or on the first day or chief day, BEFORE the first 24 hour evening and morning work day of the work week!


 Genesis 1:1 would then be understood that in the first or chief yom/day, the Almighty created the heavens and the earth. Then in Genesis 1:5, when we understand where the Hebrew words for “were the first yom/day”, Genesis 1:5, would have been translated “followed the first or chief yom/day”!


 Genesis 1:1 would then be understood that in the first or chief (yom/day,) the Almighty created the heavens and the earth. The second thing that happened was the creation of light and its division from darkness, producing the very first 24 hour evening and morning and this 24-hour evening and morning FOLLOWED the “first” or “ CHIEF” yom/day in creation and then when he rested, it was on BOTH the eighth day as well as the seventh day, i.e. the eighth day counting the beginning or creation day and the seventh day after six working days of working on it!

 This is consistent with other Scriptures such as Numbers 10:10 that teach the new moon is the chief day each month and we know the dark moon was in the heavens, when they were created, before light came, and that day was not counted in with the six working days of the week, see Ezch 46:1. 


It would not make sense to think that the very first yom/day in creation was not the very first yom/day of the month and the very first yom/day of the year BECAUSE there was no years and months of time before this, for the very first day to fall in the middle of, or fall within, therefore it had to be the first day of the month and year!


 The first or chief day each month is the new moon day when the gates are open for worship. After the chief day, you have the first of the six working days, see Ezekiel 46:1.

Remember the Hebrew word for beginning means the first/chief day and certainly the first day of the year and the first day of the month are the first and chief day and the second day followed this first/chief but the second day was NOT the first or chief day or beginning day/yom, BUT FOLLOWED IT!  This is an absolute that cannot be intelligently argued against.


YHWH did rest the seventh day but it was after working on his creation for six days and when counting the beginning or creation day it was THE EIGHTH DAY.


There were “eighth” SEQUENCE OF EVENT’S in creation. (Ask for the free tape called the Sabbath in creation)  YHWH created the Heaven and the Earth “BEFORE” He worked on them for six days.


Assuming everything still works the same, the dark new moon day would have ended at evening at sunset. The light would have first came on in the west, in a setting sun position, ending the dark new moon day, and simontanously beginning the first day of the week! This happens every month, on the day of conjunction, a day in which the moon goes dark in. This day commentates creation! When this happens, someone on earth will be beginning the day of the new moon, as their sun sets!

Again, Yom in the Hebrew simply means a space of time and the following will show a Yom/space of time BEFORE the evening and morning that were/followed the 1st day/yom.  Remember, the Hebrew word for were/was, could have been legitimately translated "followed" and it would be saying that the evening and morning followed the first or chief day/Yom, instead of were the first day, i.e. the first workday of the week would be the second Yom/day in creation. Gen-2:2 says He finished working on the seventh day (of the month) and then rested the seventh day (of the week).


When we understand there was a chief day/yom that the heavens and earth were created, and the word "were" could be translated "followed", Genesis 1:5 is actually calling the beginning/first space of time, the first day! And it was when heaven and Earth was created. Genesis 1:1 refers to this space of time/yom as IN THE BEGINNING/first/chief. The Scripture teaches that the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep/waters. All this was “BEFORE” the light came and was divided, producing the first evening and morning work day of the week.


The six workdays when the Almighty arranged everything FOLLOWED the first day or creation day of heaven and earth. Then the Spirit of YHWH moved upon the face of the waters, and said, "Let there be light," but the heaven and earth was already here “before” light came He divided the light, (which He calls day) from the darkness, (which He calls night), then the very first evening and morning followed the first or chief day, but was actually the second day or space of time in creation because it FOLLIWED the CHIEF DAY before that.


There was a dark earth and a dark Heaven already here, and it is called in "the beginning/first/chief" or creation day. There was a space of time BEFORE the first work day of the week in which the heavens and earth were created.  I believe this 1st space of time when heaven and Earth was created had to be the first day of the month and year. New moon day actually commemorates the creation each month and the weekly Sabbath commemorates the rest after working on it for six days, a total of 8 days or eight spaces of time/yoms.  

