Everyone believes the Scripture teaches that all days are ordinary workdays
unless the Heavenly Father says otherwise. I think everyone agrees to that statement UNTIL it comes against their tradition.
The above is a true statement but problem comes with tradition and private interpretations
and the following is a TEST to see if you separate from what the Scripture clearly teaches, in order to follow tradition and
private interpretations. First of all let’s ask ourselves a few questions and get a few things straight.
What is the scriptural DEFINITION of a seventh day rest?
Is it the seventh
day after counting to seven? No it is not because you can start counting to seven from any where. Example, a leper was unclean
until the SEVENTH day, and on the SEVENTH day he was to wash his clothes etc. Was this the seventh day to remember? Absolutely
Is it the seventh day of the moon? No it is not and I will explain why later.
What then scripturally constitutes a SEVENTH DAY rest? We should have CASE LAW for our answer.
We all know that the seventh day of the week is a seventh day of rest but what constitutes a scriptural week?
Would it be safe to say that a scriptural week is a cycle of SIX WORKDAYS with a rest day at the end? I say
All these questions must be scripturally answered.
scriptural week is a cycle of six workdays that ends in a rest day on the seventh day of the week and we have case law in
the first chapter of Genesis, where He rested the seventh day of the week AFTER working on his creation six workdays.
We know the Scripture teaches that a seventh day rest comes after six days of labor because It teaches to
work six days and then rest.
Therefore we learn from Scripture that the scriptural DEFINITION
of a seventh day rest comes after six ordinary workdays, this is an absolute that cannot be intelligently denied.
I think everyone can agree up to this point but let’s continue and see if tradition of men will make
you deny this scriptural DEFINITION in order to hold your tradition.
Those who want to
keep a counting one through seven over and over again without any respect to the weekly cycle of six ordinary workdays are
breaking the scriptural DEFINITION of a seventh day rest that we just covered, and the reason is this. The traditional Sabbath
can fall a day or two after the Day of Atonement and therefore you cannot have a SCRIPTURAL SEVENTH day rest after working
ONLY one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, BUT you can have a SCRIPTURAL SEVENTH day rest after working SIX
days, this also is an absolute. The only scriptural definition of a seventh day rest comes after a cycle of six ordinary working
days and there's not ONE place in the Scripture where a seventh day rest ever came after two or three days of work.
A true week or cycle is when the Sabbath day/intermission ALWAYS comes AFTER six ordinary days of work/labor
and we cannot change the scriptural definition of a seventh day just because it does not square with our tradition.
The Day of ATONEMENT is a day of REST and breaks up the cycle of six workdays, this is a true irrefutable
statement. The Sabbath ALSO breaks up the cycle of workdays, and this also is an absolute and if you have a traditional weekly
Sabbath fall two or three days after Day of Atonement it cannot, By Definition or By Case Law Found in Scripture, be a scriptural
seventh day rest.
How can you have a SEVENTH day rest after only THREE days work? How can
a FOURTH day be a scriptural SEVENTH day rest??? You might say that it's not the four day. We'll it's the fourth day since
the commanded rest on the 10th.
The Sabbaths/intermissions are kept by COMMAND “not”
by COUNT although you may count and number, it is still by command. The carnal number seven is not the spirit of the Sabbath/intermission,
it directs us toward it. He uses the MOON to teach or show which days are NOT workdays, and which days or WORSHIP days and
that is the only way anyone can know for sure when the appointments are and you do not have to go outside the Scripture to
ask anyone when to begin the count for the seventh day.
The seventh day is a Sabbath and
the day of Atonement is a Sabbath and both are by command and not by count and the moon is used to find both. With the traditional
Sabbath you have to count the Day of Atonement rest day as a work day AND a rest day, all at the same time, but it cannot
be both, it has to be one or the other. A rest day and a workday cannot occupy the same space at the same time during a 24-hour
period and cannot be counted as such.
How can the Day of Atonement be a rest day and counted
as if it was an ordinary workday at the same time? It is like Ezekiel 46:1where YHWH says that the gates of His house is to
be shut the six working days but open on the Sabbath and the Day of the new moon. The gate cannot be open and shut at the
same, therefore the new moons and Sabbaths cannot fall on one of the six workdays and occupy the same space at the same time
during a 24-hour period. The traditional Sabbath keepers have a problem with Ezekiel 46:1, it is a great embarrassment to
their doctrine/tradition because there is no way these priests could have the gate open and close it the same time or the
same 24-hour period.
There are three different category of days found in the above defined
as New Moons, Sabbaths, and Workdays, and they cannot occupy the same space at the same time, neither can a feast day Sabbath
such as Atonement, fall on a workday or else it would not be a workday. The same is true with the new moons and Sabbaths,
they cannot fall on a workday.
If a weekly Sabbath fell on a workday, it would stop being
a workday or either it would stop being a weekly Sabbath and the same is true with the new moon. Neither can a workday fall
on a Sabbath or it would cease from being a Sabbath or it would stop being a workday and become a Sabbath.
Hope you see the confusion by now, and that is why Workdays, New Moons, and Sabbaths, do not collide with
each other and they cannot occupy the same space at the same time BUT this problem goes away with the scriptural lunar Sabbaths.
If you count THROUGH the Day of Atonement and then rest three days after it, that is a THIRD day rest, NOT
a SEVENTH day rest and therefore you would have to go back and change the scriptural definition of seventh day rest that we
discussed at the beginning of this study. In order to justify the traditional Sabbath, some will deny the Scripture definition
of seventh day, AFTER they see where it interferes with their tradition. How sad.
