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The Timing of the Second Coming of the Messiah further
confirms a summer wheat harvest and a fourth month Pentecost. Below are some of the reasons why I believe the Scripture indicates that the second
coming of the Messiah will be at the time of the firstfruits of the grape and summer wheat harvest of which both are in the
fourth month/Pentecost.
Many people do not realize that they are TWO wheat harvests in the world day, including
Israel, one in the spring shortly after Barley harvests and one in the summer, seven Sabbaths plus 50 days after the wave
sheaf, Leviticus 23:16.
The Scripture teaches that the Almighty came with 10,000 of His saints and delivered a fiery law on Mount
Sinai, Deuteronomy 33:2, and it was at the end of Moses 40 days and 40 nights in the Mount Deuteronomy 9:11. And Exodus 31:18 this happened exactly seven lunar Sabbaths plus 50 days after the wave sheaf and this is the true day of
If the law was given at the end of the 40 days and 40 nights as the above Scripture teaches, it
would be at the time of the summer wheat and grape harvests are ripe.
The book of Jude 14 teaches that Enoch,
the seventh from Adam prophesied that the Almighty would come with 10 thousands of His saints to execute judgment on all,
and to convince all of the ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed. And that is exactly
what Moses said happened in Deuteronomy 33:2. Paul said that without the law there's no knowledge of sin and when
the Almighty came on Mount Sinai, He delivered the fiery law to convince them of their ungodly deeds/sin.
12 teaches it was during the FEAST and these wicked lawbreakers were spots in their love/charity feast. The law
was given to Moses who was the king of Israel according to Deuteronomy 33:5 and from them on every king of Israel was to write
a copy of the law according to Deuteronomy 17:18same as Moses did in Exodus 24:4 which was actually before the Pentecost law that the Almighty had written according to Exodus
Enoch prophesied of this monumental event and it happened at Pentecost and I believe He's coming again
with the same 10 thousands of saints for judgment and it will be 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete, same as the very day the law and tables of stone were given, which were written with the finger of the
see Deuteronomy 9:11and Exodus 31:18 etc. and guess what, this is the time of summer wheat and grape harvest because it was 50 days after the
seventh Sabbath complete. Obviously the ungodly among them were convinced by the law of their ungodly deeds because they informed
Moses they would do it.
Not only did the Almighty come on the day of Pentecost and delivered the law to Moses,
another major event happened on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts when the floors
where full of wheat and new wine presses full wine exactly like the prophet Joel chapter three said it would be.
Why would anyone reject the idea that His return to render judgment against those for breaking his law be at the same
time or season that the righteous law was given/at the summer harvest?
Also through His Great Mercy the Holy
Spirit was given on the very day and season that the law was given/Pentecost and I believe those that refuses His mercy will
receive justice on the very same day/Pentecost that the law was given when he come back to rewards those that kept it and
punish those who would not.
No man knows which Pentecost and therefore no man knows the day, hour, nor the
season. It could be years from now but I doubt it because of other signs of the time. If the law was given at the end of 40
days and 40 nights it would be at the time the grapes and summer wheat harvest are ripe which is seven Sabbaths plus 50 days
from the wave sheaf which is also AFTER the summer solstice as Scripture teaches in Exodus 23:16 and that is how they could have been accused of being drunk on new wine on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts.
Several prophets that spoke of the end time coming judgment, connected the second coming with the summer wheat and
grape harvest and this is no coincidence. The apostle John in Revelation 14:19 says, “and the ANGEL thrust in his Sickle into the earth, and gathered the VINE of the earth, and cast it into
the great WINE PRESS of the wrath of the Almighty.” Revelations 14:15 says, thrust in thy Sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the HARVEST of the earth is RIPE. This
is both natural and spiritual.
Notice it says cast in thy Sickle the harvest is RIPE. The prophet Joel says
in 3:11, cause your Holy ones to come down O YHWH. And verse 13 says, put ye in the SICKLE, for the HARVEST is RIPE: come, get you
down; the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.
Notice how both, the Apostles
and Prophets, connect the end time coming of judgment with the first ripe grape season which is at the same time that the
law was given to Moses and the Holy Spirit was poured out and now the judgment will be in the same season according to the
Apostles and Prophets. The summer wheat harvest is also ripe at this time also. It is agriculturally impossible
for grapes to be ripe in the third month for the traditional Pentecost.