 Most people do not know the word that is translated "were" in the expression "the evening and morning “were” the first day", the second day, the third day, etc., is the word “hayah”  (Strong's concordance, # 1961), as found in Genesis 1:5 could and should have been translated "FOLLOWED"????

This same Hebrew word was actually translated as followed in 1st Kings 16:21  The Hebrew word Yom can and does mean a space of time in many scriptures but it is not always referring to a 12 or 24hr day, which is also a space of time/Yom. It is not only used for day, but the same word is also used as year, month, and week in Scripture. 


If there was a space of time/Yom, when everything was dark in the beginning/first or chief, BEFORE He said let there be light and divided it, would it be too farfetched to say that the evening and morning FOLLOWED the first or chief day or 1st Yom/space of time/day?  


It would read, “the evening and morning FOLLOWED the first Yom/day (space of time or the BEGINNING)”, NOT THAT IT “WAS” or were THE “BEGINNING” FIRST YOM (because we know it was not), BUT FOLLOWED THE “FIRST” YOM, or space of time. (The 1st day/yom being the beginning day/yom that heaven and earth was created, BEFORE it was worked on for 6 days.) Remember the first day is always the first day of the month or new moon day every month. The very first evening and morning, that is caused by light and its twisting away, had to follow the first or creation day, but it was absolutely not the first or chief day. 


If the 24hr evening and morning followed the 1st Yom, then what was the 1st Yom?

Could it have been the Yom/space of time spent on creating heaven and earth before He worked on it for 6 days? Yes, and creation was the beginning day or first day in Hebrew.  

Scripture teaches there was a space of time before the light or first work day of the week which is a Yom/space of time, “before” the “second” Yom/space of time, which was actually the first work day of the week but the second day of the month. i.e. the second space of time, or Yom, was the SECOND day of the month/moon BUT the first work Yom/space of time/day or first WORKDAY of the week.
 Or should I say that the first WORK Yom was the second Yom/day/space of time, in Creation????? i.e. a space of time when heaven and earth was created and 6 more Yoms or spaces of time where He worked on His creation and rested the 7th which was actually the 8th day or yom. This is why no one can find a weekly Sabbath on any other day than by the moon.
To prove the Hebrew word for “was” or “were” could have been legitimately translated FOLLOWED had the translator understood lunar Sabbaths. I present the following verses to prove it and then I will prove that the Hebrew words for,
in the beginning, should be translated in the first or chief day, heaven and Earth was created.

 1 Kings 16:21says
, “the people FOLLOWED (were) Tibni.”  

Notice the same word “were/was” as found in Gen: 1:5 is translated FOLLOWED in 1 Kings 16:21.  The people FOLLOWED Tibni but the people was NOT Tibni and the translators knew this so they used the word followed and could have done the same in Genesis if they had understood lunar Sabbaths and therefore the Hebrew word for was/were could have also been translated FOLLOWED instead of “was/were”, in Gen-:1:5.  WHAT IF the translators had an understanding of Lunar Sabbaths as being on the 8th, 15th, etc, they could have just as easily translated Gen-1:5 and said the evening and morning FOLLOWED the first/chief/BEGINNING/Yom/day instead of “were” the 1st BEGINNING yom/day, same as they did in the above verses where the same word is used?   

REMEMBER this, the second day was NOT the BEGINNING or first day, but followed it. This would mean that the 1st work day/Yom FOLLOWED the dark Yom/space of time when heaven and earth was created.  This would explain Genesis 2:2 where it teaches that the Almighty stopped working On the seventh day of the month or seventh day from the beginning and then rested the seventh day of the week. He did not cease or stop working on the seventh day of the week and neither do we. We stop working on the seventh day of the month or preparation day for the seventh day of the week.


