The length of Cheshvan and Kislev are determined
by complex calculations involving the time of day of the full moon http://www.jewfaq.org/calendar.htm |
Pisces | |||
Aries | Pisces | ||
Taurus | Aries | Pisces | |
Gemini creation Feb/Mar | Taurus Apr/May | Aries Mar/Apr | Pisces Feb/Mar |
Gemini Mar/Apr | Taurus | Aries | |
Gemini Apr/May | Taurus | ||
Gemini May/June |
Notice: Gemini,
due to precession, drops down into another solar month approximately every 2000 years. It goes from Feb 18 to May 21 in about
6000 years. This proves creation in Feb by counting backwards 6000 years from where Gemini appears on the solar calendar today.
The Zodiac is keyed to the solar calendar and shows the dates corresponding to each of the zodiac signs. History shows it
was also keyed to the solar calendar and the March 20 equinox during Philo’s time.Also unlike the zodiac signs in astrology, which are all thirty degrees
in length, the astronomical constellations vary widely in size. The boundaries of all the constellations
in the sky were set by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1930. This
was, in essence, a mapping exercise to make the work of astronomers more efficient, and the boundaries of the constellations
are not therefore in any meaningful sense an 'equivalent' to the zodiac signs. Along with the twelve original constellations,
the boundaries of a thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus (the serpent bearer), were set by astronomers within
the bounds of the zodiac.” see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac
I like to believe most people, given the right information, will make the right choice/decision.
The problem comes in with deception and that is why the Scripture speaks so much about it. We have to work at not being deceived,
or take heed, as the Scripture warns. We must be very careful and prove all things, especially as to “when the
day begins”, because that will throw ever one of our appointments with the Heavenly Father off.
I believe it is the evening and morning twilights that divides the light from the darkness, and NOT THE HORIZON, Genesis
1: 4 – 5. Twice each year, in February and October, the twilights EQUALLY divide the light from the darkness, leaving
the exact same amount of pure light and pure darkness. This belief is confirmed by Philo, who lived during the time of our
Savior, which means they could not have believed a March 20 equinox. See Philo below.
The traditional equinox
proponents believe it is the horizon that divides the light from the darkness because they believe the evening twilight is
a part of or the beginning of darkness but if that were so, there is no true division of light and darkness because they still
touch each other. In other words the twilight touches the pure light and therefore there is no division of light and darkness
if twilight is considered to be part of the darkness. i.e. the light is NOT divided from the beginning of darkness, when using
this line of thinking.
I believe the Scripture
teaches that the twilight is a divider between light and darkness and not to be counted as either light or darkness, especially
not to count “both” twilight with one or the other. The sunset at the horizon DOES NOT begin dark, because
it is not dark and neither are all the stars out. The sunset at the horizon BEGINS TWILIGHT, NOT DARK, and the twilight in
the evening leads to full darkness, same as the twilight in the morning leads to full light. The twilight in the morning,
gently brings you out of darkness, into full light and the twilight in the evening gently brings you out of light into full
darkness. Neither of the twilights are counted as either light or darkness, but are dividers between the two. This is the
way Philo and the people during the time of our Savior understood it.
The bottom line is that it is THE
TWILIGHTS that divides the light from the darkness, NOT THE HORIZON. The evening twilight divides the light from the darkness,
it is not the darkness, but a divider between the two, and the morning twilight divides the darkness from the light, it is
not the light but a divider between the two, and twice each year the twilights equally divided the light and darkness in February
and October. I do not believe anyone on earth can read the following writings of Philo and honestly conclude that he
does not believe that it is the “twilights” that divides light from darkness and day from night, and if this is
so, it should end the debate because he kept the same feasts as the priests in the temple and our Savior.
SPECIAL LAWS, IV* Yonge's title, A Treatise on Circumcision.} XLII. (233) “Nature,
therefore, has marked out those PERIODS IN EVERY YEAR, which are called the EQUINOXES, from the STATE OF THINGS WHICH EXIST
AT THAT TIME with such DISTINCTNESS, that EVEN THE MOST ILLITERATE persons are aware of the EQUALITY which THEN EXISTS between
the EXTENT of the DAYS and of the NIGHTS.”
NOTICE there is absolutely no doubt how the Israelites understood what an equinox
was. He says it is the EQUALITY or sameness which EXISTS at that time between the EXTENT or length of the days and of the
nights, namely when the equinox occurs. It is evident that back then the equinox was UNDERSTOOD as the equal length of day
and night not when the Sun crosses the equator at the traditional equinox when there is 12 hours from sunrise to sunset. Philo
also writes.
WHO IS THE HEIR OF DIVINE THINGS XXIX. (146-150) “These things being thus previously sketched
out, see now how God, dividing things in the middle, has divided them into equal portions
according to all the ideas of equality which occur in the creation of the universe…. So, in
the same manner, he had divided light from darkness, and day from night,… (149) From
the spring equinox to the summer solstice, day receives an addition to its length,
and night, on the other hand, submits to a diminution; until the longest day and the shortest night
are both completed. And then after the summer solstice the sun, turning back again
the same road, neither more quickly nor more slowly than he advanced, but always preserving the same difference in the same
manner, having a constantly equal arrangement, proceeds on till the autumnal equinox; and then, having made day and
night both equal, begins to increase the length of the night, diminishing the day
until the time of the winter solstice.” (150) “And when it has made the night
the longest night, and the day the shortest day, then returning back again
and adopting the same distances as before, he again comes to the spring equinox.
Notice it is the LENGTH of the
light and darkness that determines the equinox. Philo never mentions anything about the equator in every place describing
the equinox. He did mention the equitor in one place when speaking of temperature and zones but not in connection with the
equinox. Philo also reveals how they understood the light and darkness was divided in creation, he writes,
“Moses is right also when he says, that "darkness was over the face of the abyss." …. then
its adversary darkness yielded, as God put a wall between them and separated them,….and did
not only separate light and darkness, but did also place boundaries in the middle of the space between
the two, by which he separated the extremities of each. For if they had approximated they must have produced confusion,
preparing for the contest, for the supremacy, with great and unextinguishable rivalry, if boundaries established between them
had not separated them and prevented them from clashing together, (34) and these boundaries are “evening”
and “morning”; the one of which heralds in the good tidings that the “sun”
is ABOUT TO RISE, gently dissipating the darkness: and “evening” comes on as
the sun sets, receiving gently the collective approach of darkness. And these,
I mean morning and evening, (35) But when light came, and darkness retreated and yielded to it, “and” boundaries
were set in the space between the two, namely, evening and morning, then of necessity the measure of time
was immediately perfected, which also the Creator called "day…..”
Notice Philo
believes that evening and morning is what divided the light and darkness. He did not recognize the evening/dusk and morning/dawn
twilights as either light or darkness but a buffer between the two! He also understood morning to be BEFORE sunrise at the
Horizon, at which time you have pure unshaded light. The Hebrew definition for “morning” is “dawn” and is a specific place in time other than sunrise
which is also a specific place in time.
Do you see how Philo understood there were four parts of the day, namely evening,
morning, light, and darkness with evening and morning dividing between the light and darkness? This happens twice each year
on February 16 and October 26th when you allow one hour of twilight before sunrise and after sunset at the Horizon. This gives
you 11 hours of pure light from sunrise to sunset at the horizon and 11 hours of pure darkness which is divided by two hours
of twilight, one on each side.
The above indicates the boundaries were set in the space between the TWO, referring to light
and darkness and the boundaries were evening and morning which is literally “dawn” and “dusk” according
to the Hebrew definition of evening and morning which begins about 60 minutes or so before sunrise at the Horizon and continue
60 minutes after sunset at the horizon. This was Philo’s understanding which is not contrary to Scripture or the Hebrew
definition of “divided” in Genesis 1 which is made up of 2 Hebrew words which he understood to mean divided in
the middle, showing the equality of the Almighty.
Again, it is the twilights that divides the light and darkness, NOT the horizon. If we
were to somehow argue the twilights are not what divides the day and night, and should be counted, the following would
apply. The question would be, should “both” the evening and morning twilights be placed
in the same 12 hours period of the 24-hour day, as is the case with the traditional March 20 equinox, or should the morning
twilight be reckoned with the 12 hour day and the evening twilight with the 12 hour night?
The Scripture
would refer to day and night being equally divided into “two 12 hour divisions”, when counting the twilights.
These two 12 hour divisions would be evening and morning, consisting of 12 hours each!
There would be 12 hours in the evening half of the day and 12 hours in the morning half of the day! In other words
there are 12 hours from the beginning of dusk/evening to the beginning of dawn/morning and 12 hours from the beginning of
dawn/morning, back to the beginning of dusk/evening. The Hebrew definition for morning is “dawn”
and one definition for evening is “dusk”, and when the Scripture says the evening and the morning
were the first day, it is referring to a 24-hour space of time that has been divided equally into evening and morning, with
12 hours in each half, if you allow evening as dusk and morning as dawn.
The traditional March 20 equinox
has both the evening and morning twilights in the same 12 hour period, which leaves the other half of the
day without an evening or morning! One half of the day should have a morning and the other half an
evening. Someone would be just as justified and have just as much right to add both the twilights to the
day as someone has to add them to the night, but the Scripture teaches “two” 12 hour divisions consisting of evening
AND morning, when the twilight are counted.
The Scripture does not teach that BOTH the evening AND morning
twilights belong on one side or the other. Let’s look at it like this, let’s say that in the beginning the
Almighty created the heavens and a city and the city was without form and void and darkness was upon the
face of the city and the Mighty One of equality, equally divided between the light part of the city and the
dark part of the city by placing a six-foot wide WALL BETWEEN, or DEAD IN THE MIDDLE of the city. Would the wall belong to
the light side of the city or the dark side of the city, or would it be equally divided between the two???