The Messiah likened the end of the
world/age with the harvest of wheat. Matthew 13:30 says that wheat will be harvested at His coming. He will gather the wheat into the barns at His second coming and the
tares will be burned with unquenchable fire. The tares and wheat will grow together until harvest time and harvest time is
when the grapes are ripe also, see Matthew13:30-39 where He explained the parable of the harvest and said in verse 39 that
the HARVEST is the end of the world; and the REAPERS are the ANGELS.
If the Angels, or Mighty ones, are the
reapers in Joel, Revelations, and Matthew, this proves a FOURTH month wheat harvest because the grapes are present at harvest
time. Leviticus 23:16 should be interpreted to number 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete.
Summary: Joel says in 3:11, cause your Holy ones to come down O YHWH. Verse 13 says, put ye in the SICKLE, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down;
the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.
Matthew 13:30teaches that He will send his Angels to gather the wheat harvest at the end of the world. Remember He recognizes a four months
to harvest NOT seven, John 4:35. Any harvest that takes four months to harvest has to be a summer harvest. All seeds that are planted in the fall takes seven
months to harvest and therefor the fields He was referring to was the summer wheat harvest and this alone proves summer wheat
NOT Winter wheat.
Revelation 14:18-19teaches that as soon as the grapes were ripe the Angel thrust in his sharp Sickle to reap the vines. This has to be in the
fourth month around Pentecost wheat harvest firstfruits because grapes are not ripe in the third month for the traditional
The grape and summer wheat harvest are both in the same fourth month.
I believe
I have shown evidence from Scripture that He is coming at the beginning of the new wine grape harvest which is in the fourth
month, and shown that the wheat is reaped at this time also. The timing of the Messiah's second coming prove Pentecost in
the fourth month because He says that He will send His reapers at the end of the world to reap the wheat harvest into the
barn and the tares to be burned, and in Joel 3:11-13 teaches He will send down the MIGHTY ONES to reap at the time of grape harvest and the only way to harmonize these is
with the summer wheat harvest which takes place shortly after the grapes are ripe, NOT the traditional winter wheat harvest.
This way the new wine drink offering and the new meat grain offering is brought to the house of the Almighty on the day of
Pentecost as spoken of by the prophet Joel.
Isaiah 16:5-6 says, and it shall be as when the harvest men gathereth
the CORN, and reapeth the ears with the arms; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim. Yet GLEANING
GRAPES shall be left in it,… .
Again this can only be the summer wheat harvest because of the presence
of ripe grapes and notice it appears the corn is being gathered AFTER the grapes.
Isaiah 18:5 says For BEFORE
the harvest, the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is RIPENING in the flower,…
Philo even testifies
that the seeds are sown BEFORE the grapes are ripe and harvested AFTER the grapes are ripe which can only be referring to
the summer wheat harvest and not the winter wheat harvest. Philo on REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS Chapter 17 (101)
Amos 8:1-10 suggest that He is coming back on a CHAG/Pentecost SUMMER wheat harvest at the end of the age. These verses
teach that Amos saw a BASKET of SUMMER FRUIT and the Scripture teaches the firstfruits of the harvest was to be brought in
a BASKET according to Deuteronomy 26:2 and the Almighty said the END is come upon My people Israel; I WILL NOT PASS BY THEM
ANY MORE. And the SONGS of the temple shall be howling in THAT DAY, saith the Almighty: there shall be many DEAD BODIES in
every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.”
Verse five teaches there were some crooked merchants
that could hardly wait for the new moon and Sabbath to be gone so that they could sale this new Pentecost wheat because Pentecost
is ALWAYS back to back with the new moons and Sabbath and the earliest anyone could sell any of it would be after the Sabbath
and new moon passed and VERSE 10 says that he will turn their FEAST into mourning, and there songs into lamentation;..., indicating
that this will happen on a SUMMER feast/Chag day.
The Hebrew word FEAST is CHAG and the basket of SUMMER
WHEAT tells us that it is the SUMMER CHAG feast that he is going to turn into mourning on THAT day that He no longer passes
by them. Verse 9 says it shall come to pass in THAT DAY, He will cause the sun to go down at noon and DARKEN the earth in
the clear day and then verse 10 is where He teaches He will turn this summer wheat Chag into mourning. This can only be a
summertime second return at Pentecost Chag in the fourth month, according to the words of YHWH to Amos.
believe the above is also speaking of His second coming and it will be on a chag when the basket of summer fruit is offered.
Even though grapes harvest is not mentioned here we know the Scripture always refers to summer wheat, and the grapes will
be ripe at the time of this feast.
I want to mention again that I believe the Scripture teaches that the
NEW meat meal offering and the NEW wine drink offering were both offered at Pentecost in the fourth month.