The Sabbath
WORSHIP day breaks up the CYCLE of workdays and is called the Sabbath/intermission, a day of complete rest. The Day of Atonement
WORSHIP day also breaks up the CYCLE of SIX workdays and it is also called a Sabbath and is a day of complete rest. The new
moon also breaks up the SIX ordinary workdays by it being a WORSHIP day even though it is not a day of complete rest as the
other two. People don’t like to admit this because It goes against their tradition but it is the Fathers doing and not
The Scripture cycle consists of six workdays then rest on the seventh day and is
only interrupted by the Creator of days Himself and only the Father can changed that which he has set in motion with an exception
such as the Day of Atonement. The new moon is also is a WORSHIP day, same as the Sabbath and day of Atonement and is NOT one
of the six ordinary workdays and the only difference is it is not a complete rest and is not called a Sabbath as the Day of
Atonement and the seventh day Sabbath is.
You cannot scripturally count a WORSHIP day
as an ordinary work day and this is why I say it is IMPOSSIBLE for the traditional seven-day count to work because of the
Day of Atonement which is subconsciously counted as a workday and a worship day at the same time during the same 24-hour period.
This is done by those who keep the Sabbath by a carnal count instead of by command.
are commanded to keep the seventh day after six workdays, we are NEVER commanded to keep a continual uninterrupted1 through
7 count and only by the moon can we find which days are workdays.
All solar only days look
alike and that is why He appointed the moon for appointments, Psalms 104:19, she will distinguish which ones are appointments.
Also that is why no one can conclusively find a weekly Sabbath on any other day other than one of the four major phases of
the moon, and that is why we can safely offer a $10,000 reward to anyone who can pinpoint a conclusive weekly Sabbath on any
other day other than the eighth, 15th, 22nd, or 29th of the moon.
The carnal number seven
is not the heart of the fourth Commandant. It is the Day, not the number, that is important. The number helps you get to the
day that you need to be at but the number seven itself is not the Sabbath, it is the Day itself that is the Sabbath and not
the number. There isn’t anything lucky about the number seven no more than the rabbits foot. Sure the seventh day is
the Sabbath, but the seventh day from where? Just any old seventh day is not the Sabbath and that’s why I am writing
this study.
When it says the seventh day Is the Sabbath/intermission the emphasis is not
on the carnal number seven but the Shabbat/intermission itself, the number seven is just a vehicle to get you there.
Through superstition and tradition people has put the EMPHASIS on the carnal number seven instead of the true
Sabbath which is by command and not by count. How many times have you heard people say “just keep one in seven”
and “as long as you keep A seventh day of rest or one in seven, it does not matter which day it is on”? They are
putting the emphasis on the number seven itself instead of the commanded day of rest which comes after six workdays. The new
moon day is a WORSHIP day that breaks up the six work day cycle and people who insist on counting it as an ordinary work day
in order to keep their uninterrupted count of one through seven are putting more emphasis on the count and the number seven
than the are the day itself. It is the day that is important and not the cardinal number seven.
the Jews recognize that this is what happened to get them off of the lunar Sabbath and on to the day they are now keeping,
as the following will show.
In the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia volume 10 page 482
edited by Isaac Landman under the article “week”, written by Simon Cohen, Director of Research, it says,
“With the development of the importance of the Sabbath as a day of consecration and EMPHASIS laid upon
the significant NUMBER SEVEN, the week became more and more divorced from its lunar connection, so that by the time of the
second Temple it was Merely a PERIOD of SEVEN days and no longer depended on the NEW MOON.”
goes on to say that “From Judaism the week passed over to Christianity, and through the influence of the later was generally
adopted throughout the Roman empire;”
This Jewish scholar who was Director of Research,
found out that the emphasis began to be placed on the carnal number seven INSTEAD of the true Sabbath that was by command
instead of count, causing them to forget the original Sabbath. It became divorced from the moon and its phases and when Julius
Caesar executed another calendar that did not use the moon, it made It easy for them to eventually switch over without a fight,
especially after the destruction of the Temple. After all it would seem easier on people who did not go against the government
calendar concerning commercial enterprises and employment, much the same as today.
I am
told that the Talmud teaches that if the Sabbath is lost it Is better to keep one in seven than the day itself. I will try
to verify this and document it also.
I believe the emphasis that was put on the number
seven more than the Sabbath itself, is the fulfillment of Lamentations 2:6 where he said he would cause His Sabbaths to be
forgotten in Zion.
The carnal number seven was not forgotten but it was the Sabbath itself
that was forgotten in Zion because they put the emphasis on the number seven and kept the Sabbath by a count instead of by
command and that is what led to the day being forgotten in Zion. The LXX. teaches Israel would adopt false Sabbaths. Amos
At any rate they went away from the true Sabbath as Daniel prophesied they would do,
to the Sabbath they are keeping now.
Their is another Rabbi by the name of Max Joseph
who also wrote in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia and stakes that the weekly Sabbath was originally by the phases of the
moon, and in another article under Sabbath he says that the weekly Sabbath is obscure, in essence they don‘t know where
the Sabbath that they are keeping today came from. According to the above Jewish Director of Research, he claims it was
a gradual more and more type of divorce from the moon to a MERE seven-day count and no longer depended on the NEW MOON.