The Almighty did not finish his work on the same seventh day that he rested in! And neither do we. If the scholars had known the dark space of time, known as the beginning/first/chief, before the first work day of the week and that YHWH rested on the seventh day, as in all the other places that you can pinpoint a Sabbath in the scripture, AND THAT IT WAS  ALWAYS ON THE 8TH, 15TH, 22ND, OR 29TH of the moon. They would have translated this word as "followed" instead of were, and therefore the Sabbath day rest would be on the 8th of the moon, same as all the other places in scripture.  Lamentation 2:6 teaches He caused the Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion. Had this not happened it would then read like this, the evening and morning, (that light was divided), followed the first/chief day or creation day [which was the first day of the month] (Yom in Hebrew meaning a space of time) i.e. the first evening and morning work day FOLLOWED the first/chief YOM/space of time or New Moon Yom/day.  The first workday of the week would actually be the 2nd YOM/day of the month/moon and the FIRST work day of the 7 day week. 

This shows the logical sequence of events that took place. Remember there were 8 sequence of events counting the creation of heaven and earth as the (first event) and it was worked on for 6 days (6 more events) a total of 7 events and when He rested on the 7th day after working on His creation for 6 days, it was the 8th event/yom or 8th thing He done. i.e. the first day of the work week FOLLOWED the first/chief day or New moon creation day Yom BUT it was the SECOND day of the month/moon. Then the second day of the work week FOLLOWED the first workday of the week BUT it was the THIRD day of the month/moon and so forth. This puts Him resting on the seventh day of the week and the eight day of the month. This puts Him finishing up on the seventh day of the month, Gen 2:2, and resting the seventh day of the week. He rested on both the seventh and eighth day, depending on how you count.

 Again, if the evening and morning followed the very 1st day instead of was the first day, then in reality it was the 2nd day of the moon or 2ND space of time/day that you are in. It would be the day/Yom that followed the first Yom and it would be the FIRST WORK DAY OF THE WEEK and following this translation of the Hebrew word for “were”, up to the 6th day, the evening and morning that followed the 6th day would actually be the 7th day from the beginning, the day he finished on, but would be the sixth work day of the week/preparation and when He finished His work on this 7th day of the moon, which is actually the evening and morning that followed the sixth day, He then rested the next day which is the 7th day of week and the eighth day of the moon.  It would be a Sabbath of rest because IT FOLLOWED the six work days, but it would be the 8th day from the beginning, or dark moon in the dark beginning.


This explains how he FINISHED up or completed his work “ON” the seventh day in Genesis 2:2 without breaking Sabbath and then ceased/rested the weekly seventh day and did nothing on the weekly seventh day that came AFTER six work days.


There are TWO seventh days in Genesis 2:2, one He finished up on, the seventh day counting from the beginning, and then rested on the seventh day after six days of working on His creation. The seventh day is also the eighth day! Sounds odd to say the seventh day is the eighth day but each month the weekly seventh day is the eighth day of the month because the new moon worship day is not counted in with the week, see Ezekiel 46:1.

The main thing to remember is the New moon is not one of the six workdays of the week, Ezech-46:1, neither was it in the beginning, and from the examples in the Scriptures it never was to be counted as one of the six working days in which one can buy and sell and do all their work, and after the beginning or New moon worship day, the first workday of the week would begin and the seventh day will be the eighth day OF THE MOON just like in Isa 66:23 "from one Sabbath to another"  is eight days with six work days in between same as from New moon to 1st Sabbath is the eight day but is the seventh day after six working days but the eight day counting from the dark moon. 


 Ge 2:2 “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made (this 7th day is the 7th day of the moon); and he rested on the seventh day (this 7th day is the weekly 7th day after 6 work days) from all his work which he had made.”  

One could and probably will try to argue that the creation of heaven and Earth “yom” is lumped together with the creation of light and its division but the very first evening and morning was a 24-hour day that FOLLOWED or came after the creation day because you CAN NOT have evening and morning without light and light did not happen until AFTER the creation of heaven and Earth space of time and therefore you cannot lump the two together!


 Evening and morning came after heaven and Earth were created therefore they, [evening and morning], followed the creation day or the first day!