The following will show that BOTH the corn and new wine was in very same feast/moed and we all should know that is agriculturally
impossible to have any new wine before the fourth month.
Hosea 2:9-11 teaches the New wine is offered on
a FEAST day/moed and we know the new wine grape harvest BEGINS in the fourth month, therefore they had to be a FEAST in the
FOURTH month at grape harvest when the wheat is also ripe. And on top of this verse 11 mentions a Chag. Let's read Hosea 2:9-11,
“Therefore I will RETURN, and take away my CORN thereof, and my “WINE” in the “SEASON”
thereof, ….”
I want to point out that the above word “WINE” is Strong's 8492 which
means NEW WINE or fresh grape juice, (as just squeezed out); (rarely) fermented wine (new, sweet) wine. And the word for “SEASONS”
is Strong's 4150/Moed/feast/appointment. Now ask yourself when does the grape harvest began for the new wine and what feast/appointment/moed
could there be at that time, unless it is the summer wheat/corn harvest moed/Pentecost?
The answer is obvious
because the grape harvest begins in the fourth month for the new wine and the firstfruits of the summer wheat is also reaped
in the fourth month and therefore you can have a new meat offering and a new drink offering at the moed/feast/Pentecost in
the fourth month.
The above verse is saying that he will return and take away his corn and new wine in the
moed/feast i.e. He will return in this feast/moed which has both corn and new wine and can only be the summer wheat moed/feast
because of the new wine.
Notice also that He said I will RETURN and take away the corn and the new wine in
the moed/feast etc. and this alone with the other evidence, leads me to believe He will RETURN at CORN/wheat and grape harvest/Pentecost
because of the things He and the prophet Joel said, along with John in Revelations and now Hosea.
Verse 11
seems to indicate the above summertime appointment/moed is also a Chag because it says, I will also cause ALL her mirth to
cease, her FEAST days, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and ALL her solemn FEASTS.
The first word “feast”
is the Hebrew word Chag/feast and their is only three per year, Unleavened Bread in the springtime, Pentecost in the summer,
and Tabernacles in the fall. The only Chag that will fit verse 11 is the Pentecost summer wheat harvest because there are
no first ripe grapes for the new wine offering in the first or seventh month. Remember there are TWO wheat harvests in the
world today, one in the spring and one in the summer when the grapes are ripe and the only one we have been able to pinpoint
in Scripture is the summer harvest. The second feast is Strong's 4150/moed's and He is going to cause ALL of the appointments/moed's
to cease.
When we read the whole story, it appears that Israel was going after other lovers and giving the
credit for the corn and the new wine to other gods. The above also could be referring to His return for judgment as we saw
in Joel and in Revelations and Matthew 13:30 etc. of whom all spoke of this second coming of judgment, at grape harvest/wheat harvest/Pentecost.
will give a few more Scriptures from Hosea that shows that the Pentecost wheat is the summer wheat in the fourth month after
the grapes are ripe.
The following shows the new wine and corn together Hosea 9:1-5 tells more of the judgment
and the cornfloor and the new wine that shall fail and verse four says they shall not offer (new) wine offerings etc. and
this new wine offerings would have to be in the fourth month when the grapes are first ripe. And verse five mentions a Chag
again and it says, what will you do in the solemn day, and in the day of “THE” FEAST of YHWH?
word feast is Chag and this verse seems to be referring to a single FEAST/Chag of YHWH, the one at his second coming/Pentecost.
Chapter 14:7 and 7:14mentions corn and new wine together but is not as glaring as the above. There are many more Scriptures that show the Messiah
knew what he was talking about in the parable of the harvest, when he said that the wheat harvest is at the end and he will
send his Angels to reap it.
The TRUMPETS were blown on the day of Pentecost and Philo teaches that immediately
after Pentecost comes the festival of the sacred new moon and says “it the true feast of trumpets” because that
is when the holy oracles of the law were given. THE SPECIAL LAWS TWO Chapter 31 (188) I could go on and on with Scripture
that shows He came and gave the law at the summer wheat and grape harvest and comforter, which is the Holy Spirit came at
wheat and grape harvest in the book of Acts and in Joel, Revelations, and Matthew, Hosea, etc. teach that He is coming again
at that same grape and wheat harvest but this is probably too long for some already. As I said, the season of His second coming
shows a summer, NOT spring Pentecost.
Brother ArnoldShalom All,
I made the following change concerning prophet Amos and
I did not want anyone to overlook this very important prophecy.