According to Philo, the wall would not belong to either side, but would be a divider between the light side and dark side
of the city. Neither side could claim the whole width of the wall as is the case with the traditional March 20 equinox, which
puts the whole wall on the dark side of the city and therefore the wall cannot be IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY. At
best, 3 foot of the wall should belong to one side and 3 foot to the other, making a equal division of the city. https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/playback.html?n=7560613526-17-65-67-17-65-6737100-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67-17-65-67100;0MjAxMjcxNzc=1
The following shows that originally March 1 was the first day of the year instead
of March 20. "Early Roman Calendar: March 1st Rings in the New Year
The early Roman calendar designated March 1 as the
New Year. The calendar had just ten months, beginning with March. That the New Year once
began with the month of March is still reflected in some of the names of the months. September through December,
our ninth through twelfth months, were originally positioned as the seventh through
tenth months (septem is Latin for "seven," octo is "eight," novem is "nine," and decem is "ten.
"January Joins the CalendarThe first time the new year was celebrated on January 1st was in Rome in 153 B.C. (In fact, the month
of January did not even exist until around 700 B.C., when the second king of Rome, Numa Pontilius, added the months of January and February.)
The new year was moved from March to January because that was the beginning of the civil year, the month
that the two newly elected Roman consuls—the highest officials in the
Roman republic—began their one-year tenure. But this New Year date was not always strictly and widely observed, and
the New Year was still sometimes celebrated on March 1.
Julian Calendar: January 1st Officially Instituted as the New
YearIn 46 B.C. Julius Caesar introduced a new, solar-based
calendar that was a vast improvement on the ancient Roman calendar, which was a lunar system that had become wildly inaccurate
over the years. The Julian calendar decreed that the New Year would occur
with January 1, and within the Roman world, January 1 became the consistently observed start of the new year.
Middle Ages: January 1st
AbolishedIn medieval Europe,
however, the celebrations accompanying the new year were considered pagan and unchristian like, and in 567
the Council of Tours abolished January 1 as the beginning of the year. At various times and in various places
throughout medieval Christian Europe, the new year was celebrated on Dec. 25, the birth of Jesus; March 1; March
25, the Feast of the Annunciation; and Easter.
Gregorian Calendar: January 1st RestoredIn 1582, the Gregorian calendar reform restored January 1 as new year's day. Although most Catholic countries adopted the
Gregorian calendar almost immediately, it was only gradually adopted among Protestant countries. The British, for example, did not adopt the reformed
calendar until 1752. Until then, the British Empire —and their American colonies—
still celebrated the new year in March." http://www.infoplease.com/spot/newyearhistory.html
The following is conclusive
scriptural proof that ALL three agricultural feasts each year are to be observed “within the
year” every year which is impossible with the traditional equinox!
sacred year begins in Abib each year but there is an agricultural year which begins and ends in the fall with seedtime.
This rules out the traditional equinox because Tabernacles will go into the next year resulting in only two feast IN THE YEAR and one feast outside the year and into the next year/revolution! See and study Exodus 23:10, 14, 16 and 17 carefully. Ex 13:10 Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance
Ex 23:16 And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field:
and the feast of ingathering, which is in the “end” of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field.
Ex 23:17 “Three
times in” the year all thy males shall appear before YHWH.
Notice THE THREE TIMES “IN” THE YEAR is referring to the NATURAL YEAR which “begins”
and ENDS in the fall with “seedtime” and is NOT referring to the sacred year which begins in Abib, Exodus 12:2.
The Almighty did not break his covenant with Noah when he said that “seedtime and harvest and winter and summer shall
not cease as long as the Earth remaineth”. The three times IN THE YEAR is referring to seedtime to seedtime.The natural
year still begins in the fall and that is when the New Year seeds are sown and they are harvested in that “same
year” BEFORE seedtime comes around again or else you go outside the year and into the next year with your feast
of Tabernacles. The agricultural year is from seedtime to seedtime and that’s what the above Scriptures
are referring to and no harvest or feast that is sown in one year should go beyond the tequfah or “years end”
or else it will be in another year. With the traditional equinox the third feast/Tabernacles goes past the tequfah/years
end and into the next year of seedtime/sowing seed again and the command was to keep them IN THEIR SEASON
and IN the year/Revolution.
Ge 26:12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and “received”
in the “same year” an hundredfold: and YHWH
blessed him."
In a nutshell, the seeds should be sown and harvested in the “same year”!
And of course the harvest-feasts will also be in that “same year” and so will
the three times in the year all males are to appear before him, which is not the case with the traditional equinox.
In 2010 I erroneously observed Tabernacles at the end of October around the 22nd which is a month past the traditional
equinox and was in violation of the above Scriptures which says, “THREE TIMES IN THE YEAR”. If you do not believe the year still began and ended in the fall, even after
Exodus 12:2 where he said “this will be the first month of the year for you”, please read chapter 25 of Leviticus
1 through 12, which teaches that WHEN THEY COME INTO THE LAND every seventh year and all the years including the 50th
year of Jubilee began and ended with seedtime in the fall.
Again, based on all these Scriptures,
the feast were to be kept WITHIN THE YEAR, and the agricultural year was from seedtime to seedtime and no
harvest “or feast” was to go into the next year but were to be kept in their seasons or
within the year. Someone thinks to chance these times and seasons, as Daniel prophesied. Let’s assume for a moment that
February 20 was equinox or first day of the year in Egypt, when there is equal light and darkness, which was divided in the
middle by evening and morning, as was the case on the first day of the year in creation according to Philo who lived during
the time of our Savior. Although some places on earth who are on different latitude, such as Ohio, might be a little off equal
light and darkness on February 20 because of the curvature of the earth, we can safely assume that the first month of the
year would apply to everyone same as in Exodus 12:2 WOULD APPLY to everyone on earth even though they are
on different latitude and their harvests will also be different. Or else would someone in Ohio would start their year different
from the Israelites in Egypt?
I think most would agree that the first month of the year in Exodus 12:2 would
have applied to everyone on earth no matter what latitude they are on and what stage their crops would be in, so why not use
Egypt or Israel and everyplace on that latitude now as a starting point???
The sun will come back to that same
place it was in Egypt year after year from then on and we can find the sun was not on mar 20 by the crops and the wheat seed
that had not come up yet in Egypt, etc. Due to the curvature of the earth there will always be a slight difference in when
the light of the sun reaches them. Alexander Egypt is in the northern part of Egypt and is on the same latitude with Israel.
Alexander is a major metropolitan city in Egypt and there were thousands of Israelite Jews, including Philo, who would go
up to Jerusalem for the feasts of the Almighty and would take the first fruits of their crops.
I am going to
make a profound Statement: what we believe the Scripture teaches concerning time and appointments of the Almighty MUST harmonize
or agree 100% with what Philo and the people, including the priests, who lived at the time of the Messiah, believed the Scripture
teaches concerning time and appointments. i.e. we must believe what they believed unless they were rebuked for it or the Scripture
spoke negative of it. In other words we must keep the same Sabbath that the people kept and the same appointments at the same
time. The reason for this is because they observed the appointments the Messiah observed and if they were in error the Messiah
was in error and I don’t believe that he was.
Is there anyone who disagrees with this and why? If we know
from the New Testament that our Saviour kept the same Sabbath and Feasts as the Jews of that day, all we
have to do is find out from History what Sabbaths and Feasts they” kept and how they understood the
seasons. What is it if I had phrased it like this, we must believe like our Savior believed concerning the appointed times.
The Key is they believed like our Savior and if we believe like them then we automatically believe like our Savior. When we
have documented Historical proof from people who lived at the time of our Savior as to how the feasts and Sabbaths were observed,
we have the truth on the subject because our Savior observed the same Feasts and Sabbaths. EVERYONE KNOWS WHEN IT’S
from the darkness????
Did the first day in creation begin with about 60 minutes of twilight in the evening and
then darkness??? And was there about 60 minutes of twilight before Day???
The beginning of morning twilight
in the morning gradually brings you out of the mass of darkness until full light of the sun at the horizon. This would be
easier on our eyes and the evening twilight does the opposite and gradually takes us out of the Bright light into the on coming
mass of darkness again, giving our eyes a chance to adjust that we do not stumble, and the process begins anew with a new
24-hour day. If the first day in creation began in darkness, this would set a precedent for all the other days that follow
and they also would begin in darkness and if Adam was created on the sixth day of the week at dark, or the beginning of the
day, this would give his sensitive eyes time to adjust to his first sunrise at the horizon because of the morning twilight
before the full light. Try to imagine what it would be like without the twilights gradually introducing light and darkness
and the sun just popped on in full strength and again off without any warning. Even spiritually people are gradually drawn
to the light of the word or it would be too much for them to bear. "In the time of the end, every divine institution
is to be restored."
EQUINOX EGYPT Another clue in finding the scriptural first month of the year is also found in nature. The spring wheat, that
had not come up in Exodus 9:32, takes 4 months to harvest according to nature, the agriculture Department and our Savior,
John 4:35. This presents serious problems with the traditional equinox
because the fields are under water in July 21 which is 4 months after March 21! The flooding of the Nile was so accurate that
Egypt set their calendar by it, see websites below, and with the traditional equinox, the wheat would be underwater!
The reason the spring wheat would be underwater with the traditional equinox is because if the wheat was not up on
March 21, it would not be ready for harvest until July 21 which is a month too late because of the flooding of the Nile River.
Whatever the first month of the year in Egypt was, it was the month that the barley was ready to be harvested and the wheat
had not come up. This had to correspond with our month February and had to have happened 4 months before the flooding of the
Nile because it takes 4 months for spring wheat to be ready for harvest and it had to be harvested before the flood which
came around the middle of June. This puts the barley ready for harvest around the middle of February or 1 March as many sources
and scholar agree and nature itself teaches.