 After proving there was a space of time/day before the first 24-hour evening and morning 24-hour day, one might still try to argue that the evening and morning WAS or WERE the first day instead of FOLLOWED the first day but the Hebrew word for IN THE BEGINNING is literally IN THE FIRST or IN THE CHIEF day that the Almighty created the heavens and earth, before there was any light in which to have an evening and morning.  How could the creation of light and its division of light and darkness, which happens in the second space of time/day, be the first day or first space of time??? 


Secondly, how could the division of light and darkness 24-hour day, be the CHIEF day or space of time, above the creation of heaven and Earth space of time???


 The truth of the matter is that the creation of heaven and Earth IS THE CHIEF DAY, NOT the first 24-hour day when light and darkness was divided!

Remember the Hebrew word for IN THE BEGINNING is referring to the “first or chief” yom or space of time/day and can even mean principle space of time/day, Proverbs 4:7, and this all happened before the very first 24-hour evening and morning space of time, which is actually the second day or space of time.

CONCLUSION and Scripture showing the Hebrew word for beginning actually means first or chief.

First of all heaven and earth was not created in six days. Heaven and earth was created first or in the beginning/first day, BEFORE it was worked on for six days. It did not take Him six days to create heaven and earth but He did work on them for six days. Remember heaven and Earth was here before He made the light on the first work day of the week!

When Moses said, for in six days the Almighty MADE heaven and earth, the Hebrew word for “made” is entirely different from the Hebrew word for “created”, it does not even have the word create as an option in the Hebrew definition of “made”. The Hebrew definition for made can mean appointed or advanced upon, dressed, trim.  Heaven and earth was present in the beginning when he moved or advanced upon the face of the waters and said let there be light etc., heaven and Earth was already here and did not take six days to create them. The Almighty did not work or advanced upon heaven and Earth for six days until AFTER he created them! 


There is nothing that says that heaven and earth was CREATED in six days. The Scripture teaches that it was MADE/DRESSED or worked on for six days but heaven and Earth was here before it was worked on for six days.   Heaven and earth was created first and then worked on for six days. In the "beginning" is a Yom/day or space of time all by its self. This space of time took place BEFORE the first 24-hour evening and morning workday Yom/space of time. And that happened after he created light and you cannot have a 24-hour evening and morning without light and light did not come until after the creation day!


Therefore this 24-hour evening and morning day cannot be lumped in with the creation day space of time, especially since there was no light in creation day to cause an evening or morning! 

The 24-hour evening and morning day FOLLOWED the first day/yom, it was not the first day but followed it. Actually there were “eight” Yoms/Days or spaces of time in Genesis, one FOLLOWING the other.


 The Hebrew definition of the word for in the “BEGINNING” shows that it is a Yom all by itself same as the new moon is a Yom all by its self and was not counted in counting out the weeks.

Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
7225. re'shiythtyvar re'shiyth
ray-sheeth' from the same as 7218; the first, in place, time, order or rank (specifically, a firstfruit):--beginning, chief(-est), first(-fruits, part, time), principal thing


The above Hebrew definition of “BEGINNING” literally means FIRST or CHIEF and it was a space of time/day/Yom. Therefore it was the first day in creation and the evening and morning day followed it, but WAS NOT IT.  


Numbers 10:10 talks about the BEGINNING of your months and is from the same Hebrew word. See Hebrew 7218 Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
7218. ro'sh

var ro'sh
roshe from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.):--band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, X every (man), excellent, first, forefront, ((be-))head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), X lead, X poor, principal, ruler, sum, top.” 

Here are just a few places were the Hebrew words for “beginning” literally mean “FIRST”, “CHIEF”, and is understood as saying, in the “first” or “chief”, referring to the very first space of time/yom. It would then read, “FIRST” YHWH created heaven and earth. Or it could be understood as saying in the FIRST or “chief” day, space of time, YHWH created the heaven and earth. After all, creation day is the first or chief day and it took place before the very first evening and morning day that followed it. 