Amos 8:1-10 suggest that He is coming back
on a CHAG/Pentecost SUMMER wheat harvest at the end of the age. These verses teach that Amos saw a BASKET of SUMMER FRUIT
and the Scripture teaches the firstfruits of the harvest was to be brought in a BASKET according to Deuteronomy 26:2 and the
Almighty said the END is come upon My people Israel; I WILL NOT PASS BY THEM ANY MORE. And the SONGS of the temple shall be
howling in THAT DAY, saith the Almighty: there shall be many DEAD BODIES in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.”
Verse five teaches there were some crooked merchants that could hardly wait for the new moon and Sabbath to be gone
so that they could sale this new Pentecost wheat because Pentecost is ALWAYS back to back with the new moons and Sabbath and
the earliest anyone could sell any of it would be after the Sabbath and new moon passed and VERSE 10 says that he will turn
their FEAST into mourning, and there songs into lamentation;..., indicating that this will happen on a SUMMER feast/Chag day.
The Hebrew word FEAST is CHAG and the basket of SUMMER WHEAT tells us that it is the SUMMER CHAG feast that he is
going to turn into mourning on THAT day that He no longer passes by them. Verse 9 says it shall come to pass in THAT DAY,
He will cause the sun to go down at noon and DARKEN the earth in the clear day and then verse 10 is where He teaches He will
turn this summer wheat Chag into mourning. This can only be a summertime second return at Pentecost Chag in the fourth month,
according to the words of YHWH to Amos.
Brother Arnold
The Timing of the Second Coming of the Messiah further confirms a summer
wheat harvest and a fourth month Pentecost. Below are some of the reasons why I believe the Scripture indicates that the second coming of the
Messiah will be at the time of the firstfruits of the grape and summer wheat harvest of which both are in the fourth month/Pentecost. Many people do not realize that they are TWO wheat harvests
in the world day, including Israel, one in the spring shortly after Barley harvests and one in the summer, seven Sabbaths
plus 50 days after the wave sheaf, Leviticus 23:16. The Scripture teaches that the Almighty
came with 10,000 of His saints and delivered a fiery law on Mount Sinai, Deuteronomy 33:2, and
it was at the end of Moses 40 days and 40 nights in the Mount Deuteronomy9:11. And Exodus 31:18this happened exactly seven lunar Sabbaths plus 50 days
after the wave sheaf and this is the true day of Pentecost. If the law was given at the end of the 40 days and 40 nights as the above Scripture t eaches,
it would be at the time of the summer wheat and grape harvests are ripe. The book of Jude 14 teaches that Enoch, the seventh from Adam prophesied that the Almighty would
come with 10 thousands of His saints to execute judgment on all, and to convince all of the ungodly among them of all their
ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed. And that is exactly what Moses said happened in Deuteronomy 33:2. Paul said that without the law there's
no knowledge of sin and when the Almighty came on Mount Sinai, He delivered the fiery law to convince them of their ungodly
deeds/sin. Jude
12 teaches it was during the FEAST and these wicked lawbreakers were spots in their love/charity feast. The law was given to Moses who was the
king of Israel according to Deuteronomy 33:5 and from them on every king of Israel was to write a copy of the law according
to Deuteronomy 17:18 same as Moses did in Exodus 24:4 which was actually before the Pentecost law that the Almighty had written according
to Exodus 24:12. Enoch
prophesied of this monumental event and it happened at Pentecost and I believe He's coming again with the same 10 thousands
of saints for judgment and it will be 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete, same as the very day the law and tables of stone were given,
which were written with the finger of the Almighty, see Deuteronomy 9:11 and Exodus 31:18 etc. and guess what, this is=2 0the time of summer wheat and grape harvest because it was 50 days after
the seventh Sabbath complete. Obviously the ungodly among them were convinced by the law of their ungodly deeds because they
informed Moses they would do it. Not
only did the Almighty come on the day of Pentecost and delivered the law to Moses, another major event happened on Pentecost
when the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts when the floors where full of wheat and new wine presses
full wine exactly like the prophet Joel chapter three said it would be. Why would anyone reject the idea that His return to render judgment against
those for breaking his law be at the same time or season that the righteous law was given/at the summer harvest? Also through His Great Mercy the Holy Spirit was given
on the very day and season that the law was given/Pentecost and I believe those that refuses His mercy will receive justice
on the very same day/Pentecost that the law was given when he come back to rewards those that kept it and punish those who
would not. No man knows which Pentecost and therefore
no man knows the day, hour, nor the season. It could be years from now but I doubt it because of other signs of the time.