The bottom line is with the traditional equinox on March 21, the
wheat that had not come up in Exodus 9:32 would not be ready for harvest until July 21 which is a month too late because of
the flooding of the Nile River, making the traditional equinox impossible. I took the following from a website which states,
"The flooding
cycle of the Nile“The flood cycle was so predictable that the Egyptians even based their ancient calendar on
it. Akhet was the first season of the year, between the months of June and September. Peret or the
Egyptian Autumn season marked the time when their crops grew in the fields and were harvested,[1] running from October to mid-February. Shemu was the third and last season of the
Egyptian year which ran from mid-February until the end of May; it essentially signalled
the spring season of the Egyptian calendar.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flooding_of_the_Nile Another reference says, Akhet - the inundation (June-September): The Flooding Season.
No farming was done at this time, as all the fields were flooded. http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/farming.htm
You might ask what does all this
mean? In a nutshell it means the first month of the year is Abib and is comparable to our months February/March, "NOT"
the traditional March/April. One might argue that that was the first month of the year in Egypt but what about Israel, how
would they have ripe barley in this same month, when they came into the land? In the land of Jericho they could have planted
their barley a month earlier than Egypt because of the flooding of the Nile River limited Egypt's plantain. Egypt had to wait
until the water receded, but Jericho did not. At any rate the spring wheat had not come up which would have been in the middle
of February and the barley was almost ready for harvest which is in the middle of February as Albert Barnes
points out in his commentary on this verse and you can verify that this is still true today.
It is the length
of the light from the sun that causes the barley to grow and ripen and this happens in February/March. Peoples crops further
North of the equator will not mature at the same time but they can watch the great lights and determine their conjunction
points of the length of light and darkness/equinox and solstices, this is what they were created for, i.e. days and years
etc, Genesis 1:14. it is not the barley we are to watch for to determine years/tequfahs/revolutions/cycles/circuts.
Harvest: People’s harvests
who are on different latitudes will be different because of the distance from the equator and therefore it would be impossible
to bring the first fruits of their harvest at the time Egypt or Israel brings there’s. The only solution I see is the
first month of the year in Egypt “applies to everyone”, regardless of their latitude and harvests.
Suppose you were in Ohio at the time the first month of the year was pinpointed in Egypt by the Almighty. Would you let that
month and that year apply to you also, even though you’re on a different latitude, or would you figure there is no way
to work it out?
Think about this. If March 20 is approximately equal sunrise and sunset for ever one on Earth,
then one day before March 20 is one day before March 20 for ever one on Earth also. 30 days before March 20 is 30 days before
March 20 for everyone. In other words the time that it is equal light and darkness around February 20 in Israel is February
20 for everyone on the Earth even though they may be a day or two off on their latitude and harvest.
I believe
the traditional equator and equinox is scientifically impossible or either the earth is not in the center because it will
be equal light and darkness when the light of the sun shines in the center of the earth. And I see how Jerusalem and the regions
round about is the center of the earth. The center of the earth was promise to the children of Israel for an inheritance according
to the book of jubilees.
"And there came forth on the writing as Shem's lot the middle of the earth which he
should take as an inheritance for himself and for his sons for the generations of eternity Jubilees 8:12.
An Egyptian pyramid is said to be in the center of the earth according to global positioning. Again, if we can find out which of the Roman months corresponded
with the first month of the year/Abib, in Egypt and Israel, we will have the truth as to when the year begins. This can be
done and I know how to do it.
Noah did not have the barley during the flood to determine the year and Noah could
not have used a sundial to find the equinox on a moving ship either. He could have found the true equal light and darkness
equinox without the barley or a sundial and so can someone who is in a valley and cannot see the horizon. At any rate a sundial
would be useless on a ship. With the traditional equinox, you cannot believe the day begins and ends at dark same as the first
day of the year in creation. You must give up that and other truth in order to accept the traditional equinox to work because
they use 12 hours from sunrise to sunset at the horizon and this makes there day have 12 hours of pure light, and only 10
hours of pure darkness when you count the 60 minutes of twilight on each side of sunrise and sunset, in with the darkness
come. Again I could be 100% wrong but as of now I cannot see why the traditional equinox is a better choice, even if they
had a perfect track record on when the hours, days, months, years, and weeks begin and end which they do not.
Scientific EquinoxEQUINOX Scientific Evidence The following shows the traditional equinox ignores
nature and does not line up with the natural movement of the Sun. Equal day and night occurs when the Sun is Center of the TRUE EQUATOR, not the
traditional equator. The seasons are caused by the Sun’s upward and downward motion across the equator from one hemisphere to the
other, NOT with a mathematical count of how many sunrises and sunsets. With the traditional spring equinox there are 24 days
from March 20 to the traditional fall equinox on September 23rd in which the Sun is hesitating in the northern
hemisphere and the seasons is not changing while the Sun is hesitating BUT IS STILL COUNTED, by solar only Rome, as if it
were still moving back toward the equator.
It would help if everyone would study the almanac and see how the sun is hesitating around the solstices. Remember the Sun crosses
the equator, up into the northern hemisphere, in the spring until it reaches the summer solstice and then back down to the
equator in the fall at which time you have equal light and darkness again. This process takes close to 8 months. The problem
with the traditional equinox is that it ignores nature and what the Sun is actually doing because it counts
the days in which the Sun is hovering and not moving down toward the equator AS IF IT WERE MOVING. This can be verified in
any almanac by counting the days that the Sun is not moving. Remember it is the up and downward motion of the Sun across the
equator that sets the seasons and when the Sun stays in the same spot the seasons stop changing. When the traditional equinox
counts the 24 days that the Sun is not moving as if it were moving, it will change the time of the equinox from September
23 to around October 22nd at which time there is true equal light and darkness.
At any rate the traditional
equinox ignores nature by ignoring what the Sun is actually doing. This will be explained along with how the traditional calendar
is an arithmetical calendar in my next post if anyone cares to read it. The traditional calendar it is an
arithmetical calendar and is not concerned with the feast days of the Almighty. From the equal light and darkness equinox
around February 20 when the sun proceeds on up into the northern hemisphere and comes back down to where it started and again
produces the equal light and darkness around October 22nd. This natural process takes a number of days longer than the traditional
arithmetical calendar “because” they are simply evenly dividing the approximately 365¼ day year in half,
regardless of what the Sun and nature is actually doing. All this is ruff estimation; I have not fine-tuned it yet. Remember
the traditional calendar is based on arithmetic ignoring that the Sun actually stays in the northern hemisphere a number of
days longer than September 20 equinox allows, which they call the nominal equinox. Nominal means “in name only”.
Instead of a carnal count of counting solar days, as is the cases with the traditional equinox and the traditional Sabbath,
why not let nature make it's own equinox when it reaches equal light and darkness. The Sun then leaves the fall equal light
and darkness which occurs around October 22 and then crosses into the southern hemisphere and returns to the same spot around
February 20 and again produces equal light and darkness which happens around 30 days before the traditional
nominal equinox.
The following is from an encyclopedia and also exposes the traditional equinox and calendar. "Arithmetic and astronomical calendars“An astronomical calendar is based on ongoing
observation; examples are the religious Islamic calendar and the old religious Jewish calendar
in the time of the Second Temple. Such a calendar is also referred
to as an observation-based calendar. The advantage of such a calendar is that it is perfectly
and perpetually accurate. The disadvantage is that working out when a particular date would occur is difficult. An
arithmetic calendar is one that is based on a strict set of rules; an example is
the current Jewish calendar. Such a calendar is also referred to as a rule-based calendar.
The advantage of such a calendar is the ease of calculating when a particular date occurs. The disadvantage
is imperfect accuracy. Furthermore, even if the calendar is very accurate, its accuracy diminishes slowly over time, owing
to changes in Earth's rotation. This limits the lifetime of an accurate arithmetic calendar to a few thousand years. After
then, the rules would need to be modified from observations made since the invention of the calendar. The
Gregorian solar calendar is an arithmetical calendar. It counts days
as the basic unit of time, grouping them into years of 365 or 366 days; and repeats completely every 146,097 days, which fill
400 years, and which also happens to be 20,871 seven-day weeks.[10] Of these 400
years, 303 (the "common years") have 365 days, and 97 (the leap years) have 366 days. This gives an average calendar-year
length of exactly 365.2425 days, or 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds.A Gregorian year is divided
into twelve months of irregular
length, with no regular relationship among their lengths:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar
KEY is we should be looking for a conjunction point of equal light and darkness, or equinox, to begin and end
the year/revolution. The ancients did not make a misnomer when naming the solstices which means sun stand still or stop and
when we look for the solstice we are looking for when the Sun stops and goes back the other way. Why should we think that
they did not know what they were talking about when they named the equinox, which is referring to equal day and night?At the
solstices the day and night are at their extremes from each other but at the equinoxes they come back equal to each other
at conjunction and then start over again. These are the most obvious conjunction places to begin and end a year/revolution.
Therefore when we are to look for the solstice we are to look for when the Sun stops which will be at the point the day and
night are at their extremes IN LENGTH and when we look for the equinox we should look for when the day and night is equal
to each other IN LENGTH, NOT where the 365 days of the year is arithmetical divided equal.
We are looking for
equal light and darkness at the conjunction, NOT equal division. It is evident that equinoxes are not in the center of the
solstices. It is also possible that the equator is not where they have it, but approximately 30 days off. Perhaps the map
on the globe should be pulled down 30 days putting Ethiopia, which is the hottest place on Earth, where the traditionally
equator is. When a light is shined in the middle of a glob or earth, you have equal light and darkness. As you move the light
upward the light grows longer in the northern hemisphere until the summer solstice when the sun turns and heads back toward
the equator and the light declines until the sun has returned to the equator or middle of the earth again. Due to the fact
that it is not equal light and darkness at the traditional equinox lets us know the sun is not centered the earth’s
equator. This can be proven by taking a light and shining it on the center of a globe, or any spear, which will simulate the
Sun shining on the Earth. The bottom line is they are on an arithmetical calendar and are counting several days into a season
when the Sun, that causes the seasons, is not moving. This can be conclusively proven in any Almanac. Ethiopia is also one
of the oldest sites of human existence known to scientists today, having yielded some of humanity's oldest traces.[7] It may be the region from which Homo sapiens
first set out for the Middle East and points beyond. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopia
EQUATOR The equator is an imaginary line between the North and South Pole that separates the Earth into
the two hemispheres, southern and northern. The light makes manifest all things and the light of the sun reveals where this
equator actually is. When the light shines in the “center” of the Earth, or a globe, it causes
one half of the Earth or globe to be light and the other half dark which is known as equal light and darkness or equinox.