In the Hebrew mindset the Almighty explained to Moses the sequence of events as to what happened first and then what followed that event. The first major or chief event occurred and then was followed by the second event etc, and when you reach the evening and morning that followed the sixth day/event, is actually the seventh day event when he finished or ended working, see Genesis 2:2, [he was not finishing up his work on the weekly seventh day] and then he rested the weekly seventh day, after six days of working on his creation, and this weekly seventh day was actually the eighth day, or space of time, when counting from the beginning.

The day he rested was actually the seventh AND eighth day, depending on where you count from, i.e. counting from creation day or when he began working on it for six days. He called it the seventh day counting from the first evening and morning workday but it is actually the eighth day counting from the creation day or beginning/re'shiyth.


Remember, the first 24-hour evening and morning was not the first day/Yom because there was a space of time when heaven and earth was created, before he said, “ let there be light”.


In other words the very first 24-hour evening and morning was not the very first day. It followed the first or chief/beginning day but was not the first day! This means that when he rested on the seventh day of the week, it was also the eighth day from the beginning!  

The beginning day, which we believe was the dark new moon day, was not counted when counting out the six working days of the weeks, please see Ezekiel 46:1 for proof.


The new moon day commemorates the creation of heaven and Earth and is strictly celebrated in the seventh month, called the day of shouting, when the Angels shouted at creation according to Job, Ch 38.

The seventh day of the week commemorates his rest after working on his creation for six days but is actually the eighth day of the month. You have the new moon worship day, then six work days and you rest the seventh day of the week but is the eighth day of the month. 


Again, after light was created and divided from the darkness, then the very first 24-hour evening and morning came to pass and it FOLLOWED the FIRST or CHIEF DAY which was the first space of time/day that heaven and Earth was created.

 Here are the quotes that prove the Hebrew word for BEGINNING means first or chief! In other words in the beginning WAS THE FIRST and the day that followed the first was actually the second. Remember the Almighty is telling Moses what came next each time. He begins with the foundation of creation of heaven and earth and then explains day by day what follows each event.


 First event in building a house, the foundation of the house is laid and then the walls follow the first event and then the plumbing follows the second event and so forth. Once you get the foundation laid, you begin to work on it or build upon the foundation in stages, step-by-step, one thing follows another. At any rate here are the quotes. 

Ge 1:1
“In the beginning tyvar God Myhla created arb ta the heaven Mymv and ta the earth Ura.”

 Notice the Hebrew word after beginning and then notice it in the following verses where it has first and chief for the same identical Hebrew word. And then you may understand that the creation day or space of time was what the very first 24-hour evening and morning FOLLOWED. It was not the first or chief day but followed it, much like building the house.  


The first day of the month is the first or chief day, THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK IS NOT THE FIRST DAY IN CREATION BUT FOLLOWED IT.  The first day of the week is never the chief day on any calendar! Except maybe the Roman Catholics Sunday. They make Sunday there chief day. Again, here is the Hebrew definition for BEGINNING in Genesis 1:1, 

Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
7225. re'shiythtyvar re'shiyth
ray-sheeth' from the same as 7218; the first, in place, time, order or rank (specifically, a firstfruit):--beginning, chief(-est), first(-fruits, part, time), principal thing. See Hebrew 7218 


When it says, IN THE BEGINNING/first/chief, it is totally different space of time from the very first 24-hour evening and morning, which came about AFTER the light! Notice it is from the same as 7218 which says,  Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
7218. ro'sh

var ro'sh
roshe from an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.):--band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, X every (man), excellent, first, forefront, ((be-))head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), X lead, X poor, principal, ruler, sum, top.” 

The beginning is the FIRST, principal or chief, day when heaven and Earth was created and the very first 24-hour evening and morning FOLLOWED this first or chief day. Here are a few more of the many quotes showing that the Hebrew word re'shiyth/in the beginning means first! 