If the law was given at the end of 40 days and 40 nights it would be at the time the grapes and summer wheat harvest are ripe
which is seven Sabbaths plus 50 days from the wave sheaf which is also AFTER the summer solstice as Scripture teaches in Exodus 23:16 and that is how they could have been accused of being drunk on new wine on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts. Several prophets that spoke of the end time coming judgment,
connected the second coming with the summer wheat and grape harvest and this is no coincidence. The apostle John in Revelation 14:19says, “and the ANGEL thrust in his Sickle into the earth, and gathered the VINE of the earth, and cast it into the great
WINE PRESS of the wrath of the Almighty.” Revelations 14:15 says, thrust in thy Sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the HARVEST of the earth is RIPE.
This is both natural and spiritual. Notice it says cast in thy Sickle the harvest is RIPE. The prophet Joel says in 3:11, cause your Holy ones to come down O YHWH. And verse 13 says, put ye in the SICKLE, for the HARVEST is RIPE: come,
get you down; the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. Notice how both, the Apostles and Prophets, connect the end time coming
of judgment with the first ripe grape season which is at the same time that the law was given to Moses and the Holy Spirit
was poured out and now the judgment will be in the same season according to the Apostles and Prophets. The summer wheat
harvest is also ripe at this time also. It is agriculturally impossible for grapes to be ripe in the third month for the traditional Pentecost. The Messiah likened the end of the world/age with the
harvest of wheat. Matthew 13:30 says that wheat will be harvested at His coming. He will gather the wheat into the barns at His second coming and the
tares will be burned with unquenchable fire. The tares and wheat will grow together until harvest time and harvest time is
when the grapes are ripe also, see Matthew13:30-39 where He explained the parable of the harvest and said in verse 39 that
the HARVEST is the end of the world; and the REAPERS are the ANGELS. ; If the Angels, or Mighty ones, are the reapers in Joel, Revelations, and
Matthew, this proves a FOURTH month wheat harvest because the grapes are present at harvest time. Leviticus 23:16 should be interpreted to number 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete. Summary: Joel says in 3:11, cause your Holy ones to come down O YHWH. Verse 13 says, put ye in the SICKLE, for the harvest is ripe: come, get
you down; the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. Matthew 13:30 teaches that He will send his Angels to gather the wheat harvest at the end of the world. Remember He recognizes a four
months to harvest NOT seven, J ohn 4:35. Revelation 14:18-19 teaches that as soon as the grapes were ripe the Angel thrust in his sharp Sickle to reap the vines. This has
to be in the fourth month around Pentecost wheat harvest firstfruits because grapes are not ripe in the third month for the
traditional Pentecost. The
grape harvest and the summer wheat harvest are both in the same fourth month. I believe I have shown evidence from Scripture that He is coming at the beginning of the new wine
grape harvest which is in the fourth month, and shown that the wheat is also reaped at this time. The timing of the
Messiah's second coming prove Pentecost in the f ourth month because He says that He will send His reapers at the end of the
world to reap the wheat harvest into the barn and the tares to be burned, and in Joel 3:11-13 teaches He will send down the MIGHTY ONES to reap at the time of grape harvest and the only way to harmonize these is
with the summer wheat harvest which takes place shortly after the grapes are ripe, NOT the traditional winter wheat harvest,
and then the new meat offering and the new grain offering is brought to the house of the Almighty on the day of Pentecost
as spoken of by the prophet Joel. Isaiah 16:5-6 says, and it shall be as when the harvest men gathereth the CORN, and reapeth the ears with the arms;
and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the valley of Rephaim. Yet GLEANING GRAPES shall be left in it,…
. Again this can only be the summer wheat
harvest because of the presence of ripe grapes. Isaiah 18:5 says For BEFORE the harvest, the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is RIPENING in the flower,… Philo even testifies that the seeds are sown BEFORE
the grapes are ripe and harvested AFTER the grapes are ripe which can only be referring to the summer wheat harvest and not
the winter wheat harvest. Philo on REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS Chapter 17 (101) Amos 8:1-10 suggest that He is coming back around Pentecost SUMMER wheat harvest. These verses
teach that Amos saw a BASKET of SUMMER FRUIT and the Scripture teaches the firstfruits of the harvest was to be brought in
a BASKET according to Deuteronomy 26:2 and the Almighty said the END is come u pon My people Israel; I WILL NOT PASS BY THEM
ANY MORE. And the SONGS of the temple shall be howling in THAT DAY, saith the Almighty: there shall be many DEAD BODIES
in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.” Verse five teaches there were some crooked merchants that could hardly wait for the new moon and Sabbath
to be gone so that they could sale this new Pentecost wheat because Pentecost is ALWAYS back to back with the new moons and