This can only happen when the light is shined in the center of the Earth. Each degree the light of the sun rises above the
equator into the northern hemisphere the length of the day grows longer and you have the opposite effect in the southern hemisphere
where the length of the nights grow longer and the day shorter. At the time of the traditional equinox, the length of the
light has passed the darkness and has grown to 12 hours of pure light at the horizon, leaving only 10 hours of pure
darkness with 2hrs of evening and morning twilight. This is not equality and does not represent or mimic the very first day
of the year in creation when he equally divided the light from the darkness.
The Hebrew word for divided in Genesis
1 is made up of two Hebrew words and one of them mean’s “between”, in other words he equally divided in
the center and this is the way Philo understood it, to be equally divided in the middle. Quote:
XXVIII. (141) “But since Moses not only uses the expression, "he divided," but says further, "he
divided in the midst," it is necessary to say a few words on the subject of equal divisions;
for that which is divided skilfully just in the middle makes two equal divisions….. (143) But it is established by
the incorruptible word of truth that there is nothing equal in inequality. God alone therefore seems to be exactly just, and
to be the only being able to divide in the middle bodies and things, in such a manner that none of the divisions
shall be greater or less than the other by the smallest and most indivisible portion, and he alone is able to attain to sublime
and perfect equality….”
According to the above, Philo believes the light in creation was
equally divided from the darkness. Whether his belief is right or wrong does not matter. What matters is if he believes this,
he could not possibly believe the traditional equinox because on March 20 there is 12 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness
which is divided by two hours of twilight, one on each side of the day.
“In the quest for
Historical evidence as it relates to the “true equinox” during the time of the Messiah, Philo is of the utmost
importance because it reflects their understanding of things. The writings of Philo are very important for establishing all
“ISREALITE PRACTICE” and belief both before and “during
the Messiah’s” time here on earth.
Philo lived from approximately 20 BCE until about 50
CE. Thus, his lifetime spanned not only the years prior to the Messiah’s birth, but also the years following His resurrection
(not to mention the years in between).
The evidence reveals that Philo’s beliefs were representative of
those of Judaism during that period of time. Philo, who was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of more than 100,000
Jews/Israelites living in that city. When the prefect Flaccus initiated a massacre of the Jews in the year 39 CE, PHILO
WAS SELECTED to head the Jewish delegation that went to Rome to plead their case before Gaius Caligula.
Please pause for a moment and reflect on the “SIGNIFICANCE” of Philo’s having been
chosen from among his peers for such a monumental task. “WOULD PHILO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR SUCH A MISSION
No, he would not have been chosen unless his views matched those of his peers. We know from Philo’s writings
that he “BELIEVED” "THE TRUE EQUINOX had to do with the equal division
of light and darkness."
If normative Judaism had practiced keeping the feasts by "the
traditional equinox" while Philo rebelliously observed the "nature made equal light and darkness equinox”,
would this detail have affected their decision to select him to lead a delegation to Rome??? ABSOLUTELY.
The timing of the feast observance is very important and one of the most DISTINGUISHING MARKS of
Israel. For Philo to have "gone against the grain" of Israel with regard to Feast observance
would have signaled a break with Israel. We can thus discern that if Philo observed and believed the nature made
equinox which is equal light and darkness, so did the rest of his fellow Israelites,
including our Savior and His Apostles because there were absolutely NO CONTROVERSY between our Savior
and the Jews concerning the timing of the feasts found in Scripture, as a matter of fact I can conclusively prove from scripture
that the Messiah kept the same feasts as did the Jews. Remember they were all gathered at Jerusalem, from every nation kindred
and tongue, to keep Pentecost because when it had fully come in the book of acts, they were there.
At any rate,
Philo’s writings teach how things were understood and done by the priest in the Temple and the Israelites at the time
of the Messiah. Our Savior said,
“Are there not 12 hours in a day?” The question is does these 12 hours in a day include the “morning/dawn”
before sunrise as the sun pushes up the dawn, or are they measured from sunrise to sunset excluding the dawn/morning that
is pushed up by the sun? Remember the sun is following the dawn/morning, how can you not count it in with the day???
Why wait till the sun peeks at the horizon before counting the light that is pushed up, as light? It is like saying
that that light is not light because the sun has not reached the horizon yet. The orb of the Sun is following the light. The
Sun is a dispenser of the light on the Earth, why not count the light that it dispenses upon the Earth before the orb reaches
the horizon??? The stars rule the night and the stars are gone from sight 30 minutes BEFORE the Sun reaches the horizon in the morning
and there is absolutely no stars at all for some time when the Sun goes below the horizon in the evening and this is because
the Sun is still ruling and it is not scripturally considered night until the light, that is called day, leaves and then the
stars rule. When the Scripture says the stars rule the night, it is referring to all of the stars. I do not believe that 2
or 3 stars rule the night.
I live in a place where I cannot see the horizon but I am able to see when the light
of the sun is gone and when all the stars have risen and I can no longer see the ribbon of blue in the tassels and all 3 of
these witnesses happens at the same time because without light you cannot distinguish colors and none of the stars will be
obscured by the light but will all be visible. EQUINOX POSSIBILITY There is another Scripture and
historical possibility for the equinox.
The book of Genesis speaks of the light being divided from the darkness
and immediately follows by saying, and there was evening and there was morning day one or the evening and the morning were
the first day. Could it be possible that it was the evening and morning that was doing the dividing of the light from the
Philo thought this was the case because he taught that the evening and morning were buffers “between
the light and darkness” so that they would not clash because of the two extremities. He writes,
IS THE HEIR OF DIVINE THINGS XXVIII. (141) “But since Moses not only uses the expression, "he divided,"
but says further, "he divided in the midst," it is necessary to say a few words on the subject
of equal divisions; for that which is divided skilfully just in the middle makes two equal
divisions….. "
Q. EQUINOX QUESTIONS Questions for the traditional equinox observers. A very important question for
those who believe the day begins and ends when the traditional sunset when the sun is below the horizon, is this. Some people
believe the sun should be at the center of the horizon, same as the sun is center the equator when determining the traditional
equinox. Others believe it is when sun is BELOW the horizon at sunset, but with this belief the sun should be ABOVE the horizon
at on the other side at sunrise in order to be consistent, if sunset is below the horizon on the other side. The majority
believes that the Sun is just below the horizon on “both sides” at sunrise and sunset. My question is which one
of the 3 methods is right and more importantly, WHY do you believe it? How can you prove which is the scriptural sunrise and
There is nothing in Scripture or history that supports the horizon theory. Also where in your area
can you find a non-obstructed view of the horizon, in order to get a precise reading?
These problems go away
with the nature made equinox. Another question is, if the light of the sun “stops ruling” the day when the Sun
goes below the horizon, at which time there are no stars out, which one is ruling and is it day or night???
believe the reason you cannot see the stars is because the Sun is still ruling and the light, that he called day, has not
gone away yet or neither one is ruling during the twilight. The light will not go away until the scriptural sundown when it
is dark, Genesis 15:17, and then all the stars will come out.
I believe the first day of the year should be a carbon copy where it mimics the
very first day of the year in creation which happens at equinox/conjunction of equal light and darkness. I believe anything
more or less is not true equinox and would not reflect or MIRROR the first day of the year in creation.
I have
more information where Philo and also Babylon and other nations celebrated or connected the equinox to commemorate first day
of creation when light and darkness was equal length. The sun returns to the same spot from which it started, after finishing
it cycle of approximate 365 days, year after year after year and with the traditional equinox it goes a full month BEYOND
the equal light and darkness and fulfills the prophecy of Daniel 7:25. There is equal light and darkness around October 26,
2011 and again around February 17th, 2011. The only scientifically way this can be is if the Sun goes 2 months into the southern
hemisphere and then back up 2 months to the place where it started which is the center of the Earth which causes equal light
and darkness again! This is an absolute that cannot be intelligently argued against, or the earth is not in the center. It
then crosses the true equator into the northern hemisphere and goes up 4 months and back down 4 months to where it started
and it will be equal light and darkness again when it reaches the center of the Earth again. The only thing I can see that
causes the equal light and darkness is when the Sun shines in the center/equator of the Earth. The center of the Earth was
given to his chosen people and it is the choice part of the Earth, not to hot or cold.
The thought occurred
to me that if the Sun only goes 2 months in the southern hemisphere toward the South Pole, there should be a huge difference
in temperature at the south pole. I Googled the South Pole and sure enough it is the coldest place on Earth and much colder
than the North Pole. You can conduct an experiment with a flashlight and the globe. Philo teaches that it is the stars that fix the
boundaries of night and day by their rising and setting.
{**Yonge's title, The Second Part of the Treatise about the Planting of Noah; On Husbandry (De Agricultura) to be closely
tied to Concerning Noah's Work as a Planter (De Plantatione).} XXVIII. (117) (118) “for the light which
is perceptible by the outward senses, and held in honour, being that which throws the most
brilliant light both upon itself and upon other things, and upon its own parents the sun and the moon, and upon
the most sacred company of the stars, which by their rising and setting fix the boundaries of night and day, and moreover,
of months and years, and which have shown the nature of number,”
Notice it is the rising
and setting of the stars that sets the boundaries of night and day. Not only that but the stars affect the boundaries of months
and years because without their rising and setting you would not know when the first day of the month or year begins. Everyone
wonders what part the stars play in the calendar and according to Philo they play a huge part in the beginning and ending
of a day month and year by setting boundaries by their rising and settings.