The first day in creation was the first day of the month and is the day in which we are to blow the trumpets, see numbers 10:10, which says “in the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets”. In the beginning of your months is referring to the first day of the month even though day is not mentioned, but is understood, same as in creation. In the beginning or first day of that month, the Almighty created the heavens and Earth and everything else followed this chief day as He made are advanced upon it or worked on it.

 Ex 23:19 “The
first tyvar of the firstfruits rwkb
of thy land hmda thou shalt bring awb into the house tyb of the LORD hwhy 

Notice the same Hebrew word for beginning in Genesis 1:1 is rendered as first. The Almighty first created heaven and earth. 

Ex 34:26 “The first tyvar of the firstfruits
rwkb of thy land hmda thou shalt bring awb unto the house tyb of the YHWH”

 Notice again, the word FIRST is the same Hebrew word re'shiyth/beginning. 

Nu 15:20 “Ye shall offer up
Mwr a cake hlx of the first tyvar of your dough hoyre for an heave offering hmwrt:” 

  Nu 15:21 “Of the first tyvar of your dough
hoyre ye shall give Ntn unto the LORD hwhy an heave offering”

 Again, these two verses is referring to the re'shiyth or beginning or FIRST of the dough.

  De 26:2 That thou shalt take
xql of the first tyvar of all the fruit” Again, we see first/re'shiyth  De 33:21 And he provided har the first part tyvar for himself,” 

Eze 44:30 “And the
first tyvar
of all the firstfruits rwkb of all things, and every oblation hmwrt of all, of every sort of your oblations hmwrt, shall be the priest's Nhk: ye shall also give Ntn unto the priest Nhk the first tyvar of your dough

Notice it is used twice in the above. there are many more places that this word is used as first. And here are a few of the many where it is used as

 Jer 49:35
“Thus saith
the LORD hwhy of hosts abu; Behold, I will break rbv the bow tvq of Elam Mlye, the chief tyvar of their might hrwbg.” 

Notice in the above it is translated CHIEF instead of FIRST or “in the beginning”.  

 1Sa 2:29 “…  to make yourselves fat
with the chiefest tyvar of all the offerings”   

1Sa 15:21 But the people
Me took xql of the spoil llv, sheep Nau and oxen rqb, the chief tyvar of the things which should have been utterly destroyed.”  

Job 40:19
“He is the
chief tyvar
of the ways Krd of God la:.” 

 Ps 78:51 And smote
hkn all the firstborn rwkb in Egypt Myrum; the chief tyvar of their strength Nwa in the tabernacles lha of Ham Mx:” 

This next one shows where it is used as “principal”,  Pr 4:7 “Wisdom
is the principal thing tyvar; therefore get hnq wisdom hmkx: and with all thy getting Nynq get understanding tnyb.”  

The creation of heaven and Earth was the “principal” event. The next one shows where the word is used as “in the beginning”, same as Genesis 1:1

 Pr 8:22 “The LORD
possessed hnq me in the beginning tyvar of his way Krd, before Mdq his works lepm of old.”

 Notice that wisdom was possessed in the beginning/ before his works of old, or before working on his creation, wisdom was there.  

Isa 46:10 “Declaring
dgn the end tyrxa from the beginning tyvar,” 

Notice that the end is declared from the BEGINNING/re'shiyth not from the second day that followed the first/re'shiyth.


  He declares the  end from the beginning/re'shiyth and the very first 24-hour evening and morning WAS NOT the beginning because you must have light before you can have an evening and morning and that didn’t happen until after heaven and Earth was already created IN THE BEGINNING day or chief day!

De 11:12 A land Ura
which the LORD hwhy thy God Myhla careth for vrd: the eyes Nye of the LORD hwhy thy God Myhla are always dymt upon it, from the beginning tyvar of the year hnv even unto the end tyrxa of the year hnv”  

The above also proves the Hebrew word for beginning means FIRST, CHIEF, or PRINCIPAL day, and therefore there were EIGHT Yoms at creation and when he rested the seventh day/Yom, it has to be referring to His rest Yom after working on His creation for six days, i.e. the first Yom/space of time was called the beginning when heaven and Earth was created. And then he worked on what he had created in the first Yom by making light and separating it from the darkness etc., then the evening and morning FOLLOWED the first Yom or space of time that is called the "beginning" which is the first or chief day, when creation took place and everything was dark, i.e. The first workday Yom followed the creation day Yom and when looked at in this light, there are EIGHT days or Yoms in creation. 