Sabbath and the earliest anyone could sell any of it would be after the Sabbath and new moon passed and verse 10 says that
he will turn their FEAST into mourning, and your songs into lamentation;... I believe the above is also speaking of His second coming even though grapes harvest is not mentioned
here but we know the Scripture always refers to summer wheat, and the grapes will be ripe at the time of this feast. I want to mention again that I believe the Scripture
teaches that the NEW meat meal offering and the NEW wine drink offering were both offered at Pentecost in the fourth month. The following will show that BOTH the corn and new wine
was in very same feast/moed and we all should know that is agriculturally impossible to have any new wine before the fourth
month. Hosea 2:9-11 teaches the New wine is offered on a FEAST
day/moed and we know the new wine grape harvest BEGINS in the fourth month, therefore they had to be a FEAST in the FOURTH
month at grape harvest when the wheat is also ripe. And on top of this verse 11 mentions a Chag. Let's read Hosea
2:9-11, “Therefore I will RETURN, and take
away my CORN thereof, and my “WINE” in the “SEASON” thereof, ….” I want to point out that the above word “WINE” is Strong's
8492 which means NEW WINE or fresh grape juice, (as just squeezed out); (rarely) fermented wine (new, sweet) wine. And
the word for “SEASONS” is Strong's 4150/Moed/feast/appointment. Now ask yourself when does the grape harvest
began for the new wine and what feast/appointment/moed could there be at that time, unless it is the summer wheat/corn harvest
moed/Pentecost? The answer is obvious because the grape
harvest begins in the fourth month for the new wine and the firstfruits of the summer wheat is also reaped in the fourth month
and therefore you can have a new meat offering and a new drink offering at the moed/feast/Pentecost in the fourth month. The above verse is saying that he will return and take
away his corn and new wine in the moed/feast i.e. He will return in this feast/moed which has both corn and new wine and can
only be the summer wheat moed/feast because of the new wine. Notice also that He said I will RETURN and take away the corn and the new wine in the moed/feast etc.
and this alone with the other evidence, leads me to believe He will RETURN at CORN/wheat and grape harvest/Pentecost because
of the things He and the prophet Joel said, along with John in Revelations and now Hosea. Verse 11 seems to indicate the above summertime appointment/moed is also
a Chag because it says, I will also cause ALL her mirth to cease, her FEAST days, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and ALL
her solemn FEASTS. The first word “feast”
is the Hebrew word Chag/feast and their is only three per year, Unleavened Bread in the springtime, Pentecost in the summer,
and Tabernacles in the fall. The only Chag that will fit verse 11 is the Pentecost summer wheat harvest because there are
no first ripe grapes for the new wine offering in the first or seventh month. Remember there are TWO wheat harvests
in the world today, one in the spring and one in the summer when the grapes are ripe and the only one we have been able to
pinpoint in Scripture is the summer harvest. The second feast is Strong's 4150/moed's and He is going to cause ALL of
the appointments/moed's to cease. When we read the whole
story, it appears that Israel was going after other lovers and giving the credit for the corn and the new wine to other gods.
The above also could be referring to His return for judgment as we saw in Joel and in Revelations and Matthew 13:30 etc. of whom all spoke of this second coming of judgment, at grape harvest/wheat harvest/Pentecost. I will give a few more Scriptures from Hosea that shows
that the Pentecost wheat is the summer wheat in the fourth month after the grapes are ripe. The following shows the new wine and corn together Hosea 9:1-5 tells more
of the judgment and the cornfloor and the new wine that shall fail and verse four says they shall not offer (new) wine offerings
etc. and this new wine offerings would have to be in the fourth month when the grapes are first ripe. And verse five
mentions a Chag again and it says, what will you do in the solemn day, and in the day of “THE” FEAST of YHWH? The word feast is Chag and this verse seems to be referring
to a single FEAST/Chag of YHWH, the one at his second coming/Pentecost. Chapter 14:7 and 7:14mentions corn and new wine together but is not as glaring as the above. There are many more Scriptures that show the
Messiah knew what he was talking about in the parable of the harvest, when he said that the wheat harvest is at the end and
he will send his Angels to reap it. The TRUMPETS were blown
on the day of Pentecost and Philo teaches that immediately af ter Pentecost comes the festival of the sacred new moon and
says “it the true feast of trumpets” because that is when the holy oracles of the law were given. THE SPECIAL
LAWS TWO Chapter 31 (188) I could go on and on with Scripture that shows He came and gave the law at the summer wheat and
grape harvest and comforter, which is the Holy Spirit came at wheat and grape harvest in the book of Acts and in Joel, Revelations,
and Matthew, Hosea, etc. teach that He is coming again at that same grape and wheat harvest but this is probably too long
for some already. As I said, the season of His second coming shows a summer, NOT spring Pentecost. The
end time prophecy of the second coming of the Messiah is revealed in the 13th chapter of Matthew.