According to the above, did Philo
acknowledge these boundaries and begin and end the day when the stars were ruling or when the Sun was at the horizon???
My home is located in a small bowl like wooded valley area where it is impossible for me to see the horizon and
I doubt anyone reading these forms has an unobstructed view of any horizon. Nevertheless I am able to watch the light of the
sun go away in the West at which time all the stars began ruling because the light of the sun no longer shone on them and
at the exact same time that the light of the Sun went away, I could no longer see the ribbon of blue in my tassels. These
three witnesses happened at the same time.
All the stars are not out when the Sun goes below the horizon.
You might see one peep out about 20 or so minutes later but it takes more than one or two stars to rule the night. This is
something you can verify for yourself and then decide. Anyone who is too lazy or does not care enough to get up in the morning
or watch at evening to check this out should not say anything one way of the other concerning this subject. I believe when
the Scripture says “the stars to rule the night” it is speaking of all of them not just two or
three or even half, but all of them. At any rate anyone who cannot see the horizon can still discern when
a day begins and ends when using the stars and the light.
The only time I see an unobstructed horizon is when
I go to the ocean or desert. When I was in Israel many years ago, I remember our Gide telling us that Israel was once a wilderness
with many trees before they were cut down on account of wars etc. Can you imagine someone in a wooded area or wilderness trying
to decide the exact moment the Sun touches the horizon? This problem goes away with the true equinox and the true boundary
The traditional equinox does not count the morning/dawn twilight in with the 12
hours of the day. If you think about it, the morning twilight is in “front” of the sun and is
pushes up into the day, where it dissipates into the day, or is blended into the day, and is therefore a part of the day.
If the morning twilight followed behind the Sun, you could count it in with the 12 hours of the night. The evening/dusk twilight
follows or trails the Sun and leads to pure darkness but the morning/dawn twilight goes before
the sun and leads to pure light and this is what makes up the 2 twelve hour halves of the day, spoken of in Genesis 1. i.e.
evening and morning was the first day, evening and morning was the second day etc, in other words, the Scriptural evening
and morning represents two halves of the 24-hour day, but the traditional evening and morning only represents
one half of the 24 hour day because they are BOTH placed on one side of the day and if it were not for the
tradition of men, no one would disagree with this.
People need to be honest with themselves, even if it means
changing their theology. Unfortunately, some people are so addicted with their tradition, same as a drug addict is addicted
with their drugs, it is hard for them to break loose.
The traditional 12 hour half of the day, from sunrise to sunset at the horizon, does not even have
a evening or morning twilight and the other 12 hour half of the day has two or BOTH the
twilights. This ought not be. The morning twilight is pushed up and should go with the day and the evening twilight with the
night, in order to be an equal division.
DEFINITION OF SUNDOWN: I believe the Scriptural 24 hour day begins and ends at dark. First of all the original Scriptural definition of evening was the
period of darkness that was called night and the definition of morning was the period of light that was called Day, no other
division of time was mentioned at this time in Genesis 1, I don't see how this can be intelligently argued against.
As time went on and men began to multiply they developed terms of being more specific in communicating with each
other, such as between the evenings, which can be before sunrise (Ex-!6) and between the evenings at the going down of the
sun (Deut-16) etc. it appears that between the evenings can be anywhere between the darks and possibly why they use such phrases
as, “between the evenings at the going down of the sun” which starts when the Sun reaches its apex and begins
its descent after noon and continues to go down below the horizon until its light is gone and it becomes night/dark.
In today’s fast pace we have minuets and seconds of time but in the beginning the two basic periods of
a day was evening and morning or light and darkness, the evening/darkness/night lasted until dawn/light/morning/day, which
in turn lasted until evening/dark and it began over again. At least that is how I see it as of now.
believe they understood sundown as dark. See Genesis 15:17
“and it came to pass, that, when the sun
went down, and it was dark,”
Notice, when the sun is completely down
it is dark.
Amos 8:9 says “I will cause the sun to go
down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day:”
Notice: If the sun goes down at noon, it will be dark according to the Almighty’s own
Micah 3:6 “the sun shall go down
over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them.”
Here again we see
that when the sun goes down OVER them, the day is dark OVER them. It is NOT dark when the sun is just below
the horizon because the sun is NOT down. Another verse says there shall be light at evening time, insinuating that is
not the norm. These verses shows that true sundown is considered dark and these next verses shows that evening and sundown
and dark are synonymous which will harmonize with Genesis 1: where it refers to evening as dark.
whosoever toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made unclean, or a man of whom he may take uncleanness, whatsoever
uncleanness he hath; The soul which hath touched any such shall be unclean until even, and shall not
eat of the holy things, unless he wash his flesh with water. And when the “sun is down”, he shall be
clean… [LEVITICUS 22:5-7]
Notice the Sun is not down until it is dark.
Sundown, evening and dark are synonymous which harmonizes with the definition of evening, given in Genesis 1.
Again, the Scriptures teaches that true sundown is dark which is in harmony with the very first day in creation and
the evening and morning days that followed. I do not know of any conclusive Scripture that refers to sundown any other way
other than dark. I believe the ones I gave above are conclusive.
We know from Genesis 1 where He said,
“the light He called day”, i.e. day is the name for light, and if you still see light you are seeing that day
but when it gets completely dark at sun down/conjunction, same as the conjunction of the moon when the last sliver goes away,
the light is gone and the new day or month begins. It’s much like opening and closing a door. When the day or a door
opens the light begins to shine through and at the closing of the day or a door the light is shut off. As long as you see
the light, the door is not shut. It’s that simple.
I believe
the Scriptures will interpret themselves as to what sundown and evening is. If the moon can complete its cycle without the
aid of the horizon or the barley, why can’t the Sun complete it’s cycle or circuit/revolution without the aid
of the horizon or barley??? Genesis 1:14 -16 teaches that He made the great lights for days and years and appointments
without the help of barley or the horizon or anything else therefore they can complete their cycles independently of anything
else. They even complete their cycles independently of each other although they are used in tandem with each other throughout
the year.
In Genesis we read, “the light he called day and the darkness he called night and the evening
(darkness) and the morning (light) were the first day (24hr period).”
believe this is a Scripture definition of evening, and I believe the above concerning sundown being dark is a scriptural definition
of sundown and therefore a new 24 hr period begins at dark/sundown. Try to picture the first day in creation when the light
popped on, there would be one half of the Earth light and the other half dark, 50 50 equals 100.
People's understanding of words today is different than two thousand years ago I gave scripture
where sundown is referring to dark but the traditional understanding of sundown is different.
7:9 in the twilight in the evening, in the black and dark night:"
Nature teaches that there are different degrees of twilight, which is the period of light just after
the orb of the sun is below the Horizon before dark.
There is another space of twilight after the darkness is
over before the orb of the sun is seen at the horizon. The morning twilight is called dawn. With the traditional
equinox, BOTH these degrees of light are counted in with the night, which does NOT square with the equinox on the 1st day
of the year in creation.
The traditional Roman calendar counts BOTH the two degrees of twilights in with the
dark, which is only half of the 24-hour day. They say the equinox is when you have 12 hours from sunrise to sunset at
the horizon. If you count 60 minutes of light on each side of sunrise and sunset, you have 12 hours of PURE light and only
10 hours of PURE darkness which is not equal light and darkness as was the first day in creation.
Nehemiah-13:19 "When the gates of Jerusalem began to be dark “before” the Sabbath"
Notice it does not say
anything about the barley or the orb of the sun touching the horizon etc. it says, “when it “began” to “be”
dark “before” the Sabbath. i.e. the Sabbath
had not begun yet and would not begin “until dark”, even though the Sun would have been below the horizon the
Sabbath WOULD “begin at dark”, same as the first Sabbath in creation.
If the very first day in creation began and ended at dark,
every day since then should mimic it and if the first day of the year in creation was of equally divided light and darkness,
the beginning of every year since then should mimic it because the sun comes back to the exact same spot year after year and
it’s ordinance will not change or Israel will ceased to be a nation.
Evening is defined as follows,
by Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, and Brown, Drivers, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon: H6153 / SEC Definition / ‛ereb
/ eh'-reb / From H6150; dusk:— + day, even (-ing, tide), night.H6153
/ ‛ereb / BDB Definition: / 1) evening, night, sunset / 1a) evening,
sunset / 1b) night"
conclusively prove that evening ends a day I offer the following Historical evidence from a time period when the Temple was
still standing, which teachers that the Sabbath had not yet begun after the sun was below the Horizon even in the evening
WARS OF THE JEWS book 4 CHAPTER 9 (582) “and
the last was erected above the top of the Pastophoria, where one of the priests stood of course, and gave a signal beforehand, with a trumpet, at the “beginning” of every
seventh day, in the “evening twilight,”
as also at the “evening” when the “day
was finished,” as giving notice to the people
when they were to “leave off work,” and when they were to go to “work again” In the above Josephus
is saying that the trumpet was blown BEFOREHAND at evening twilight which is before the beginning of every seventh day and
at the evening at the end of every seventh day for
the people to go back to work again."
Notice: the sun was below the horizon at twilight and the Sabbath
had not began yet because it says the trumpet was blown BEFOREHAND or BEFORE the Sabbath. The trumpet was blown the second
time in the “evening” instead of EVENING TWILIGHT. This shows they understood evening to be dark and the Sabbath
would be over at dark and begin at dark. Remember Josephus is writing this during the time of the destruction of the
Temple when the priesthood was still active which conclusively proves the Jews at this time understood the day ends at evening/dark
and the day consisted of 24 hours. I don’t believe he would’ve blown the trumpets after the Sabbath began
but in the evening twilight before dark and again at evening which is dark and the Sabbath would be over.