 Again, it is from the same Hebrew word in Numbers 10:10 where it talks about in the BEGINNING of your months. Everything was dark in the beginning when heaven and earth was created, BEFORE He said let there be light. He continued working on His creation for six days and the same is true in the BEGINNING of your months at conjunction, when everything is dark.

Each new moon commemorates creation and the seventh day after creation day commemorates the rest of the Almighty.  Each month you have a beginning or head day/yom/space of time. and then when you go to work after the new moon worship day, you will have an evening and a morning FOLLOWING this FIRST day of the new moon worship day, and after this yom/day/space of time you will have another evening and morning following the SECOND yom/day/space of time but it is actually the third yom/day/space of time and so forth. It is no different than me saying we had a new moon worship day and then we went to work for the next 24 hours and it was the evening and the morning that FOLLOWED the first day and so forth through the whole month.

  In the creation account, there were eight sequence of events that followed each other beginning with the head or chief event which is called "the beginning" when heaven and earth was created. The next event was light and its division from darkness and there was an evening and morning which followed the first event. And there was a THIRD event which consisted of an evening and morning that followed the second event and so forth. It is not unusual for the Hebrew to speak like this. Even in English someone would know what you are speaking of if you used the word FOLLOWED instead of was, in essence, there was a 24-hour evening and morning that FOLLOWED the beginning day.  

When you get to the evening and morning that FOLLOWED the sixth day when he ended or completed his work, you are in the seventh event or seventh day [completion day] and then He rested or ceased from his work on the seventh day after six days of working on his creation for six days and this Seventh Day is the seventh day of the week and is the eighth event or eighth day of the month because [in the beginning] was the first of the month.


In other words, when he rested the seventh day, after six days of working on his creation, it was the eighth day counting from the beginning, or creation day/first/chief. He actually rested on the seventh AND eighth day!

It was the eighth day from the beginning and the seventh day of the week at the same time! They are both the very same day i.e. the eighth day of the month and seventh day of the week are the very same day he rested.
To simplify the best I can, I would like to stress the fact that a day in Hebrew is "yom" and literally means a space of time.

Most people agree that there was an unspecified space of time in the beginning when heaven and earth was created and darkness was upon the face of the waters. This space of time is regarded as a day in the Hebrew, even though it is called " beginning, first, chief" and therefore the NEXT space of time was when the Almighty moved upon the face of the water and began working on his creation for six days/yoms or spaces of time. The first Yom/day after the beginning space of time consisted of an evening and morning which FOLLOWED the FIRST day/yom or space of time that heaven and Earth was created.


This SECOND space of time was NOT the first day/yom, or space of time, but it followed the first day/yom, space of time. Therefore when he completed his work on the seventh day, this seventh day was actually the SIXTH day of the week and the seventh day of the month when he completed or ended his work but is called the seventh day because it is the seventh space of time when counting from creation.!  And then he rested or ceased on the seventh day of the week which would actually be the eighth day or space of time from creation. I keep repeating this hoping someone will get it.

This harmonizes with Genesis 2:2 which says he finished up or ended his work on the 7th day [this seventh day was not the seventh day of the week or he would have been breaking his own law].  


The bottom line is that no matter if you believe the Hebrew word for was/were in Genesis could have been translated followed or not, doesn't matter, as long as you believe there was a space of time/day in the beginning, you have to believe the next space of time FOLLOWED the FIRST space of time or day in Hebrew. 


 I believe FIRST day should be understood as CHIEF day or creation day when everything was dark and there was an evening and morning that FOLLOWED the first or chief day. "First" is often understood as chief in Hebrew. At any rate this second day/yom FOLLOWED the first. 



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