Many preachers have predicted the end time but never use the right
understanding of Scripture. I will use the Messiah’ own words to show when the end is. In this prophetic parable
of the sower, the Messiah told his disciples that the harvest would be at the end of the age and according
to History, they were in the 1st degree or at the beginning of the age of Aries
at that time. Each constellation has 30 spaces and each degree or space is 72 solar years, a total of 2160 solar years per
constellation. We are near the end of the age of Aries and near the second coming!
Going through the 13th chapter
of Mathew, we read,
Mt 13:3 "And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;…"
Mt 13:9 "Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Mt 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest
thou unto them in parables? Mt 13:11 He answered and said unto them, Because
it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but
to them it is not given."
One of the mysteries of the kingdom is, when does it begin?
Mt 13:13 "Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they
hear not, neither do they understand. Mt
13:14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which
saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: Mt 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they
have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand
with their heart, and should be changed, and I should heal them." It is the wicked that does not understand.
Mt 13:16 "But blessed are
your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. Mt 13:17 For verily I say unto you, That
many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them;
and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them…." Daniel was one of the many prophets and righteous men that tried
to get him to tell him but was told it was sealed UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END, Daniel 12:6 -13.
Da 12:6 "And one said to the man clothed in linen, which
was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? Da 12:7
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and
his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half;
and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.
Da 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of
these things? Da 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed
up and sealed till the time of the end. Da 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white,
and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Da
12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice
shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety
days. Da 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth,
and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
Da 12:13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in
thy lot at the end of the days." Continueing on with Matthew,
Mt 13:23 "But he that received seed into the good ground is he that
heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty,
some thirty. Mt 13:24 Another parable
put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed
good seed in his field: Mt 13:25
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat,
and went his way. Mt 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Mt 13:27 So the servants
of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Mt 13:28 He said unto
them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Mt 13:29 But he said,
Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Mt 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest:
and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind
them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. … " Mt 13:34 "All these things spake the Messiah unto the multitude in parables;
and without a parable spake he not unto them: Mt 13:35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken
by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from
the foundation of the world. Mt 13:36 Then the Messiah sent the multitude away, and went
into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
Mt 13:37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good
seed is the Son of man; Mt 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the wicked one; Mt 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and
the reapers are the angels. Mt 13:40
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be
in the end of “this world”. i.e. This
age, not world, which was Aries. Also verse 40 is not part of the parable, but a profound statement pinpointing the second
coming! Mt
13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels,
(at the end of the age of Aries,) and they shall gather
out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; Mt 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there
shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Mt 13:43
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who
hath ears to hear, let him hear."
Mt 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was
cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Mt
13:48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered
the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. Mt 13:49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels
shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, Mt 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
i.e. this will happen at the end
of the age of Aries. Also verse 49 is not a part of the prophetic parable, but a statement! Aries is the age of Grace and when it ends, Pisces,
which is the two fishes, one swimming upstream toward the water/spirit that is being poured out in the last days and the other
headed downstream, going with the flow of the world. I believe the separating of the two fish in Pisces represents the judgment
that comes after the grace age of Aries. Continuing on,
Mt 13:51 the Messiah saith unto them, Have ye understood all these
things? They say unto him, Yea, master..." Mt
13:53 And it came to pass, that when the Messiah had finished these parables, he
departed thence... in other words they understood the prophetic parable and that it was
about 2000 years in the future. Mt 13:54
And when he was come into his own country, he taught them the parables in their synagogue, insomuch that
they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? …"
Mt 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Messiah said unto them, A
prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. These parables were prophetic parables from the Chief Prophet. Mt 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. This could be understood as, their unbelief hindered them from receiving, or he did not perform
many mighty works because of their unbelief of the parables he preached to them.
Here are some ancient authors, around the time period, that confirm they
were at the beginning of Aries.