I have much more on this subject but this should be enough to get us started thinking and if I am wrong I want to get off
of it. I believe the multitude of cancel is a built-in safety net for his people.The night DOES NOT END when the Sun is at the horizon, 60 minutes after Dawn.
Job 26:10 “He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.”
I believe the night ends at the morning/dawn twilight BEFORE
the Sun is at the horizon. The night does not end 60 minutes after it is light enough to read the Torah and then ends the
night. In other words you are not able to read the Torah all night long, without artificial light, and then the night leaves
at dawn where you can now read the Scripture at least 30 minutes before the Sun is at the Horizon and then to say that the
night did not end until the Sun reached the horizon does not make sense.
Isa 60:19 "The sun shall be no
more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto
thee an everlasting light, and thy Elohim thy glory."
Isa 60:20
Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon
withdraw itself: for YHWH shall be thine everlasting light,..”.
There is still light when the sun
is at the horizon because the sun is not down.
Ge 28:11
And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night,
because the sun was set;"
Ps 104:19
He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
Ps 104:20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth. Ps 136:8
The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever:
Ps 136:9
The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy
endureth for ever."
Equinox happens
without the aid of barley or man.
THE HEBREW WORD FOR NOON- The first thing to point out is that the biblical
day begins at evening (GENESIS 1:5; LEVITICUS 23:32). While there are some who opt for a day beginning at daylight or morning,
it is not the intent of this article to examine that belief. Knowing that the day begins at evening should cause us to immediately
recognize that the day does not begin at noon. This is primarily because there are two completely different words for evening
and noon in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Evening is defined as follows, by Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, and
Brown, Drivers, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon:H6153 / SEC Definition / ‛ereb / eh'-reb / From H6150; dusk:— + day, even (-ing, tide), night.H6153
/ ‛ereb / BDB Definition: / 1) evening, night, sunset / 1a) evening, sunset / 1b) night
While paying careful
attention to the definition for the Hebrew word for evening, take note of the entirely different Hebrew word translated into
English as “noon” in the King James Version of the Bible: H6672 / SEC Definition / tsohar / tso'-har / From
H6671; a light (that is, window); dual double light,
that is, noon:—midday, noon (-day, -tide), window.H6672 / tsohar / BDB Definition: / 1) noon, midday (noun masculine)
/ 1a) noon (as specific time of day) / 1b) noon (in simile as bright of happiness, blessing) / 2) roof (noun feminine) / 2a)
meaning dubious
These two Hebrew words are never used synonymously in the entire Bible. As a matter of
fact they are used in opposition to one another as different time frames of a 24 hour day in the following passage: Evening,
and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. [PSALMS 55:17]
It is
clear from this passage that the Psalmist speaks of three different specific time periods. Notice specifically that evening
and noon are mentioned as separate time periods in the above passage, proving conclusively that noon (the apex of the sun)
is not evening in any way. THE MEANING OF EVEN, EVENING, ETC.The easiest way to prove the meaning of the word evening
is not necessarily by going to a Hebrew dictionary or lexicon, but by going to clear instances or uses of the Hebrew world
ereb in the Old Testament in order to develop the proper meaning of the term according to the context. Here are such verses
that do just that.
And (the) Almighty called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening
and the morning were the first day. [GENESIS 1:5]
Without me planting anything into your thoughts, read the above
Scripture and ask yourself which terms are synonymous?
And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth
the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even. And whosoever beareth ought of the carcase of them shall wash his clothes,
and be unclean until the even. [LEVITICUS 11:24-25]
Compare the above verse with the following: Or whosoever
toucheth any creeping thing, whereby he may be made unclean, or a man of whom he may take uncleanness, whatsoever uncleanness
he hath; The soul which hath touched any such shall be unclean until
even, and shall not eat of the holy things, unless he wash his flesh with water. And when the sun is down, he shall be clean… [LEVITICUS 22:5-7] Notice
sundown and evening is synonymous and when we take into consideration the scriptural definition of sundown as being dark this confirms that evening is dark as was the case in creation!
We must undo what we were taught that is wrong. Out of ALL the scriptures so far, the ONLY evening is the one
that ENDS the day, why is that????
The Leviticus 11 passage places the man clean at even, while the Leviticus
22 passage places the man clean when the sun is down; this shows that even is equivalent with when the sun is down. Here
are more sundown Scriptures confirming true sundown is dark
not just as it goes below the horizon.
Ge 28:11
And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night,
because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them
for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Jos 8:29 And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase
down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.
De 24:12
And if the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge:
De 24:13 In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may sleep
in his own raiment, and bless thee: and it shall be righteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God.
De 24:14 Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be
of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy land within
thy gates:
De 24:15 At his day thou shalt give him
his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for
he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he cry against
thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto thee.
De 23:11
But it shall be, when evening cometh on, he shall wash
himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again.
Le 22:6 The soul which hath touched
any such shall be unclean until even, and shall not
eat of the holy things, unless he wash his flesh with water.
Le 22:7
And when the sun is down, he shall be clean, and shall
afterward eat of the holy things; because it is his food.
Ge 28:11 And he lighted upon a certain
place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set;
and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his
pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Jg 14:17 And she wept before him the seven
days, while their feast lasted: and it came to pass on the seventh day, that he told her, because she lay sore upon him: and
she told the riddle to the children of her people.
Jg 14:18
And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before
the sun went down,
2Sa 2:24
Joab also and Abishai pursued after Abner: and the sun went down
when they were come to the hill of Ammah, that lieth before
Giah by the way of the wilderness of Gibeon…….
2Sa 2:29
And Abner and his men walked all that night through
the plain, and passed over Jordan, and went through all Bithron, and they came to Mahanaim... 2Sa 3:35 And when all the people came to cause David to eat meat while it was yet day, David sware, saying, So do God to me, and more also,
if I taste bread, or ought else, till the sun be down.
Ps 104:19 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth
his going down.
Ps 104:20 Thou makest darkness, and it is night:
wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth.
Ps 136:8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth
for ever:
Ps 136:9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Jer 15:9
She that hath borne seven languisheth: she hath given up the ghost; her
sun is gone down while it was
yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before
their enemies, saith the YHWH.
Am 8:9
And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord
GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon,
and I will darken the earth in the clear day:
Mic 3:6
Therefore night shall be unto you,
that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you,
that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets,
and the day shall be dark over them. In the morning
thou shalt say, Would (the) Almighty it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would (the) Almighty it were morning! for the
fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. [DEUTERONOMY 28:67]
This verse places evening and morning as opposites, i.e. night verses day.And David said to Uriah, Tarry here to
day also, and to morrow I will let thee depart. So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that
day, and the morrow. 13And when David had called him, he did eat and drink before him; and he made him drunk:
and at even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord, but went not down to his house. And it
came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter
to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah. [2 SAMUEL 11:12-14]
Here we have evening mentioned as the time
Uriah went to lie down on his bed, and then we have the phrase, “…and it came to pass in the morning…”
This is simple to understand.
Then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day in their sight, as stuff for removing:
and thou shalt go forth at even in their sight, as they that go forth into captivity. Dig thou through the wall in their sight,
and carry out thereby. In their sight shalt thou bear it upon thy shoulders, and carry it forth in the twilight: thou shalt
cover thy face, that thou see not the ground: for I have set thee for a sign unto the house of Israel. And I did so as I was
commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the even I digged through the wall with mine hand;
I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bare it upon my shoulder in their sight. And in the morning came the word of Yahweh
unto me… [EZEKIEL 12:4-8] Here, even is mentioned as the equivalent of twilight and as the opposite of morning
which came after evening.
And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a feast. And it came
to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter, and brought her to him; and he went in unto her. And Laban gave unto
his daughter Leah Zilpah his maid for an handmaid. And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold, it was Leah: and he said
to Laban, What is this thou hast done unto me… [GENESIS 29:22-25] Notice that Jacob went in to Leah in the evening,
the normal time a man would go into a woman. Then we have the morning being mentioned implying that they went into each other
and then slept and then morning (daylight) came.
And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, and Leah went
out to meet him, and said, Thou must come in unto me; for surely I have hired thee with my son’s mandrakes. And he lay
with her that night. [GENESIS 30:16] Here we see that Jacob came out from the field (most likely finishing work) at
evening, and then lay with Leah that night; evening and night being the same thing.
But it shall be, when evening
cometh on, he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down, he shall come into the camp again. [DEUTERONOMY 23:11]
Here we see that as evening cometh on (draweth near) the person was to wash himself, then when the sun is down (evening no
longer coming on but present) he is clean to enter the camp.
Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour
until the evening. [PSALMS 104:23] Everyone knows that it is common for man to work in the daytime and come home or enter
home at night.
Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight,
in the evening , in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle
of heart. [PROVERBS 7:8-10] We see here the three emboldened terms above used synonymously.
Their horses also
are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves… [HABBAKUK 1:8] Her princes within her are
roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow. [ZEPHANIAH 3:3]
Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil. [GENESIS
49:27] Everyone associates wolves with darkness, not with noonday. Also note that the word “night” in the Genesis
passage is the Hebrew word ereb. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: But it
shall be one day which shall be known to Yahweh, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall
be light. [ZECHARIAH 14:6-7] For evening time to be light is an exceptional thing of abnormality; normally evening time is
So am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me. When I lie down, I
say, When shall I arise, and the night be gone? and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day. [JOB 7:3-4]
The second night here is translated from the Hebrew word ereb. Could it be any more clearer that ereb here refers to the night
And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded
that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon
a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day. [JOSHUA 8:29] Notice carefully that the king hung on the tree until
eventide. This is equivalent with the statement that Joshua commanded him to be brought down as soon as the sun was down.
In noticing that evening and the time of sun down being synonymous, we should also take the following Scriptures into consideration
for this study. And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning
lamp that passed between those pieces. [GENESIS 15:17] We clearly see here that when the sun went down, it was dark. This means the light of the day had vanished and it was then
night. In opposition to this, notice this verse: And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord Yahweh, that I will
cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day… [AMOS 8:9] This passage is akin to
Zechariah 14:6-7 in that it is a supernatural, extraordinary occurrence. While the sun begins its waning or going down at
noon, it does not go down (get dark) at noon. Neither is clear day normally dark. In this passage sun down and darken are
equals, and noon and clear day are equals. This once again, with no ambiguity, shows that noon and evening are not synonymous.
What all of this shows is that evening and noon are not the same time periods. Noon is a time period during the daylight hours
of the day, and evening is a time period of the beginning of the day - the sun down or dark portion of the day.
Song of Solomon 2:11 For, lo, the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone;
Song 2:12 The flowers appear
on the earth; the time of the singing of birds
is come, and the voice of the turtle
is heard in our land;
Notice Solomon says that when winter is OVER,
the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of
birds is come, and the voice of
the turtle is heard “in our land”,
in other words, the beginning of SPRINGTIME in the land of Israel.
This is talking about when the flowers first appear and the birds first begin to sing the spring songs. The above Scripture
is referring to none other than February/March because
“In our land” is referring to the land
of Israel and it is in February that the flowers first appear on earth and the singing of birds begins. A poet
named Hesiod, who lived at the time of Daniel the prophet, pinpoints this event as being 60 days after the winter solstice.
He says it is the end of the year, equal day and night, and the beginning of spring, which is 60 dats after the winter solstice,
which is Februaet 19th.
Works and Days (ll. 564-570) “Avoid
it; for this is the hardest month, wintry, hard for
sheep and hard for men. In this season let your oxen
have half their usual food, but let your man have more; for the helpful nights
are long. Observe all this until the year
is ended and you have nights and days of equal
length, and Earth, the mother of all, bears again her various
fruit. “When
Zeus has finished sixty wintry days after the solstice,
then the star Arcturus leaves the holy stream of Ocean and
first rises brilliant at dusk. (25) February to March. ) After him the shrilly
wailing daughter of Pandion, the swallow, appears to men when spring is just beginning. Before
she comes, prune the vines, for it is best so.” http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0132%3Acard%3D536
Notice he understood that you have days and nights of equal length 60 days after the
winter solstice, not 90 days after. This is harmony with Philo, who teaches that the evening and morning twilights are not
counted as either day or night but is a wall between the light and darkness or Day and night. See, Philo ON THE CREATION IX. (32 -
35) which reads,
“God put a wall between them and separated them,….and
did not only separate light and darkness, but did also
place boundaries in the middle of the space between the two,
by which he separated the extremities of each….(34) and these boundaries are “evening” and “morning”; the one of which heralds in the
good tidings that the “sun” is ABOUT TO RISE, gently dissipating the darkness: and “evening”
comes on as the sun sets, receiving gently the collective approach
of darkness. And these, I mean morning and evening,… (35) “But when light came, and
darkness retreated and yielded to it, “and” boundaries
were set in the space between the two, namely, evening and morning, then of necessity the measure of time was immediately
perfected, which also the Creator called "day…..”
above happens 60 days after the winter solstice. See also,
IS THE HEIR OF DIVINE THINGS XXIX. (146-150) “see now how God, dividing things in the middle, has divided them into equal portions according to all the ideas of equality which occur in the creation of the universe…. So, in the same manner, he had divided light from darkness, and day from night,… (149)
From the spring equinox to the summer solstice, day
receives an addition to its length, and night, on the other hand, submits to a diminution; until the longest day and the shortest night are both completed.
And then after the summer solstice the sun, turning back again the same road, neither more quickly nor more slowly
than he advanced, but always preserving the same difference in the same manner, having a constantly equal arrangement, proceeds
on till the autumnal equinox; and then, having made day and night both
equal, begins to increase the length of the night,
diminishing the day until the time of the winter solstice.” (150) “And when it has made
the night the longest night, and the day
the shortest day, then returning back again and adopting
the same distances as before, he again comes to the spring equinox.” See also,
THE SPECIAL LAWS, IV* Yonge's title, A Treatise
on Circumcision.} XLII. (233) “Nature,
therefore, has marked out those PERIODS IN EVERY YEAR, which are called the EQUINOXES, from the STATE OF THINGS WHICH EXIST
AT THAT TIME with such DISTINCTNESS, that EVEN THE MOST ILLITERATE persons are aware of the EQUALITY which THEN EXISTS between
the EXTENT of the DAYS and of the NIGHTS.”
The above shows they did not count the twilights when counting the equal light and darkness/equinox.
If you do count the twilights, you should count the morning/dawn twilight with the light part of the day and the evening/dusk
twilight in with the night part of the 24-hour day, instead of putting both the twilights in with the dark, or even in with
the light. If you do this equal division of the day it will still happen on February 20. I believe the most illiterate person
today still understands there is equal division when the morning twilight belongs with the day and the evening twilight belongs
with the night. It further shows that Philo’s understanding, and the people of his day, was the same as the people
during Daniel and Hesiod’s day, around 600 BC, before the change took place. Remember, Hesiod lived at the time of Daniel, around 600 BC, who prophesied of a future change or alteration of the seasons, Daniel 7:25. The change had not taken place
at this time and it is clear they understood there was equal day and
night and that the year and winter ended 60 days after the winter solstice when the swallows first appear, not
90 days. There was also a man by the name of Ovid who actually lived during the time the change took place. He sings about how the ancient year was altered by Julius Caesar, from a February springtime, when the swallows appear,
to January 1 when it is still winter. He writes,
“Am I wrong, or has the swallow come, herald of
the Spring:”Does she not fear lest winter should turn back, return again? Ovid: Fasti Book II: February 24: The Regifugium (Notice Winter is gone and springtime has begun by February 24.) http://poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/OvidFastiBkTwo.htm#_Toc69367696
Notice Ovid sings that winter is over by February 24 because the swallow has come, herald, or the
announcer, of the Spring. This is in
harmony with both King Solomon and Hesiod. Now
that we see that Ovid understood that winter is past by February 24 when the swallow has come, let’s look what he sang
under January 1 and we will see him telling Caesar that January 1 is still winter and the new year should begin when the swallows
appear, when winter is over, i.e. springtime. He writes under January 1,
Book I: January 1: Kalends See how Janus appears first in my songTo announce a happy year for you, Germanicus. (Germanicus--Another name for Caesar...... ‘Tell me why the new-year begins with cold,
When it would be better started in the spring?Then
all’s in flower, then time renews its
youth/equinox, And the new
buds swell on the fertile vines: The
trees are covered in newly formed leaves, And grass springs from the surface of the soil: Birds delight the warm air with their melodies,
And the herds frisk and gambol in the fields. Then the sun’s
sweet, and brings the swallow, unseen, To build her clay nest under the highest roof beam. Then the land’s
cultivated, renewed by the plough. That time rightly should have been
called New Year.’
Notice the time for the New Year should begin
in the spring AFTER WINTER IS PAST, when the swallows
are come, and we know from what he sung under February 24, the swallows had already come and winter was over before February
24. The conclusion is, the new year and the first month of the
spring season begins in February, not
March. Remember we’re trying to find out how the ancients understood when the three months of the spring season began.
Was it February, when the swallows appear and flowers first appear on earth, or was it a month later in March, a month after
the fact? The swollows still apear in February.
The three stages of the Egyptian flood cycle were Akhet, the time of the Nile flood, Peret, the sowing time, and Shemu, the time of harvest. Without this cycle people would die from starvation. The flood cycle was
so predictable that the Egyptians even based their ancient calendar on it. Akhet was the first season of
the year, between the months of June and September. Peret or the Egyptian
Autumn season marked the time when their crops grew in the fields and were harvested,[1] running from October to mid-February. Shemu was the third
and last season of the Egyptian year which ran from mid-February until the end of May;
it essentially signalled the spring season of the Egyptian calendar.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flooding_of_the_Nile
the above states that the middle of February single’s Spring season. Moses lived in Egypt
and it was in Egypt when the Almighty said this is the first month of the year for you/Springtime, Exodus 12:2.
Holman Bible Dictionary says: “RAIN Moisture from heaven providing nourishment
for plant and animal life. Palestine was a land dependent upon the yearly rains to ensure an abundant harvest and an ample
food supply for the coming year. Thus, the presence or absence of rain became a symbol of God's continued blessing or displeasure
with the land and its inhabitants. Rain fell in two seasons: the
early rains during October and November, and the later
rains in February and March. Rarely
did rain of any significance fall outside these two periods.”
The later rain
refers to the spring rain and begins February March, not March April. This also lets us know that the year begins with the
FORMER RAIN, the later rain comes on later in the “SAME” year because there were two major rainy seasons each
year. Here’s the Strong’s definition for “later rain” and “former rain”, which further
proves the later rain is in the springtime and there are scholarship that says this begins in February.
Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
4456. malqowsh
vwqlm malqowsh mal-koshe' from 3953; the spring
rain (compare 3954); figuratively, eloquence:--latter rain.See Hebrew 3953
See Hebrew 3954 Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
hrwm mowreh mo-reh' from 3384; an archer; also teacher or teaching;
also the early rain (see 3138):--(early) rain.See Hebrew 3384
See Hebrew 3138 Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
Joel 2:23The former rain moderately - המורה לצדקה hammoreh
litsedakah, "the former rain in righteousness," that is, in due time and in just proportion. This rain
fell after autumn, the other in spring. See Ho 6:3.
believe all five of our senses tell us when the seasons change. We can feel the temperature and see the lengthening of the light and darkness, we can see and hear the swallows/birds we can see, feel
and smell the flowers, and we can see and taste the Barley. People’s senses are not as keen as they used
to be but we can still know when spring is in the air.