Some held to the view
that the first of Aries and the day of the equinoxwere equivalent. Columella writes that he is not ignorant of Hipparchus's computation, which teaches that the solstices and the equinoxes
do not happen in the 8th, but in the 1st parts of the signs. So Columella is aware that Hipparchus (the B.C. astronomer that actually discovered what is known as the precession
of the equinoxes) believed that the solstices and equinoxes happened in the 1st part of the zodiac signs rather than
the 8th. On page 600 of a book titled, "A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy" Volume 2,
author Otto Neugebauer explains that not only Hipparchus (140 B.C.) but also a follower of Hipparchus
named Ptolemy (around 150 A.D.) dated the vernal equinox as the first degree of Aries. Side note, when the equinox is in the first degree
of Aries, the Sun will transits Aries for 30 days, but after 72 solar years, the equinox will be 1° less in Aries after
entering the 30th degree of Pisces and then the Sun will transit Pisces for one day and Aries for 29 days. After
72 more solar years, the Sun will be in the 29th degree of Pisces and will translate it for two days and then transit
Aries for 28 days. This will continue until the equinox moves up to the first degree of Pisces or Borders the 30th
degree of Aquarius and the first degree of Aries and then it will transit Pisces for 30 days. the stars are moving counterclockwise.
Continuing on, Another
work by a Greek astronomer named Geminos (who lived from 90 - 35 B.C.) wrote about this on page 114-117 of his work titled,
"An Introduction to Phenomena." In this writing he stated that “the spring equinox happens in the 1st degree of Aries ratherthan the 8th degree.” This is saying that Aries began at the beginning of the March 20 equinox. So Geminos agrees with Hipparchus and Ptolemy that
the spring equinox is in the first degree of Aries, SOME BELIEVE THE 8th degree of Aries. There are about
30 days roughly assigned to each sign of the zodiac. In other words Aries lasts
30 days, But counting from the balanced or equal light and darkness
equinox you have a full 30 day window and all 30 degrees of Aries, to keep the feast, not just the last few degrees! From
the March 20 equinox in the 8th degree of Aries leaves only 22 days of Aries left! When you count 15 days from the March 20th
equinox, leaves only seven days of Aries in which to catch a full moon!
It is mathematically impossible
for Philo and Josephus to have kept the feast at the March 20 equinox, counting the first new moon after the March 20 equinox
and the historical evidence shows the feast was observed when the Sun was in Aries, which would be equivalent to our March
20/April 20!
Roman poet Ovid, writing in the 1st century A.D. tracks for us what day the sign of Aries was over with on the Julian
calendar. In his Book 4 under the heading April 20th he states that the sun leaves the Ram Aries.
So Aries lasted for 30 days and the sun left Aries according to Ovid on April 20 this means
that the sun entered Aries on March 22. It appears from this that Ovid dated Aries to begin around March 22nd. This is not far away from when Columella dated Aries to begin on the Julian Calendar, March 17th. All of this information about the stars in relation
to the Scriptural year leads us in the direction of recognizing the end of March to the end of April as the first moon/month
of the year. And the time that the feast
were to be observed, which causes Aries to have been MARCH/APRIL, NOT APRIL/MAY.
The following from the Webster's 1828 Dictionary shows they were
in the 1st degrees of Aries. " PRECES'SION, n. L. proecessus, proecedo, to go before.1. Literally, the act of going before, but
in this sense rarely or never used.2. In astronomy,
the precession of the equinox, is an annual motion of the equinox, or point when the ecliptic intersects the equator, to the
westward, amounting to 50 l/2". This precession was discovered by Hipparchus, a century and
a half before the christian era, though it is alleged that the astronomers of India had discovered it long before.
At that time, the point of the autumnal equinox was about six degrees to the eastward of the star called
spica virginis. In 1750, that is, about nineteen hundred years after, this point was observed
to be about 20 deg. 21' westward of that star. Hence it appears that the equinoctial points will make an entire revolution
in about 25,745 years." Side note, I see a slight discrepancy in the numbers
but according to what I have seen, from the historical evidence, the equinox is about to enter Aquarius and in the Sun will
transit Pisces for 30 days and no longer touch Aries and that will be the end of the age that the Messiah spoke of in Matthew
13:40. HARVEST TIME! When you do the math, counting from 140 BC, when Hipparchus says the equinox was in the first degree of Aries ,
the end time appears to
be about eight years from now, somewhere around 2020, I do not know when he will come, just sharing info that I have gathered. Audio at https://www.freeconferencecall.com/iphone/playback.html?cn=94-43-28-63&cid=conferences/-17-65-6784-17-65-67-17-65-675460-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67120106-17-65-67-17-65-678-17-65-67101.mp3