PS. Remember the light part of the year begins around February 20, when the light begins to exceed the darkness,
and the light stays on until around October 26, after which the night exceed the light for four months. This is the dark and
rainy season in Israel. This is the 4 month 8 month pattern that nature produces and can be easily seen in the daylight saving
time change. It is set on this same 4--8 pattern each
year, i.e. 4 months from November 6 to March 13 and then 8 months back to November 6. They have to do it this way because
that is what the sun is actually doing. Of course if they rightly divided the evening and morning twilights you would back
everything up one month to October and February instead of November and March.
The days are on the same 4 –
8 pattern. i.e. you have one third of the day/8 hours which consisted of night and rest and 16 hours of light and activity. They would
love to divided it on a 6 – 6 pattern but the sun/light would expose them. Someone could ask themselves, if the
equinox divides the year into two 6 month periods, why is the light longer than darkness for eight months each year?
And then, why is it that the darkness is longer than the light for only four months each year?
This creates the
4 – 8 pattern found in nature. The nights are longer than the days for about four months each year and the days are
longer than the nights for about eight months each year. When using the nature made equinox of equal light and darkness,
around February 16, there are 125 days to the June 21 solstice and another 127 days to the nature made equinox on October
26 and then another 113 days back to February 16, a total of 365 days. When I say nature made equinox, I am referring
to allowing the morning twilight to belong to the day and the evening twilight to belong to the night, which producers a true
equal night and day, instead of putting BOTH the twilights
in with the night, as is the case with the March 20 equinox. Philo speaks of a middle season between the two equinoxes. Notice above, using the nature made equinox on February
16, puts the June 21 solstice is in the middle of the two.
EQUINOX “conclusion”
I believe it is the evening and morning twilights that divides the light from the darkness, and NOT THE HORIZON, Genesis 1:
4 – 5. Twice each year, in February and October, the twilights EQUALLY divide the light from the darkness, leaving the
exact same amount of pure light and pure darkness on those days.
This belief is confirmed by Philo, who lived
during the time of our Savior, which means they could not have believed a March 20 equinox. See Philo below. The
traditional equinox proponents believe it is the horizon that divides the light from the darkness because they believe the
evening twilight is a part of or the beginning of darkness but if that were so, there is no true division of light and darkness
because they still touch each other. In other words the twilight touches the pure light and therefore there is no division
of light and darkness if twilight is considered to be part of the darkness. i.e. the light is NOT divided from the beginning
of darkness, when using this line of thinking.
I believe the Scripture teaches that the twilight is a divider
between light and darkness and not to be counted as either light or darkness, especially not to count “both” twilight
with one or the other. The sunset at the horizon DOES NOT begin dark, because it is not dark and neither are all the stars
out. The sunset at the horizon BEGINS TWILIGHT, NOT DARK, and the twilight in the evening leads to full darkness, same as
the twilight in the morning leads to full light.
The twilight in the morning, gently brings you out of darkness,
into full light and the twilight in the evening gently brings you out of light into full darkness. Neither of the twilights
are counted as either light or darkness, but are dividers between the two. This is the way Philo and the people during the
time of our Savior understood it. The bottom line is that it is THE TWILIGHTS that divides the light from the darkness,
NOT THE HORIZON. The evening twilight divides the light from the darkness, it is not the darkness, but a divider between the
two, and the morning twilight divides the darkness from the light, it is not the light but a divider between the two, and
twice each year the twilights equally divided the light and darkness in February and October.
I do not believe
anyone on earth can read the following writings of Philo and honestly conclude that he does not believe that it is the “twilights”
that divides light from darkness and day from night, and if this is so, it should end the debate because he kept the same
feasts as the priests in the temple and our Savior. We read in,
THE SPECIAL LAWS, IV* Yonge's title, A Treatise on Circumcision.}
XLII. (233)
“Nature, therefore, has marked out those PERIODS IN EVERY YEAR, which are called
are aware of the EQUALITY which THEN EXISTS between the EXTENT of the DAYS and of the NIGHTS.”
NOTICE there
is absolutely no doubt how the Israelites understood what an equinox was. He says it is the EQUALITY or sameness
which EXISTS at that time between the EXTENT or length of the days and of the nights, namely when the equinox occurs.
It is evident that back then the equinox was UNDERSTOOD as the equal length of day and night not when the Sun crosses the
equator at the traditional equinox when there is 12 hours from sunrise to sunset.
Philo also writes. WHO
“These things being thus previously sketched out,
see now how God, dividing things in the middle, has divided them into equal portions according
to all the ideas of equality which occur in the creation of the universe…. So, in the same
manner, he had divided light from darkness, and day from night,… (149) From the spring
equinox to the summer solstice, day receives an addition to its length, and night,
on the other hand, submits to a diminution; until the longest day and the shortest night are both completed.
And then after the summer solstice the sun, turning back again the same road, neither more
quickly nor more slowly than he advanced, but always preserving the same difference in the same manner, having a constantly
equal arrangement, proceeds on till the autumnal equinox; and then, having made day and night both equal, begins
to increase the length of the night, diminishing the day until the time of the winter
solstice. (150) “And when it has made the night the longest night, and the
day the shortest day, then returning back again and adopting the same distances as before,
he again comes to the spring equinox. Notice it is the LENGTH of the light and darkness that
determines the equinox. Philo never mentions anything about the equator in every place describing the equinox. He did mention
the equator in one place when speaking of temperature and zones but not in connection with the equinox.
also reveals how they understood the light and darkness was divided in creation, he writes, ON THE CREATION IX. (32
- 35) “Moses is right also when he says, that "darkness was over the face of the abyss." ….
then its adversary darkness yielded, as God put a wall between them and separated them,….and did
not only separate light and darkness, but did also place boundaries in the middle of the space between
the two, by which he separated the extremities of each. For if they had approximated they must have produced confusion,
preparing for the contest, for the supremacy, with great and unextinguishable rivalry, if boundaries established between them
had not separated them and prevented them from clashing together, (34) and these boundaries are “evening”
and “morning”; the one of which heralds in the good tidings that the “sun”
is ABOUT TO RISE, gently dissipating the darkness: and “evening” comes on as
the sun sets, receiving gently the collective approach of darkness. And these,
I mean morning and evening, (35) But when light came, and darkness retreated and yielded to it, “and”
boundaries were set in the space between the two, namely, evening and morning, then of necessity the measure
of time was immediately perfected, which also the Creator called "day…..”
Notice Philo believes
that evening and morning is what divided the light and darkness. He did not recognize the evening/dusk and morning/dawn twilights
as either light or darkness but a buffer between the two! He also understood morning to be BEFORE sunrise at the Horizon,
at which time you have pure unshaded light. The Hebrew definition for “morning” is “dawn” and is a
specific place in time other than sunrise which is also a specific place in time. Do you see how Philo understood there were
four parts of the day, namely evening, morning, light, and darkness with evening and morning dividing between the light and
darkness? This happens twice each year on February 19 and October 26th when you allow one hour of twilight before sunrise
and after sunset at the Horizon. This gives you 11 hours of pure light from sunrise to sunset at the horizon and 11 hours of pure darkness which is divided by
two hours of twilight, one on each side.
The above
indicates the boundaries were set in the space between the TWO, referring to light and darkness and the boundaries were evening
and morning which is literally “dawn” and “dusk” according to the Hebrew definition of evening and
morning which begins about 60 minutes or so before sunrise at the Horizon and continue 60 minutes after sunset at the horizon.
This was Philo’s understanding which is not contrary to Scripture or the Hebrew definition of “divided”
in Genesis 1 which is made up of 2 Hebrew words which he understood to mean divided in the middle, showing the equality of
the Almighty.
it is the twilights that divides the light and darkness, NOT the horizon. If we were to somehow argue the twilights are not what divides the day and night, and should be
counted, the following would apply. The question would be, should “both” the evening and morning
twilights be placed in the same 12 hours period of the 24-hour day, as is the case with the traditional March 20 equinox,
or should the morning twilight be reckoned with the 12 hour day and the evening twilight with the 12 hour night?
The Scripture would refer to day and night being equally divided into “two 12 hour divisions”, when counting
the twilights. These two 12 hour divisions would be evening and morning, consisting of 12
hours each! There would be 12 hours in the evening half of the day and 12 hours in the morning half of the day! In other words
there are 12 hours from the beginning of dusk/evening to the beginning of dawn/morning and 12 hours from the beginning of
dawn/morning, back to the beginning of dusk/evening.
The Hebrew definition for morning
is “dawn” and one definition for evening is “dusk”, and when the Scripture says the
evening and the morning were the first day, it is referring to a 24-hour space of time that has been divided equally into
evening and morning, with 12 hours in each half, if you allow evening as dusk and morning as dawn. The traditional March 20
equinox has both the evening and morning twilights in the same 12 hour period, which leaves the other half
of the day without an evening or morning!
One half of the day should have a morning and the other half an evening. Someone would be just as justified and have just as much right to add both the twilights to the day
as someone has to add them to the night, but the Scripture teaches “two” 12 hour divisions consisting of evening
AND morning, when the twilight are counted. The Scripture does not teach that BOTH the evening AND morning twilights belong
on one side or the other.
Let’s look at it like this, let’s say that in the beginning
the Almighty created the heavens and a city and the city was without form and void and darkness was upon
the face of the city and the Mighty One of equality, equally divided between the light part of the city and
the dark part of the city by placing a six-foot wide WALL BETWEEN, or DEAD IN THE MIDDLE of the city. Would the wall belong
to the light side of the city or the dark side of the city, or would it be equally divided between the two???
According to Philo, the wall would not belong to either side, but would be a divider between the light side and dark side
of the city. Neither side could claim the whole width of the wall as is the case with the traditional March 20 equinox, which
puts the whole wall on the dark side of the city and therefore the wall cannot be IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY. At best, 3 foot
of the wall should belong to one side and 3 foot to the other, making a equal division of the city.